
The Bark office is located in the Ohio city’s Franklinton neighbourhood, a deprived district that is now being revitalised.Spread across two floors, the office is situated within a large, mixed-use development that was also designed by NBBJ, a Seattle-based firm with offices around the globe.Founded in 2012, Bark is a New York-based company that produces toys and treats for canines. The Columbus office houses its Barkbox division, which mails out boxes of dog goodies to monthly subscribers.NBBJ set out to create a pleasant work environment that aligned with the company’s mission and branding. Because employees are allowed to bring their pups to work, the office needed to “withstand dirty paws and unplanned accidents”.




Encompassing 2,044 square-metres, the office contains a variety of areas for working, socialising and playing. Durable, cost-conscious materials were used throughout the space to accommodate the pets’ unpredictable behaviour and a limited budget.There are no assigned desks in the office. Instead, employees shift around to different areas, depending upon their work needs and personal preferences. Among the offerings are sit-to-stand desks and work stations with built-in areas for dogs.




The office also features a number of unconventional workspaces, including “amenity bars” that resemble bunk beds. The plywood units have various-sized nooks for working and lounging, along with areas for stashing leashes and backpacks.Cushions are upholstered with faux leather, while pillows are covered in Carnegie Fabrics’ Xorel, a bio-based upholstery that can be cleaned with bleach.For a livelier atmosphere, employees can camp out in the “work-and-play lounge”, where their pups can run up and down a ramp, slip into a hiding spot, and frolic in an open area with toys.For those seeking a quieter atmosphere, the office has a number of lounges fitted with house plants and comfy seating, including rocking chairs from JSI Furniture.



为了考虑宠物们的「办公环境」,在所有流通和开放工作区,混凝土地板与橡胶地板被大量使用,并且严格避免使用传统地毯。清洁方面,靠垫采用人造皮革装饰,而枕头则采用一种生物基质得室内装饰卡内基面料(Carnegie Fabrics)的Xorel,可使用漂白剂清洁。当宠物们感到焦虑时,他们可以前往庭院和屋顶露台,彷佛一个户外狗公园的存在,在那里放松身心。饮食方面,办公室备有两个厨房,彩色枫木砧板式台面与淡蓝色橱柜形成鲜明对比,厨房为员工和毛孩子提供了多种食品及饮料。会议室采用玻璃墙和俏皮图案,仿照Bark最畅销的玩具。在入口区域,展示架上一字排开了Bark宠物公司的设计产品。

The office has two kitchens with food and beverage options for both employees and their pets. Stained-maple butcher-block-style countertops contrast with pale blue cabinetry finished with a plastic laminate by Octolam.Conference rooms feature glazed walls with playful graphics that are modelled after Bark’s top-selling toys. The graphics were created by the company’s in-house designer.For the entrance area, the team designed a shelving unit with a chevron pattern that alludes to tick marks in the Bark logo. The fold-down display showcases products by the pet company.Other elements in the office include LED lighting and exposed ceilings, which were painted white. In all circulation and open-work zones, the team used concrete flooring. For other areas, traditional carpet was strictly avoided.



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项目名称:Bark’s Ohio office
设计公司:NBBJ designs
摄影:Sean Airhart and Chuck Choi

