Studio O + A由技术公司NetApp聘请,设计了其位于加利福尼亚州桑尼维尔的新办事处。O+A的设计都是从一个故事开始的,但NetApp的空间是独特的,因为它以线性的方式展开叙事,邀请游客在连续和连接的空间中依次浏览NetApp的文化。这是一个真正的体验中心,通过互动展览和功能齐全的工作站引领NetApp的客人。

Studio O+A was engaged by technology company, NetApp, to design their new offices located in Sunnyvale, California.Every O+A design begins with a story, but NetApp’s space is unique for the linear way it lays out the narrative, inviting visitors to move sequentially through NetApp’s culture in spaces curated for continuity and connection. The result is museum-like, but warmer. This is an Experience Center that truly offers experience, leading NetApp’s guests through interactive exhibits and functioning workstations.

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A


One of the design’s most striking features is the circular cloud that greets new arrivals in the lobby. This enclosure, echoing classic performance structure that dates back to the ancient Greeks, is clad in LED panels on which images and data may be projected. Inside customer stories unfold on digital screens that surround the viewer in a fully immersive experience. But it’s a feature of NetApp’s customer-friendly design that the tech magic here is flanked by practical nomad’s-rest features—a place to stash luggage for guests coming directly from the airport, a café in which to grab a quick breakfast before touring the center.

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

我们大多数人是通过投入工作来学习使用新技术的。O + A设计的Net App体验中心就是运用了这种实用的方法。产品演示信息亭允许用户按照自己的节奏并根据自己的优先级推动自己的数据管理试验。这个体验中心使用VR技术的程度远远超过了O+ a之前的尝试。VR吊舱邀请客人体验最先进的可视化,舒适且没有科幻的未来主义装饰。

Most of us learn to use new technology by plunging in. O+A designed Net App’s Experience Center to welcome this hands-on approach. Product demonstration kiosks allow users to drive their own data management trials—at their own pace and according to their priorities. This Experience Center makes use of VR technology to a far greater extent than O+A has ever before attempted. VR pods invite guests to experience state-of-the-art visualizations, but in comfort and without the futuristic trappings of sci-fi.

O + A采用了NetApp作为设计主题的必要幕后合作伙伴的道德观。在中心的特色空间展出的技术炫丽增加了舒适区域,更适合安静的沉思或单独的工作。这些空间利用O + A的传统“起居室”,“图书馆”和“市政厅”类型,为NetApp的客人将首先看到的展示区域创造舒适和美观的支持邻接。对于O + A的设计师来说,个人目标是让“幕后”像“中心舞台”一样令人难忘。

O+A adopted NetApp’s ethic of being an essential behind-the-scenes partner as a design theme. The tech dazzle on display in the Center’s featured spaces is augmented by comfort zones more suited to quiet contemplation or solitary work. These spaces draw on O+A’s traditional “Living Room,” “Library,” and “Town Hall” typologies to create comfortable and aesthetically pleasing support adjacencies to the showcase areas NetApp’s guests will see first. For O+A’s designers a personal goal was to make “behind the scenes” as memorable as “center stage.”

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

办公空间,国外办公室设计,科技公司办公室,美国,Studio O+A

项目名称:NetApp Office
项目地点:美国 加利福尼亚州 桑尼维尔
设计公司:Studio O+A
设计团队:Perry Stephney, Mindi Weichman, Dani Gelfand, Patrick Bradley, Alex Bautista, Kristina Cho, Amy Young
摄影:Garrett Rowland

