这间由Batay-Csorba Architecture工作室设计的小咖啡馆,墙壁上拼贴的木板形成的几何图案,成为空间中的亮点。

Interlocking wooden panels form a geometric pattern across the walls of this small, grab-and-go Toronto coffee shop, designed by Ontario studio Batay-Csorba Architecture.

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture

这家小咖啡馆位于多伦多历史悠久的Dundas街,它的目标顾客都是那些在上班路上和在午休赶时间的人们。正因为如此,设计团队在空间中没有放置家具。相反,Batay-Csorba Architecture 将设计重点放在空间的其他地方。

Located on historic arterial road Dundas Street in Toronto, the tiny coffee bar is aimed at customers in a hurry – either on their way to work or during a lunch break.Because of this, it intentionally features no furniture.Instead, Batay-Csorba Architecture focused the design on bringing life though other aspects of the small space.

几何切割的木板以图案的形式排列在墙壁上。 温暖的木材以及其他的设计特点,创造了一个令人心情愉快的温暖空间。

Geometric cuts of white-washed and plain wood panels are arranged in patterns across the walls. The warm wood, along with other design features, were influenced by the owner’s desire to create a space that exudes warmth and puts people in a good mood.

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture


With the aim of energising guests, the architecture studio selected lighting that mimics the sun’s cycles.A sleek white countertop, cabinetry, and coffee machines add additional bright accents to the coffee bar, with the aim to distinguish it from other cafes.On Sundays, the cafe is transformed into a reservation-only tasting room where patrons can try rare coffee beans.

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture

餐饮空间,餐饮设计,加拿大,咖啡吧,国外餐饮空间设计,Batay-Csorba Architecture

设计公司:Batay-Csorba Architecture
摄影: Doublespace

