全球设计风向感谢来自Creative Studio Unravel的商业空间(品牌宣传展览)项目案例分享:

我们熟悉的维纳斯,以爱与美,富饶女神的身份出现在希腊神话中。我们熟知的维纳斯作为“美”的象征,从公元前开始就被记录在雕塑和图画中,不同时代的审美角度对维纳斯有着不同的记录。有时人们说她胖,有时说她瘦,由于对“美”的视角在各个时代都不同,维纳斯也因此成为了代表那个时代“美”的象征。随着维纳斯的“美”在近代被概念化后,在多个领域得到了体现。摄影师曼·雷(Man Ray)把维纳斯的形象用带子绑起来,就像一种恋物狂的观点,从而消除了维纳斯神圣的形象。安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)批评当时的环境把“美”的标准强加于玛丽莲·梦露(Marilyn Monroe),并批评通过非原创的方式无限复制及大量生产“美”。

The Venus that we have known appears in Greek mythology as the goddess of beauty and fertility. The Venus who we have known as this symbol of beauty has been recorded to sculptures and pictures since B.C., she has been recorded in various ways according to the perspective of beauty of the eras. Sometimes she was expressed to be a fat, sometimes she was expressed to be a thin goddess. Since the perspective of beauty has been applied differently in every era, Venus has became the representative symbol of beauty for the era. As the content of beauty of Venus has been conceptualized in modern times, go-ahead beauties have been reflected in various fields. Man Ray, a photographer, removed a divine vision of Venus by tying the Venus status up with straps like a fetish point of view, Andy Warhol criticized period circumstances putting the standard of the beauty into Marilyn Monroe and mass-produced beauty through the non-original infinite reproduction.

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

此次展览的主题定为“Post Venus”,主要是为了探讨从现代到下一个时代的无所不包的“美“。与此同时,Style Nanda 3CE为女性的“美”开辟了方便消费的新渠道。此次推出的“3ce云朵唇釉系列”也是为了体现其轻薄涂抹的优点而使用了“云朵”一词,但这也蕴含了方便和熟悉。如果人们对“美”的印象是轻松、方便、熟悉的话,我们也可以把它称之为“Post Venus”。由此可见赋予12支“云朵唇釉”的名字而诞生的“Post Venus”的作品为何是用海绵来制作的。海绵的自然格调看起来与“美”是有差距的,不过这恰恰让该作品毫无隐藏的表现给我们他们的“肉体”。

The main reason that we’ve got the exhibition concept as Post Venus is a trial to talk about all-encompassing beauty from modern times to next era. In the meantime, Style Nanda 3ce has made a route to consume the beauty of women easily. Not only Lip-tints which will be launched this season were named for Cloud to appeal the benefit of wearing lightly, But Also it implies convenience and familiarity. If the beauty is what is able to see easy, convenient and familiar, we could say it as Post Venus. It is the reason why 12 Pieces of Post Venus named 12 clouds lip-tints have designed with sponges which we used to see familiarly. The natural formativeness of sponge which could not be fit with beauty is likely to appeal genuine one’s body to us.

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿

商业空间,首尔,彩妆品牌店设计,3ce云朵唇釉,展览空间,Studio Unravel,项目投稿


项目名称:3CE Launching Promotion
设计方:Creative Studio Unravel
联系邮箱: ydy@studiounravel.com
项目设计&完成年份: 2019年 8月
主创及设计团队:Creative Studio Unravel
项目地址: DDP, 281, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
建筑面积: 1,094sqm/330PY
摄影版权: Sunghoon, Han
客户: 3CE

