全球设计风向感谢来自So Studio的商业空间/服装店项目案例分享:


SAMO is a high-end menswear brand under JNBY Group. Inspired by the ancient Greek word ‘Palimpsest’, the original meaning of ‘Palimpsest’ is that in ancient times, the original texts on the parchment scroll would be scraped off and rewritten with new contents; In the process of continuous rewriting, the traces of different depths were naturally retained.

∇ 与不同功能分区的建筑体块感 @ 丁宇豪 Interior view with structural function partitions @ Yuhao Ding

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio

So Studio从“痕迹”出发,希望品牌本身具有同样的时间感;从而衍生出几个部分,第一个部分是half-half,old school;half-half是关于空间分割的想法;整个空间我们以2.2米高为限做了上下分割,以下内退进去作为服装陈列,以上用粗糙艺术涂料做肌理表达还原概念;其次old school还表达了Samo品牌的态度-当代设计和后现代的基因。

We start from the “trace”, hoping that the brand itself has the same sense of time; thus, several parts are developed, the first part is half-half and old school; half-half is about the idea of space division; the entire space is divided by a metal band with a height of 2.2 meters, and retreated the bottom as the clothing display. The rough paint was used as the texture to express the concept of restoration; meanwhile, the old school also expressed the attitude of the Samo brand—contemporary design and post-modern genes.

∇ 整体灰色的材质与橙色釉面砖和粗糙花岗岩的对撞 @ 丁宇豪Interior view with material collocation @ Yuhao Ding

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio

∇ 室内陈列系统构架与空间体块构成关系 @ 丁宇豪 the relationship between the interior display system and structural

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio

第二个部分也是从Palimpsest衍生出来的,以艺术家Rachel Whiteread为例,这位女艺术家在关注大型公共Casting艺术的同时,还在不断通过一些小的雕塑表达日常品,让这些日常品的痕迹通过另一种介质表达出来。在这次设计中,我们将日常的结构植入空间;例如我们的中岛试衣间在设计过程中是拿一个个柜体逐渐拼合而成的;我们的一些中岛道具形式也在模仿不同Object的拼贴,而空间的金属件应用了“工”字的形式无限复制黏贴。

The second part is also derived from palimpsest. Take the artistRachel Whiteread‘s work as an example. While paying attention to large-scale public casting art, this female artist is also constantly expressing daily products through small sculptures, allowing the traces of these daily products to be expressed by another medium. In this project, we implanted daily structures into the space; for example, our island fitting room was gradually assembled from cabinets during the design process; some of props are also imitating collage of different objects, and the metal parts of the space are copied and pasted infinitely in the form of “工”.

∇ 室内视角与不同道具组合 © Elbe Interior view with different props © Elbe

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio

∇ 室内视角与不同道具组合 © Elbe Interior view with different props © Elbe

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio

∇ 家具 © So Studio Diagram-Furniture © So Studio

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio


There are two more special points in this project. One is that we chose slotted granite stone, glazed orange handmade bricks, the contemporary dot floor and chaotic metal aluminum board. The materials are spliced, reorganized, and collided into different spatial attributes.

∇ 橘色釉面砖店铺试衣间入口 @ 丁宇豪 Fitting room with entire glazed orange handmade bricks @ Yuhao Ding

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio

Another point is that we designed the entire façade as a whole system, like an easel of ultra-conventional proportions, but also like an unfinished architectural structure. The frame system of the façade can be used as poster display, and at the same time, through the gaps of the structure show the interior of the space. Through the dismantling and reorganization of materials and structural spaces, we give a new meaning, meanwhile, interpret new definitions of space and brand.

∇ 整个外立面的画架系统,可以任意更换巨幅品牌海报;同时可以把店铺入口分割成2个入口 @ 丁宇豪
Entire façade system with poster display @ Yuhao Ding

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio

∇ 外立面画架系统的细节 @ Elbe Façade system detail @ Elbe

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio

∇ 外立面画架系统的细节 @ Elbe Façade system detail @ Elbe

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio

∇ 外立面 © So Studio Diagram-Shopfront © So Studio

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio

∇ 外立面细节 © So Studio Diagram – Shopfront detail © So Studio

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio

∇ 平面图 © So Studio Layout © So Studio

服装店设计,男装服装店设计,江南布衣,江南布衣男装,SAMO形象店设计,SAMO形象店,SAMO,江南布衣SAMO,重庆服装店设计,重庆SAMO形象店,项目投稿,So Studio


设计公司:So Studio(http://sooostudio.com/)

Name: SAMO Store
Concept: Palimpsest
Gross Built Area: 120 m2
Address: L1 Paradise Walk, Guan Yin Bridge, Chongqing, China
Client: Jiang Nan Bu Yi
Completion Year: 2019
Design Firm: So Studio (http://sooostudio.com/)
Design Team: Mengjie Liu, Yifan Wu, Yufei Li
Image Production: MUYI Concept + Production
Photographer: Yuhao Ding, Elbe



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