Summit House坐落在1925年的霍尔本遗产建筑内,距离大英博物馆只有几步之遥。引人注目的立面以独特的装饰艺术元素为特色,办公空间分布在4180平方米的四层中。Summit House为成员提供了多种区域,包括绿色屋顶露台,开放式宴会厅,私人办公室,会议室和活动空间的临时休息室。

Summit House is set within a 1925 heritage building in Holborn, steps away from the British Museum. The striking façade features distinct art deco elements, with co-working office space spread across four storeys in the 4180sqm interior. With The Office Group known for prioritizing flexibility and options across their locations, Summit House offers members diverse areas including a green roof terrace, drop-in lounge workspace within an open-plan ballroom, private offices, meeting rooms and events space.

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

Note保留了原始的瓷砖外墙和雕花木门,室内的概念基于瑞典Swedish Grace,一种跨越20世纪20年代的前功能主义现代主义风格,以补充建筑的装饰艺术传统。整体的光感和雕塑美感创造了对几何和平衡比例的关注。为了在进入时吸引会员,Note选择了夸张的接待方式,将狭长的区域分割成一个陈述,分层结构,吸引人们注意到鸟眼枫木礼宾台。定制的水磨石地板和走廊入口的漏斗状入口引用了韦斯·安德森对对称构图和透视的运用。

Leaving the original tiled façade and ornately carved timber entrance door untouched, Note based the interior concept on Swedish Grace, a pre-functionalist style of modernism that spanned the 1920s, to complement the building’s art deco heritage. An overall light and sculptural aesthetic creates an intentional focus on geometry and balanced proportions throughout. Intended to captivate members upon entering, Note opted to exaggerate reception by segmenting the elongated area with a statement, tiered structure that draws attention to a Birdseye Maple concierge desk. Custom terrazzo flooring and a funnelled entrance from the hallway cites Wes Anderson’s use of symmetrical composition and perspective.

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

在现代办公环境的喧嚣中,办公小组将在Summit House实施他们的第一个“充电室”,为所有成员提供远离工作空间的静心时刻。房间设计简约,配有浅色,天然的剑麻地毯和朴实的可移动家具。灯光装置是一个中心特色,用水平光束填充房间,被证明可以增强身心健康。

Providing calm respite in the otherwise bustling environment of a modern office, The Office Group will implement their first ‘recharge room’ at Summit House, encouraging moments of mindfulness away from the workspace for all members. The room is minimalist in design with light colours, natural sisal carpet and unimposing, moveable furniture. Light installation is a central feature, filling the room with horizontal beams proven to enhance both physical and psychological wellbeing.

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风

办公空间,联合办公,国外办公室设计,Note Design Studio,北欧简约风


项目名称:Summit House
设计公司:Note Design Studio
摄影:Michael Sinclair & Andrew Meredith
客户:The Office Group

