Michael K. Chen Architecture (MKCA)为纽约一个年轻的家庭完成了公园大道上一套2800平方英尺的公寓的室内设计。此次改造的重点是最大化室内的正式空间,包括一个宽敞的入口画廊,客厅和餐厅,同时将黑暗和拥挤的存储区和工作区域转化为功能性的现代生活空间。

Michael K. Chen Architecture (MKCA) has completed both the gut renovation and interior design of a 2,800-square-foot prewar apartment on Park Avenue for a young New York family. The renovation concentrated on maximizing the already wellproportioned formal spaces, including a generous entrance gallery, formal living room and dining room; while converting the dark and crowded storage and service areas into functional contemporary living elements. Because the historic layout was quite segmented.


MKCA’s selection of furniture, finishes, and unique art and design objects played a large part in maximizing natural light, visual interconnectivity, and playfulness throughout.

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

MKCA设计了一个化妆室和衣帽间,从地板到天花板都铺着Heath Ceramics手工制作的黑色金属瓷砖,还有一个定制台,采用了粉红色的Rosa Aurora石材和漆器,让人想起夜店景象。相比之下,画廊对面宽敞的行李寄放室拥有粉状的粉色漆内饰,集成的LED照明,膨胀的火烈鸟墙纸,投射出阳光和顽皮的性格。衣帽间里放着婴儿车、鞋子和全家的外套。

Off of the gallery, MKCA created a powder room and cloak room duet. The sleek and moody new powder room inhabits a former closet, and is lined from floor to ceiling in handmade metallic black tiles from Heath Ceramics and features a floating custom console of barely pink Rosa Aurora stone, lacquer , conjuring images of nightclub naughtiness.In contrast, the generous new cloak room across the gallery boasts powdery pink lacquer built-ins, integrated LED lighting, and puffy flamingo wallpaper, projecting a sunny and playful disposition. The cloak room absorbs baby strollers, shoes, and coats for the family .

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计


In the living and dining rooms, a tiny door opening was substantially enlarged and infilled with a black metal and glass sliding partition creating a generous portal between the two spaces.


The round form was so useful,We intended the sofa to be the centerpiece of the room, and be large enough for the whole family to plop down, and to transition between intimate conversation and full-blown party mode.

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

住宅空间,国外住宅设计,MKCA,纽约,Park Avenue Prewar,公寓设计

项目名称:Park Avenue Prewar Apartment
设计公司:Michael K. Chen Architecture
设计团队:Natasha Harper, project lead; Michael Chen, Braden Caldwell, Justin Snider,Robinson Strong, Julian Anderson.

