Foster + Partners最近在迈阿密完成了其最新的苹果专卖店,屋顶采用了波浪形的白色混凝土,借鉴了城市的装饰艺术建筑。Apple Aventura是一个四四方方的两层建筑,内部有玻璃墙和树木,遵循了Foster + Partners为苹果设计的众多商店的美学。

Foster + Partners has completed its latest Apple Store in Miami with an undulating white concrete roof that draws on the city’s art deco buildings.It comprises a boxy, two-storey building with glass walls and trees inside, following the aesthetic of the numerous stores that Foster + Partners has created for Apple.

在这个项目上,他们与苹果前首席设计官Jonathan Ive密切合作。艾夫于今年早些时候离开了苹果。艾夫说:“对我来说,这家店很‘迈阿密’——有特别的树、灯光和新屋顶。它也是苹果的精髓,将户外生活方式与我们工作方式固有的自由和创造力结合在一起。”

The British architecture firm worked closely with former Apple chief design officer Jonathan Ive, who left the company earlier this year, on the project.”This store is very ‘Miami’ to me – its special trees, the light and the new roof,” said Ive.”It is also quintessentially Apple, marrying the outdoor lifestyle with a sense of freedom and creativity that is intrinsic to the way we work,” he continued.

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

与此同时,建筑顶部的波浪形屋顶借鉴了20世纪30年代迈阿密南海滩的现代主义建筑风格,以白色混凝土、弯曲的墙壁和几何细节为特色。Foster + Partners工作室负责人Stefan Behling说:“Apple Aventura购物中心的语言和材质都受到了迈阿密白人装饰艺术传统和气候的启发,使其成为当地和文化的一种表达。”

The wavy roof topping the building, meanwhile, takes cues from the 1930s modernist buildings of Miami’s South Beach, which feature white concrete, curved walls and geometric details.”The language and materiality at Apple Aventura Mall are inspired by Miami’s white Art Deco traditions and climate, making it an expression of its place and culture,” said Stefan Behling, Foster + Partners’ head of studio.


The roof is made from seven, precast 20-foot-wide (six-metre-wide) concrete arches coloured white. The barrel-vaulted ceiling is supported by thin steel columns, also coloured white and clad in a concrete casing.

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

Apple Aventura是第一家用白色预制混凝土建造的苹果专卖店。该材料是苹果公司库比蒂诺总部应用程序的延续,由Foster + Partners于2017年4月完成。

Apple Aventura is the first Apple Store to be built of white precast concrete. The material is a continuation of its application at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, which was completed by Foster + Partners in April 2017.

Apple Aventura内部的混凝土构件由80英尺(24.3米)的梁组成,梁之间的柱子间距为60英尺(18.2米)。然后,白色织物覆盖天花板,以达到音响效果。

The concrete component inside Apple Aventura comprises beams measuring 80 feet (24.3 metres) that span between pillars spaced 60 feet (18.2 metres) apart. White fabric then covers the ceiling for acoustics.

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

在商店的中央是内置的体育场风格的座位,面向一个显示视觉效果的“论坛屏幕”。台阶分为两层,设有真皮座椅和充电站。除了Apple talk和Apple Music活动之外,它还可用作举办Apple Genius约会的场所。

At the middle of the store is built-in stadium-style seats facing a “Forum screen” that displays visuals.The steps scale two levels and feature leather seating and charging stations. They are also designed to serve as a place for hosting Apple Genius appointments, in addition to Apple talks and Apple Music events.


At the top of the steps is a store area accessed by an entrance that is located on a higher level. At the bottom of the stadium is a light-filled space where wooden tables display Apple products alongside indoor planted trees.

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners


Anchoring the building is the mall’s entrance and plaza, complete with trees, low plantings and teak outdoor furniture.

这个庭院被设计为“对迈阿密户外生活方式的回应”,也是“户外天才树丛”。附近的花园设有金属滑梯,名为Aventura Slide Tower,由德国艺术家CarstenHöller设计。

This courtyard is designed as a “response to Miami’s outdoor lifestyle” and also serves as “an outdoor Genius Grove”. Nearby is a garden featuring metallic slide called Aventura Slide Tower by German artist Carsten Höller.

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

∇ 总平
商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

∇ 一层平面

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

∇ 二层平面

商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

∇ 剖面
商业空间,苹果店设计,手机体验店,Apple Store,Foster + Partners

项目名称:Miami’s New Apple Store
设计公司:Foster + Partners
摄影版权:Foster + Partners

