“啤酒游乐园”(Playground Brewery)项目最初源于业主希望给顾客提供新鲜啤酒的目标。项目旨在重燃顾客于店内品到美味啤酒时的纯粹喜悦感。为实现这一目标,“啤酒游乐园”在他们的线下快闪店中,提出了“喝好玩好”(Drink Better, Play Better)的宣传标语,配合实体的游乐空间,以给顾客提供愉悦的消费体验。同时,得益于此,“啤酒游乐园”正日益成为韩国精酿啤酒业冉冉升起的一颗明星。

Playground Brewery began with the goal of delivering refreshing beer to more consumers. Its mission is to help customers rekindle the sense of pure joy through a sip of delicious beer in its stores. To realize these objectives, Playground Brewery launched in the market with the slogan “Drink Better, Play Better,” and has been providing entertaining spaces for consumers who seek to have fun times, and became a rising brewery in the Korean craft beer industry.

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

在设计“啤酒游乐园”线下快闪店时,Glamo Studio提出了一种全新的空间模式和品牌策略,旨在让更多的人能同时享受到啤酒的乐趣、商店的舒适、以及游乐区的玩乐设施。

In designing Playground Supermarket, Playground Brewery’s pop-up store, glamo studio developed a new type of space and branding strategy for more people to enjoy beer in a fun and relaxed supermarket and playground setting.

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

Glamo Studio将集合货墙的设计语汇置入“啤酒游乐园”线下快闪店的设计中,旨在唤起顾客旧时于小店内购买零食的美好回忆。同时,为了将啤酒与这样的回忆场景相结合,设计师将常见的塑料篮框进行了堆叠处理,以创造一个有如超市,亦似游乐园的实体空间。

Playground Supermarket invokes the image of little whole-in-the-wall supermarkets that we used to drop in to buy snacks: glamo studio reinterpreted this atmosphere for Playground Brewery. To link the image of supermarket with beer, we stacked familiar plastic boxes to create a space that is both a supermarket and a playground.

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

∇ 平面图 plan

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

∇ 爆炸分析图 axon

餐饮空间,快闪店设计,啤酒吧设计,Glamo Studio,首尔

项目名称:Playground Brewery Pop-up Store
设计公司:Glamo Studio
摄影:Glamo Studio

