2018年12月,巴西第一家当代手工艺体验店Espaco Colletivo – Casa Manual在圣保罗的Morumbi购物中心开业,这里有专门用于购物、食品、工作坊、研讨会、游戏、音乐会、工作和放松的区域。

In December 2018, the first contemporary craft-experience-shop in Brazil, Espaço Colletivo – Casa Manual, opened at Morumbi Shopping, in São Paulo, with areas dedicated to shopping, food, workshops, seminars, play, concerts, work, and relaxation.


Together, they created a space of approximately 1800 ㎡ at the ground floor of Morumbi Shopping, with apparent structures showing imperfections on the walls, as well as the hydraulic, electric, and air-conditioning infrastructure. Furniture and structure mainly used wood, plywood, bamboo, and iron bars.

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design


Old walls were replaced by glass, bringing the movement and day-and-night lights into the site, and vice-versa. Remaining walls, with irregular surface and showing the marks of bricks and blocks, pastel-colors were used in contrast with hot colors. Little by little, these walls were filled with murals created by artists, which surprise mall clients, on a weekly basis. The idea is to have an ever-changing space.

进入Espaco Colletivo后,从商场内部,迎接游客的是一堵大约12米长,4米高的竹墙。在那里,Casa Manual的团队专注于手工制作,并受到街头市场的启发,提出了基于手工文化的新体验、熟人和知识共享。

Upon entering Espaço Colletivo, from inside the mall, the visitor is greeted by a bamboo wall, approximately 12 m long and 4 m high. There, the team of Casa Manual, focused on crafts and inspired by street markets, proposes new experiences, acquaintances, and knowledge-sharing, based on the handmade culture.

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

在这个螺旋式货架和捕梦网设置中,工艺产品可供选择,由Casa Manual团队策划的选择 – 从服装到公用事业,家居用品,玩具,化妆品等等。围绕着这个场景,有多个功能区域,它们之间相互连接,被称为“ocas do fazer”(创造性小屋),旨在情感上将游客与外界联系起来。

At this spiral shelf and dream catcher setting, craft products are available, from a selection curated by the Casa Manual team – from clothing to utilities, household items, toys, cosmetics, and much more. Surrounding this scenario, there are multiple-function areas, articulated between them and called “ocas do fazer”[creative huts] , which aim to emotionally connect the visitor to references in the outside


After investigating primitive spiraled movements, the Galeazzo Design team was inspired by typical indigenous dances in Brazilian culture where, at the central square, the natives dance towards the center, creating a spiraled line. Huts (in Portuguese “ocas”, typical indigenous homes) were distributed around this center. Thus, like typical indigenous architecture, the space was though and created from the center outwards, where the large spiral shelf, built in plywood and held by over 700 bamboos, is floating, getting attention from all the enter the area and inviting each person to create its own story following interaction with the space.

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

商业空间,手工坊体验店,巴西圣保罗,体验店,Galeazzo Design

项目名称:Colletive Space + Manual House
设计公司:Galeazzo Design
主创设计:André Nucci
照明工程:Rafael serradura
摄影:Jorge Joubert, Fran Parente

