位于基辅的软件公司Grammarly办公室内有工作、休息和娱乐的空间,其中包括他们自己的会议厅、午睡舱和隔音音乐室。该办公室占据了基辅一幢14层高的建筑的前两层楼。由当地建筑师Balbek Bureau设计,以容纳Grammarly日益壮大的员工队伍。

There’s room for work, rest and play inside software company Grammarly’s office in Kiev, which includes its own conference hall, nap pods, and a soundproof music room.The office occupies the top two floors of a 14-storey building in Kiev and has been designed by locally-based architects Balbek Bureau to accommodate the growing workforce of Grammarly.

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰


Founded in 2008, Grammarly is computer software that helps users check their online written content for spelling, grammar and plagiarism in real time. This is its third office, joining bases in San Francisco and New York.

该公司希望其乌克兰办公室拥有一系列适合各种工作和办公活动的多功能空间。 因此,Balbek Bureau在这个1300平方米的较低楼层中布置了大型玻璃幕墙会议室,开放式办公桌以及配有演讲台的中央会议厅。

The company wanted its Ukrainian outpost to boast a number of versatile spaces that would suit various styles of work and office activities. Balbek Bureau has thus arranged the 1,300 square-metre lower level to include large, glass-fronted boardrooms, open desks, and a central conference hall complete with a speaker podium.

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰


Several of the office’s nooks have also been dressed with armchairs or beanbag-style seats where staff can lounge or have informal meetings. Should employees want privacy or quiet time for work, they can head to smaller box rooms that have been created to host just one or two people.


Recreational areas at this level include a canteen, library, and a soundproof room that can be used to watch videos or play musical instruments.

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰


Made from 25 tonnes of metal, the walkway has no ground support but is instead suspended from the ceiling by slim poles.”It unites various functional zones of the office into a single life cycle or rhythm,” explained the studio.”It has also become a powerful symbol of the inseparable connection between Grammarly offices in Kyiv, New York, and San Francisco.”


Upstairs also has a cosy seating zone centred by a firepit, and a handful of boxy volumes that serve as nap rooms.A weight sensor has been fitted underneath each of the mattresses so that as soon as an employee lies down, a sleep symbol of three Zs is illuminated and lets others know that the space is occupied.

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰


Surfaces throughout have been painted warm shades like blush pink, teal blue, or butter yellow to foster a more inviting atmosphere. Some partition walls are also clad in planks of natural oak wood and fronted with greenery-filled planters.


White staircases lead up to the 450 square-metre mezzanine level, which plays host to more relaxed work areas connected via a 90 metre-long winding walkway.

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

∇ 一层平面图 1F plan
办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

∇ 二层平面图 2F plan
办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

∇ 轴测图 axonometry

办公空间,办公设计,国外办公空间设计,Grammarly,Balbek Bureau,乌克兰

项目名称:Grammarly office
设计公司:Balbek Bureau
摄影:Andrey Bezuglov & Yevhenii Avramenko

