Hedi Slimane为时尚品牌Celine的商店开发了一系列新的视觉形象,重新设计了其纽约,巴黎,东京和洛杉矶的门店,包括使用钢铁,大理石和镜面内饰。

Hedi Slimane has developed a new visual identity for the stores of fashion label Celine, redesigning its New York, Paris, Tokyo and LA locations with steel, marble, and mirrored interiors.


In the Celine branch on New York’s Madison Avenue, which was the first store to undergo an overhaul, grey basalt has been applied to the floors. Chunky structural columns that seem to burst through the ceiling have then been clad with panels of veiny black marble, reclaimed oakwood, and gold-hued brass.

商业空间,时尚品牌概念店,Celine,Hedi Slimane,门店改造位于纽约麦迪逊大道的Celine是第一家被重新设计的门店The Celine store on Madison Avenue, New York was the first to be redesigned

商业空间,时尚品牌概念店,Celine,Hedi Slimane,门店改造James Balmforth的雕塑 A sculpture by James Balmforth features in the Madison Avenue store


Polished stainless steel has been used to craft horizontal shelves that line the peripheral walls and low-lying plinths, which have been fitted with LEDs so as to appear to hover above the ground.


Pieces can also be displayed inside glass boxes or hung from one of the rectangular black frames that are suspended above.

在空间的中心坐落着英国艺术家James Balmforth的雕塑,以堆叠的不锈钢块为特色,而嶙峋的岩石支撑着镜面玻璃。

At the centre of the space sits a sculpture by British artist James Balmforth, featuring stacked blocks of stainless steel, while craggy rocks prop up mirrored panes.

商业空间,时尚品牌概念店,Celine,Hedi Slimane,门店改造Celine在巴黎的一家分店里摆放了书架和扶手椅 A Paris branch of Celine has been dressed with bookshelves and armchairs

商业空间,时尚品牌概念店,Celine,Hedi Slimane,门店改造东京Celine商场里,一段旋转的楼梯蜿蜒而下 A sweeping staircase winds down through the Celine store in Tokyo

商业空间,时尚品牌概念店,Celine,Hedi Slimane,门店改造表参道分店也有蛇形悬挂雕塑 The Omotesandō branch also has a snake-like hanging sculpture

商业空间,时尚品牌概念店,Celine,Hedi Slimane,门店改造

商业空间,时尚品牌概念店,Celine,Hedi Slimane,门店改造

商业空间,时尚品牌概念店,Celine,Hedi Slimane,门店改造

商业空间,时尚品牌概念店,Celine,Hedi Slimane,门店改造

项目名称:global Celine stores
设计师:Hedi Slimane

