该住宅的主人是一对夫妇,他们有三个孩子和一只金毛狗。他们想对一栋建于20世纪90年代的住宅进行改造,以更好地满足他们个人的需求和品味。Lexi Tallisman设计师的目标是创造一个时尚且舒适的居住环境。在翻修之前,这栋房屋的墙壁和瓷砖都是淡黄色的,没有吸引力的威尼斯灰泥和非定制的木制家具。Lexi Tallisman提出:以一个不同元素的材料,高水平的工艺,和一个多样化的混合复古和当代装饰空间为主旨。

The owners – a couple with three children and a goldendoodle – sought to renovate a 1990s home to better suit their needs and taste. Tallisman’s aim was to create a stylish and comfortable environment that could handle daily usage by a family.Prior to the renovation, the home had yellowish walls and tilework, unappealing Venetian plaster, and over-the-counter millwork. Tallisman proposed an extensive makeover that was centred on a varied colour palette, a high level of craftsmanship, and a diverse mix of vintage and contemporary decor.

Lexi Tallisman,Sleepy Hollow住宅,住宅空间,住宅改造设计,纽约,私人住宅

Lexi Tallisman,Sleepy Hollow住宅,住宅空间,住宅改造设计,纽约,私人住宅


The project unfolded in phases, as the family remained in the home during the renovation. In the first stage, the team updated the main entryway. In the rotunda, a new concrete floor is covered with a round, ivory-hued rug and walls are wrapped in a gold-green grasscloth. A focal point of the room is a chandelier from Ochre made of bronze, glass and LEDs. The room also features a contemporary grandfather clock from BDDW made of dark oak and bronze.This first stage also involved major updates to the living room, a playroom and a powder room. In the living room, the designer placed a light grey sofa with steel legs, a leather chair and matching ottoman, and nesting tables made of steel and glass.Walls are sheathed in a dark blue wallpaper with a floral pattern. Affixed to one wall are sconces from Apparatus made of tarnished silver and horsehair.

Lexi Tallisman,Sleepy Hollow住宅,住宅空间,住宅改造设计,纽约,私人住宅

Lexi Tallisman,Sleepy Hollow住宅,住宅空间,住宅改造设计,纽约,私人住宅

在第二阶段,Tallisman和她的团队重新装修了餐厅。该空间装饰有大理石台面的餐桌、铸青铜底座和包着马鞍皮革的椅子。延伸到头顶的是一盏枝形吊灯,上面挂着Lindsey Adelman设计的烟熏玻璃窗帘。墙壁覆盖着带有花卉图案的深蓝色壁纸。一面墙上贴着用已失去光泽的银器和马鬃制成的烛台。

During the second phase, Tallisman and her team renovated the dining room. The space is dressed with a marble-topped dining table with a cast-bronze base and chairs wrapped in saddle leather. Stretching overhead is a branching chain chandelier with smoked glass shades by Lindsey Adelman.

Lexi Tallisman,Sleepy Hollow住宅,住宅空间,住宅改造设计,纽约,私人住宅

Lexi Tallisman,Sleepy Hollow住宅,住宅空间,住宅改造设计,纽约,私人住宅

在项目的第三阶段,Tallisman彻底翻修了主卧套间,包括浴室、男女衣橱。睡眠区有淡粉色的墙壁,浅灰色的地毯和木质的装饰。橡木被用来制作床架、床头板和床头柜。舒适的小房间里摆放着Steven Gambrel设计的簇绒沙发,一张橡木嵌壁式办公桌,以及Arne Jacobsen设计的老式转椅。其他物品包括一个由Amuneal设计的置物架,一把用奶油色皮革装饰的老式椅子,以及一张由胡桃木、青铜和大理石制成的边桌。主浴室被一扇凸窗照亮,有一个独立的浴缸、橡木橱柜、混凝土台面和瓷砖地板。天花板上挂着一个赭色的圆形织物吊坠。

In the project’s third phase, Tallisman overhauled the master suite, including its bathroom, his-and-her closets . The sleeping area has pale pink walls, light grey carpet and wooden accents. Oak was used to fabricate the bed frame, headboard and nightstands. The cosy den is fitted with a tufted sofa by Steven Gambrel, a built-in oak desk, and a vintage swivel chair by Arne Jacobsen. Additional pieces include a shelving unit by Amuneal, a vintage chair reupholstered with creamy leather, and a side table made of walnut, bronze and marble. Illuminated by a bay window, the master bathroom has a freestanding tub, oak cabinetry, concrete countertops, and tile flooring. A circular, fabric pendant by Ochre hangs from the ceiling.

Lexi Tallisman,Sleepy Hollow住宅,住宅空间,住宅改造设计,纽约,私人住宅

Lexi Tallisman,Sleepy Hollow住宅,住宅空间,住宅改造设计,纽约,私人住宅


项目名称:Sleepy Hollow住宅
设计师:Lexi Tallisman
摄影:Joshua McHugh




  • ocean 2020年1月13日 上午10:33
