在2019年米兰设计周之际,IB工作室的建筑师Beatrice Bonzanigo将展示适应性强的Casa Ojala,这是一个27平方米的可移动住宅,拥有多个室内解决方案,在不改变原有结构和形状的情况下可以同步工作。Casa Ojala由一个由绳索、滑轮和曲柄组成的手动机械系统发展而来,让客人回想起在风推动的帆船上的一次旅行。通过当地的木材和纺织品来展示其环境的传统,突出其独特的审美适应性,同时保持一个正式的可识别的,全球市场的对象。

On the occasion of the Milan Design Week 2019, architect Beatrice Bonzanigo of IB Studio will present the adaptable Casa Ojalá, a transportable 27 square-meters home with multiple interior solutions working in synchrony without ever changing the original structure and shape. Casa Ojalá develops from a manual mechanical system composed of ropes, pulleys and cranks, bringing the guest back to the memory of a journey on a sailboat pushed by the wind. The traditions of its context are displayed through local wood and textiles to highlight its distinctive and aesthetic adaptability while remaining a formally recognizable, globally marketable object.


Casa Ojalá has two bedrooms, one with a double bed and one with a single bed, a bathroom, a terrace, a kitchenette and a living room, which can be continuously transformed into one another or become a large outdoor platform, a house with no roof or even no floor. The flexibility of the space is made possible thanks to the innovative solution of sliding walls, in Wood-Skin and fabric, which are rolled up on posts placed at the edge of the circumference and in the center of the structure.

2019米兰设计周,Casa Ojala,小宅概念,可移动住宅

2019米兰设计周,Casa Ojala,小宅概念,可移动住宅

大约有20个选项可以增加Casa Ojala的灵活性,使之成为完全可定制的产品。一旦组装完成,房子就以手动机械系统为基础,不需要任何外部帮助,既不需要人力也不需要技术。Casa Ojala包括一个雨水收集系统,可以配备光伏板和一个小型化粪池。

There are approximately twenty options available to increase the flexibility of Casa Ojalá, making it a fully customizable product. Once assembled, the house is based on its manual mechanical system and does not need any external assistance, neither human nor technological. Casa Ojalá includes a rainwater collection system, can be equipped with photovoltaic panels and features a small septic tank.


“Ojalá” (o-ha-lá, from ancient Spanish oxalá, Arabic wašāʾa llāh) is a word that summarizes the concept of infinite possibilities, hopes related to emptiness and absence, intuition, a key of a door not yet open, a new field of existence, a telescope that brings together and moves horizons, a space of different possibilities and, therefore, a wish that comes true. The patent, entitled ‘Residential Building With High Flexibility,’ will be presented as a 1:10 scale model at Milan Design Week from April 9th to 14th.

2019米兰设计周,Casa Ojala,小宅概念,可移动住宅

2019米兰设计周,Casa Ojala,小宅概念,可移动住宅

2019米兰设计周,Casa Ojala,小宅概念,可移动住宅

2019米兰设计周,Casa Ojala,小宅概念,可移动住宅

2019米兰设计周,Casa Ojala,小宅概念,可移动住宅

2019米兰设计周,Casa Ojala,小宅概念,可移动住宅

设计公司:IB Studio
摄影:Filippo Maffei + Guido Pallini + Nicolò Giraldin

