

Located at the intersection between the busy Suzhou archaic zone and Wuzhong district, when lights lit up at nightfall, sky gallery, the aerial study room as leisure and cozy space outlined by the lofty building office with lemon yellow light and whirling lamp shadow covered by endless green. In the range of sight, the project overlooks the charming history and traditional culture of the whole ancient city, Suzhou.

∇ 外景航拍(摄影版权 姚杰奇)aerial photo of exterior (copyright by Jieqi Yao)



Ⅰ Special Arrangement:


In a relatively crowded space, the sky gallery was used the “microcosmic garden construction” method to be designed. By introducing concepts of corridor, garden, and pavilion, extending and reconstituting the space on the basis of existing by skillfully using garden constructing methods of Suzhou tradition, by which transforming it into a new composite space of open and semi-open. In the interlaced microcosmic view, one could get into a spirit world with leisure.

∇ 轴测图(图纸版权:平介设计)axonometric drawing (copyright by Parallect Design)



Ⅱ Entrance Space:


The entrance is interleaved in by a corner, which offered an exploratory sense of space access. Meanwhile, the landscape that was implanted in the corner of the entrance shows various morphologies with the change of the user’s view, giving the space more rhythm and rhyme. The main path to the study room used the open streamlined alignment to solve the crowded situation that the space is too small to move. On the way from the outdoor to the indoor, the emotion could be gradually transformed from noisy to relief, until the composite space is wholly shown in front of the eyes.

∇ 平面布置图(图纸版权:平介设计)floor plan (copyright by Parallect Design)


∇ 入口曲径通幽,进入公共自习区则豁然开朗(摄影版权 姚杰奇)

The winding entrance leads to an open and clear space of public study room. (copyright by Jieqi Yao)


∇ 不同视角的景观形态(摄影版权 姚杰奇) landscape morphology from different view (copyright by Jieqi Yao)



Ⅲ Liquidity of Space and Materials:


The interior space used a mesh metal ceiling in light quality and continuous ordered steel frame to reconstruct the artistic conception of the veranda, which divided the large space into areas with different sizes and functions. However, the impediment of sight didn’t segment the continuity of space. The whole space is always in a balance of dynamic and static combination.

∇ 游廊意境(摄影版权 姚杰奇)artistic conception of veranda (copyright by Jieqi Yao)


∇ 延伸的空间(摄影版权 姚杰奇)the extending of space (copyright by Jieqi Yao)



The continuous and tortuous white wall was placed into the junction between the space and the void, which ensuring safety. Meanwhile, part of the wall was embedded with continuous and visible window, which link the interior space with the exterior space and bring in the outdoor scenery. With the change of users’ walking path, occasionally shown green plants reinforce the dynamic of the space again. The scenery changes with walks seem like a garden tour.

∇ 置入的墙体与窗景(摄影版权 姚杰奇)embedded wall and windows scenery (copyright by Jieqi Yao)


∇ 移步易景,仿似游园(摄影版权 姚杰奇)The scenery changes with walks seems like a garden tour. (copyright by Jieqi Yao)



The project didn’t use complex decorations or expensive materials, just explored a new possibility only by searching the locational attribute and own situation, plus the suitable materials to respond to the construction method of traditional architecture. Finally, in the selection of material, the project kept closely with the modern retro language and responded to the business environment with extreme restrain.

∇ 材料的空间营造①(摄影版权 姚杰奇)space construction by materials ① (copyright by Jieqi Yao)


∇ 材料的空间营造②(摄影版权 姚杰奇)space construction by materials ② (copyright by Jieqi Yao)



Ⅳ Immersive Experience of Escaping from Reality:


Here, people could briefly leave away from the busy reality in the city. It makes people feel like in a quite natural garden. Either body or emotion could get relaxed from the busy work so that enhancing the study efficiency. The well-constructed curved workbench in contrast with the linear corridor space. The continuous curved interface divides the interior office space into different areas, making different transition experience. The green mat under the desks and chairs makes people feel like in the meadow. The small plants that relatively low such as ferns which intersperse across the workbenches could not only make users feel nature but also practically improve the indoor microclimate and environment in function. These plants make every area full of green. The semitransparent white punched plates surround the space without closing, which blurs the border of space. Therefore, the solidity of the wall is vanished, which changing the stiff impression of space division. Purity, nature, and lightness are topics that the whole space following. By the contrast made by the busy streets of Gusu, the space seems static and becomes a beautiful scenery of the city. The introduction of different sceneries of normal life outside the window makes each corner of the study room different. No matter green or white, it makes each user have an exclusive location to stay.

∇ 开阔自然的学习气氛(摄影版权 姚杰奇)open and natural study environment (copyright by Jieqi Yao)


∇ 连续金属网板围合的讨论空间(摄影版权 姚杰奇)the discussion room surrounded by continuous mesh metals (copyright by Jieqi Yao)


∇ 静谧的自习空间(摄影版权 姚杰奇)quite study space (copyright by Jieqi Yao)


∇ 沿窗景观(摄影版权 姚杰奇)scenery outside the window (copyright by Jieqi Yao)


∇ 透过人造窗景看另半个静谧的自习空间(摄影版权 姚杰奇)

the other half quite study space looked through the artificial window scenery (copyright by Jieqi Yao)


∇ 局部细节(摄影版权 姚杰奇)partial details (copyright by Jieqi Yao)




Project name: “sky gallery” aerial study room
Designer: Parallect Design (Suzhou Parallect Design Architectural Technology Co. , Ltd.)
Project Design & Accomplish Date: 11/2020
Design Team: Bo Yang, Nan Yang
Project Address: Wuzhong Building, Gusu district, Suzhou, Jiangsu
Building Area: 60㎡
Photography Copyright: Jieqi Yao
User: Suzhou Xuezeshi Education
Company Website: https://www.parallect-design.com
E-mail: Info@parallect-design.com

