建筑师Baranowitz + Kronenberg(B + K)为美国最新的珠宝品牌Âme设计了旗舰店,该品牌以仅使用实验室生产的钻石创造新款高级珠宝而自豪。B + K的设计旨在打破并重新定义高端珠宝店的环境。它使客户在每个接触点都拥有新的视野;如何展示,参与和探索珠宝。音乐,气味和触感都是零售体验的关键要素。

Renowned architects Baranowitz+Kronenberg (B+K) have designed the flagship store for America’s newest jewellery brand Âme that prides itself in creating a new style of fine jewelry using only lab-grown diamonds.B+K’s design for Âme sets out to disrupt and redefine the high-end jewelry store environment. It engages customers with fresh vision at every touch point; how jewelry is presented, engaged and explored. Music, scent, and touch are all key elements in the retail experience.

这种方法与Elinor Avni的愿景产生共鸣,他的创意总监旨在通过让女性穿着自由的高端珠宝,唤起她们的个人风格,从而摆脱传统。Avni的珠宝设计采用悬挂式胶囊设计,并采用最先进的玻璃材料制成,位于金属展示架上。每个吊舱都有自己独特的声音,由DJ和音乐家Mimi Xu评分,她曾与包括Prada和Marni在内的设计师时装品牌合作过。

The approach resonates with the vision of Elinor Avni, Âme’s Creative Director who aims to break free from tradition by enabling women to wear high-end jewelry with freedom, evoking their personal style. Avni’s jewelry designs are housed in hanging capsules, and in state of the art glass cloches that sit on metallic display pods.Each pod has its own unique sound scored by DJ and musician Mimi Xu, who has previously worked with designer fashion brands including Prada and Marni.




Spatially, the Âme store has been designed as a soaring ‘monochromatic forest’ using earthly materials of refined simplicity that evoke a passion for craft and hand-made objects.

为了进一步提升Âme的设计策略,B + K与Anne Kyyro Quinn合作,沿着商店的墙壁开发3D毡板,这些板材与反光不锈钢天花板和后墙相对。整个效果是一个虚幻的深度和高度,增强了Âme的本质。带有六边形钢镶嵌的微水泥地板作为铺设商店的画布。

To further enhance Âme’s design strategy, B+K collaborated with Anne Kyyro Quinn to develop 3D felt panels along the walls of the store which are set against a reflective stainless steel ceiling and back wall. The entire effect is one of an illusionary depth and height that enhances the nature of Âme. A micro cement floor with hexagon-inspired steel inlays serves as the canvas on which the store is laid.



伦敦香水设计师Azzi Glasser为该品牌设计了一款独特的香水,并成为该店的永久特色。她的愿景是捕捉不断增长的钻石的精髓,通过它的多面层次,缠绕着芳香的音符,同时分层协议。香味通过释放到空气中的最细的分子来放大奢华的本质。

London-based perfume designer Azzi Glasser has created a unique scent for the brand that forms a permanent feature in the store. Her vision was to capture the essence of the growing diamond, through its faceted layers, entwining the fragrance notes, whilst layering the accords. The scent amplifies the essence of luxury through the finest molecules released into the air.


Echoing the emotional connection a person feels when choosing a piece of jewellery, Âme’s theatrical retail space connects with human senses in different ways; starting with a bold and unconventional positioning designed for the high-end jewelry segment, and following through into the consumer’s emotional and sensorial experience.



Alon Baranowitz和Irene Kronenberg说:“Âme是同类中的新品种。它不受传统的影响,它向前推进,并引入新的和下一个的本质,供其他人遵循。我们的设计将高端珠宝零售空间重新定义为自我表达的表演平台,就像生活在21世纪一样,紧张而多元。通过我们的工作,我们试图庆祝我们的自然感觉,并重新获得一些非常基本的人类价值观,这些价值观已经被我们所沉浸的虚拟世界稀释或遗忘了。”

Alon Baranowitz and Irene Kronenberg said:“Âme is a new breed of its kind. Unbound by the weight of tradition, it moves forward and introduces the essence of the new and the next for others to follow.Our design redefines high-end jewelry retail spaces as performative platforms for self-expression which are as intense and multifaceted as living in the 21st century. Through our work we seek to celebrate our natural senses and recapture some very basic human values which have been diluted or forgotten by the virtual world we are immersed in.”





设计公司:Baranowitz+Kronenberg (B+K)
摄影:Amit Geron. Courtesy of Âme

