Jaime Hayon为Fritz Hansen设计了其在西安开设的展厅,这家1000平方米的门店是该丹麦家具品牌有史以来最大的门店,也是该品牌在中国的首家门店。该品牌的亚洲首席执行官达里奥•赖歇尔(Dario Reicherl)表示,这家店是其进军中国市场雄心的一个声明。

Fritz Hansen has opened a showroom designed by Jaime Hayon in Xi’an as part of its ambition to become “the biggest Danish brand in China”.The 1,000-square-metre store is the Danish furniture brand’s biggest ever and its first in China. Dario Reicherl, the brand’s Asia CEO, said the store was a statement of its ambitions for the Chinese market.

Fritz Hansen西安艺术中心具有“圣殿般的”内部装饰,由这位西班牙设计师设计的高高的天花板,暖色调的墙壁和拱形走道,他之前为该品牌设计过一系列产品,包括一系列办公家具和一把带靠背扶手椅。

Fritz Hansen Gallery Xi’an features “temple-like” interiors with high ceilings, warm-hued walls and vaulted walkways created by the Spanish designer, who has previously designed products including a range of office furniture and a wingback armchair for the brand.

商业空间,家具零售店,丹麦Fritz Hansen,西安,Jaime Hayon


Customers enter the store through a tall set of doors with “lung-shaped” windows that look through to a white-painted central lobby. The grey terrazzo floor here is inlaid with a snaking line of brass that, when viewed from above, appears as an abstract face.

这个区域由一个旋转的楼梯和光滑的绿色接待台固定,通向14个较小的房间,在更私密的环境中展示了Fritz Hansen的藏品。

This area, which is anchored by a sweeping staircase and glossy green reception desk, leads to 14 smaller rooms that display the Fritz Hansen collection in more intimate settings.

商业空间,家具零售店,丹麦Fritz Hansen,西安,Jaime Hayon


Keen to avoid the typical layout of retail stores where products are stacked or arranged in monotonous rows, Hayon instead took a “scenographic” approach to arranging the rooms. Sofas, armchairs, rugs, and coffee tables have been placed in living room-style setups, with leafy potted plants dotted throughout.


Surrounding walls that feature grooved panelling have been painted warm colours like sage green, rose pink, plum purple, and slate blue.

商业空间,家具零售店,丹麦Fritz Hansen,西安,Jaime Hayon

商业空间,家具零售店,丹麦Fritz Hansen,西安,Jaime Hayon


Upstairs on the second floor, surfaces are much more neutral tones like sand-beige and dark grey, complementing the light timber floorboards that run throughout. Rounded nooks in the walls display smaller ornaments like candle holders and vases.

商业空间,家具零售店,丹麦Fritz Hansen,西安,Jaime Hayon

商业空间,家具零售店,丹麦Fritz Hansen,西安,Jaime Hayon

商业空间,家具零售店,丹麦Fritz Hansen,西安,Jaime Hayon

项目名称:Fritz Hansen西安店
室内设计:Jaime Hayon
摄影:Nienke Klunder.

