日本家具制造商Karimoku推出了姐妹品牌Karimoku Case Study,该品牌将提供由建筑师设计的简约家具系列。并在由Norm architects设计的Kinfolk Gallery的公寓式展览空间中展出三天。

Japanese furniture manufacturer Karimoku has launched a sister brand, Karimoku Case Study, which will offer collections of pared-back furniture pieces designed by architects.Karimoku Case Study was unveiled during 3 Days of Design in an apartment-style exhibition space in the Norm Architects-designed Kinfolk Gallery.

它的首个系列名为Kinuta,由当地的Norm Architects和日本工作室Keiji Ashizawa Design制作的八件作品组成。这些作品完全由天然材料制成,其设计参考了东京Kinuta露台公寓,该公寓围绕着一个大型户外庭院布置。

Its inaugural collection, titled Kinuta, comprises eight pieces produced by locally-based practice Norm Architects and Japanese studio Keiji Ashizawa Design.Made entirely from natural materials, the pieces have been designed in reference to the Kinuta Terrace apartments in Tokyo, which are arranged around a large outdoor courtyard.



为了创作这个系列,Norm Architects和Keiji Ashizawa Design为该品牌最近设计的一套现有家具添加了一些家具。

To create the collection Norm Architects and Keiji Ashizawa Design added pieces to an existing set of furniture the architects recently designed for the brand.

“我们想说明定制家具对空间整体体验的影响有多大,”Norm Architects解释道,“在我们的日常生活中,有一百万件事可以分散我们的注意力,因此,找到或创建这些庇护所对我们的健康至关重要;提供放松、意识和联系的空间和场所。”

“We wanted to illustrate how big an effect tailor-made furniture can have on the overall experience of a space,” explained Norm Architects.”There are a million things that can distract us in our day-to-day lives, and finding or creating those sanctuaries is therefore vital for our wellbeing; spaces and places that provide the setting for relaxation, awareness and connectedness.”



画廊中Karimoku Case Study系列中的物品周围是August Sangren定制的储物盒和Sørensen皮革的黑色休闲椅作为装饰。

Surrounding the items in the Karimoku Case Study collection in the gallery are bespoke storage boxes by August Sangren and a black lounge chair by Sørensen Leather serve as decor.

点缀在斑驳的石色墙壁上的是丹麦设计师Sara Martinsen精选的编织艺术品。当地陶艺家Turi Heisselberg Pedersen的泥土花瓶也被用来装饰这个空间,里面装满了Tableau提供的各种野花。

Dotted across the mottled, stone-coloured walls are a selection of woven artworks by Danish designer Sara Martinsen. Earthy vases by local ceramist Turi Heisselberg Pedersen have also been used to dress the space, filled with various wildflowers provided by Tableau.




“The exhibition and collection embody a sense of calm; a soft, warm and minimal space composed of materials, designs and aesthetics that all elevate one another,” explained Karimoku.



Karimoku Case Study旨在通过邀请全球各地的建筑师根据特定的环境设计一系列家具来扩大其范围。该品牌的名称取自Case Study Houses,这是一个由美国杂志Arts&Architecture于1945年至1966年间组织的实验项目,邀请当时的主要建筑师为第二次世界大战后的房屋热潮创造廉价住宅。

Karimoku Case Study intends to extend its range by inviting architects from across the globe to produce a collection of furnishings based on a particular setting.The brand takes its name from the Case Study Houses, an experimental programme organised by American magazine Arts & Architecture between 1945 and 1966 that invited major architects of the time to create inexpensive residences for the housing boom that followed world war two.


photos © Monica Grue Steffensen

