
The architectural icons of Scandinavia have taken over several floors of the Nordea headquarters building in Gdynia. Across the 5 floors and 5,500 sqm of the Scandinavia Office, we recall the spirit of Nordea’s origin.Bike paths, the vivid Superkilen city square of Copenhagen, the famous opera house in Oslo, and the Temppeliaukio church of Helsinki – all of them served as inspiration for the Scandinavia Office. we wanted to create a unique, vibrant place full of life, akin to a multi-functional city square. An office space where the user remains relaxed and comfortable.




The goal set by the Management of Nordea, which guided us from the very beginning of the design process for the company’s premises in Gdynia, was to create an office that could attract and retain the best employees, and become the company’s brand image. Fortunately, we did not have to seek far for inspiration. To continue the trend of local design, as well as the urban and coastal references used in the Seaport Office project, we decided to recreate the atmosphere of Nordea’s places of origin. Scandinavian cities were an obvious point of reference for us.


The “Copenhagen” floor welcomes employees with its colorful common space located right at the entrance, inspired by Superkilen Park. The Park is a public realization of the Bjarke Ingels Group which is the meeting spot of many cultures. In this zone there are informal meeting areas and conference rooms of various sizes, which greatly facilitate both spontaneous and planned cooperation, just as in the actual square. The bicycle path, which defines the thorough fares, introduces us to different themes of Copenhagen and leads to a large networking space connected with the kitchen. In here can be found the daily zones, used for all kinds of stand-up meetings. Further on is the common zone, where apart from a kitchen there is a conference and networking room. The latter room, thanks to the flexible furniture solutions, facilitates any kind of meeting, formal or spontaneous, to exchange ideas over a cup of coffee, or when coloring a mural inspired by Christiania – the cradle of Denmark’s alternative culture.




In the “Stockholm” section we find classic Swedish houses, painted the traditional Falun Red. These are focus rooms, for meetings involving 2 to 4 people, as well as video conferencing. The social kitchen, an ideal place to meet and organize a meal or simply to relax is a comfortable place where anyone can truly feel at home.


The characteristic elements of the floor inspired by “Helsinki” are the essential intricate details and consistent space branding, clearly dividing the space into individual zones according to their function. The most important area is the spacious, multifunctional meeting room, inspired by the monumental and modern design of the Temppeliaukio church. It is a flexible zone for organizing a town-hall meeting, a workshop with clients, or an integration meeting for employees. It also serves as an internal co-work space, where people from other cities can pursue their tasks in comfort. The other meeting rooms and work zones are full of greenery, reminiscent of Finnish pine forests, with the potential for encounters with Moomins or even…the Groke!




A strong architectural accent is already visible at the entrance to the floor inspired by “Oslo”. It consists of a common zone with a transparent conference room, the design of which was inspired by the award-winning Opera building project by Snøhetta studio. The calm atmosphere of Scandinavian design dominates the entire floor. White and other bright colors illuminate and visually enlarge the space, creating a feeling of lightness and freshness, while the deep-blue floor creates a perfect contrast. Skillfully selected environment details, such as cut mirrors, geometrically arranged cork, carefully selected greenery and lightweight furniture together form a coherent design. Thanks to this, we achieved an interior to soothe the senses, while at the same time providing space for organizing various activities, ranging from creative to individual work, requiring concentration.



我们和程序员一起开发了灵活工作场所的概念,其中的主要设计区域是家庭区域和工作区域,为不同类型的活动量身定制:团队日常站立会议、需要集中注意力的工作、视频会议、集体研讨以及临时会议。由于为Seaport Office项目创建的解决方案的多功能性,我们也能够轻松地将它们应用到这个项目中,同时将设计扩展到包括前面描述的公共区域,这对于员工建立关系和产生新想法是必要的。正因为如此,每个员工都能找到属于自己的地方。

Together with programmers, we developed the Agile workplace concept, the primary elements of which are home zones – work zones, tailored to different types of activity: daily team stand-up meetings, work which requires focus, video conferencing, brainstorming, as well as ad-hoc meetings. Thanks to the versatility of the solutions created for the Seaport Office project, we were also able to implement them into this project easily, while expanding the design to include the previously described common zones, which are necessary for employees in building relationships and generating new ideas. Thanks to this, every employee can find a place for themselves.











项目名称:Nordea IT Scandinavia Office
设计公司:Workplace Solutions Sp z.o.o.
设计团队:Bogusz Parzyszek, Dominika Zielińska, Paweł Kołodziej, Marzena Bednarczyk, Ewa Jędras, Agnieszka Ulatowska, Daniel Dziczek, Urszula Dziedzic, Małgorzata Romanowicz, Damian Bieniek, Anna Rzeźnik, Kasper Skirgajłło-Krajewski
摄影:Adam Grzesik

