美国HVS设计工作室和总部位于伦敦的Alexander Waterworth Interiors合作设计了这座靠近耶鲁大学的酒店,这里的科技繁荣引发了一系列的酒店项目。Blake酒店于2019年1月开业,位于康涅狄格州纽黑文闹市区一条熙熙攘攘的街道上,距离常青藤联盟大学只有几步之遥。

American studio HVS Design and London-based Alexander Waterworth Interiors have collaborated on this hotel close to Yale University, where a tech boom is resulting in a wave of hospitality projects.The Blake Hotel opened in January 2019, steps away from the Ivy League university, in a buzzing downtown corridor of New Haven, Connecticut.

酒店空间,精品酒店,美国, Blake Hotel,国外酒店设计

酒店空间,精品酒店,美国, Blake Hotel,国外酒店设计

Blake酒店以耶鲁大学第一位女毕业生Alice Blake的名字命名,旨在成为一家注重设计、以烹饪为重点的常住酒店。

Named after Yale’s first female graduate, Alice Blake, The Blake Hotel is intended as a design-conscious, extended-stay hotel with a culinary focus.


The lobby interprets the “subtle sophistication” of traditional New England aesthetic, while balancing cues to nature and industry in its design. Refined woodwork and leather upholstery accompany concrete flooring and blackened steel accents.”Natural materials and deep textures contrast strong industrial elements, creating a carefully structured struggle for balance,” said HVS Design. “This kinetic aspect energises the design without losing the overall sense of comfort and warmth.”

酒店空间,精品酒店,美国, Blake Hotel,国外酒店设计

酒店空间,精品酒店,美国, Blake Hotel,国外酒店设计


A two-sided fireplace in the centre of the room asserts the lobby as a gathering place, encouraging guests and locals to linger at their leisure.Rolling library shelves are stacked with books and collectibles, with artwork and photography that nods to New Haven’s history. Instead of individual guest room minibars, a 24-hour mini-market occupies the space with local snacks, pre-made meals, and gifts.


In each of the 108 rooms, stark white walls are contrasted by rust-coloured velvet seating and plush headboards with wide channel stitching.The interplay of raw and industrial materials is echoed by dark walnut and mahogany furnishings with metal accents. Long-term stays are encouraged by fully-stocked kitchenettes in both the suites and the guest rooms.

酒店空间,精品酒店,美国, Blake Hotel,国外酒店设计

酒店空间,精品酒店,美国, Blake Hotel,国外酒店设计

Blake餐厅还打算通过大堂附近的Hamilton公园餐厅,将自己打造成一个美食胜地。Hamilton公园餐厅由新西兰厨师Matt Lambert经营。 Lambert是纽黑文第一位米其林星级厨师,他在纽约市的The Musket Room餐厅也是由Alexander Waterworth Interiors设计的。木材,皮革和黑化钢的元素统一了以定制四边形酒吧和露天厨房为中心的空间,菜单突出了传统的新英格兰美食。

The Blake is also aiming to establish itself as a culinary destination with its lobby-adjacent restaurant Hamilton Park, run by New Zealander chef Matt Lambert. Lambert is New Haven’s first Michelin-star chef, and his New York City restaurant The Musket Room was also designed by Alexander Waterworth Interiors.Elements of timber, leather, and blackened steel unify a space centred around the custom quadrilateral bar and the open-air kitchen. The menu highlights traditional New England fare.

酒店空间,精品酒店,美国, Blake Hotel,国外酒店设计

项目名称:Blake Hotel
设计公司:HVS & Alexander Waterworth Interiors
摄影:Read McKendree

