澳大利亚的CreativeCubes.Co 联合办公室被分成五个核心区域,是一个需要想象力和创造力的地方。它是一个与环境无缝融合的空间,符合功能的便利性与有着颠覆性的现代设计方法。经过声学处理的中心枢纽提供了建筑形式的视觉和功能平台,使企业能够高效且不间断地运营。

Split into five core areas, CreativeCubes.Co is a place with the need for imaginative creativity. It is a space that seamlessly folds into the environment, a conforming functional convenience with a disrupting modern approach. The acoustically treated central hub provides the visual and functional platform from which the building forms, allowing business to operate effectively and without interruption.


Timber lining and the existing brickwork perimeter form the backdrop for the space, each with functional benefit to help reverberate sound while providing textural diversity among intentionally positioned black and white walls. Five primary colours form the foundational musings of the initial design, with each palette delivering a visual contrast that allows for common areas to be zoned without walls or barriers. This colour repetition across artwork, signage and carpets provides order and structure, with each guest immersed in highly functional workspaces that are designed with neutral tones and simple lines to ensure focus is optimal.

办公空间,Corso Interior,澳大利亚,国外办公室设计,联合办公

办公空间,Corso Interior,澳大利亚,国外办公室设计,联合办公


Natural light flows into each workspace, with a transitioning experience gained when flowing from the well-lit meeting hub through the arched hallway and then into the softly lit yoga and meditative atmospheres.


The main challenge was to ensure that the natural light was spread across the entire floor area, existing windows were only available along two sides of the site, therefore making the opposite corner dark. Another challenge was to ensure that each and every workstation feels as good as the next, space planning was key to respond to this challenge, the bathrooms, yoga space and the position of the tunnel hall was vital in breaking up the space, allowing a great visual experience for everyone.

办公空间,Corso Interior,澳大利亚,国外办公室设计,联合办公

办公空间,Corso Interior,澳大利亚,国外办公室设计,联合办公

办公空间,Corso Interior,澳大利亚,国外办公室设计,联合办公

办公空间,Corso Interior,澳大利亚,国外办公室设计,联合办公

办公空间,Corso Interior,澳大利亚,国外办公室设计,联合办公

办公空间,Corso Interior,澳大利亚,国外办公室设计,联合办公

办公空间,Corso Interior,澳大利亚,国外办公室设计,联合办公

∇ 平面图 plan
办公空间,Corso Interior,澳大利亚,国外办公室设计,联合办公

摄影:Ting En Wong & Simon Shiff

