意大利建筑师兼室内设计师Fabrizio Casiraghi重新设计了位于巴黎的Drouant餐厅,负责更新其装饰艺术规范。作为这座城市的一颗明珠,这座历史建筑最近重新开放,举办了prix goncourt,这是自1914年以来在其私人沙龙举办的一场享有盛誉的法国文学盛典。

tasked with updating its art deco codes, italian architect and interior designer fabrizio casiraghi has redesigned the drouant restaurant in paris. considered one of the city’s jewels, the historical establishment recently reopened in time to host the prix goncourt, a prestigious french literary ceremony held in one of its private salons since 1914.

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

最初是一间简单的烟草酒吧,但该店充满了法国传统。20世纪20年代末,这里变成了一个美食胜地,这在一定程度上要归功于法国设计师埃米尔 – 雅克·鲁尔曼(emile-jacques ruhlmann),20世纪初法国装饰艺术代表之一。

originally a simple tobacconist bar, the dourant is steeped in french heritage. it was turned into a gourmet destination in the late 1920s, thanks in part to french designer émile-jacques ruhlmann, who is often referred to as the ‘the pope of art deco.’

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

2018年,斯蒂芬(stéphane)、蒂埃里(thierry)和劳伦特·加德尼尔(laurent gardinier)三兄弟买下了这家餐厅,他们还拥有法国美食餐厅taillevent。鲁尔曼原来的楼梯仍然是一个突出的特点,由casiraghi的团队翻新-这是唯一的原始功能,经受住了时间的考验。

bought in 2018 by brothers stéphane, thierry and laurent gardinier, who also own french gastronomy restaurant taillevent, the pair were keen to continue the traditions of the past while establishing drouant firmly in the present. ruhlmann’s original staircase remains as a standout feature, renovated by casiraghi’s team — it’s the only original feature that has withstood the test of time.

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造


in drouant there was a strong historical reference: ruhlmann,’ said casiraghi. ‘he designed completely the restaurant in the 20s’ but what is left today is just the marvelous staircase connecting the ground and the first floor.‘we could have decided to make a real historical reconstitution or, and this what we decided to do, we could have decided to start from this legacy to create something modern, even contemporary but using some accents clearly ‘a la ruhlmann’: handles, chairs, some lamps.’

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造

餐饮空间,Drouant餐厅,巴黎,Fabrizio Casiraghi,装饰艺术,建筑改造


设计公司:Fabrizio Casiraghi

