
“涪江江水绕山流,淡烟乔木是绵州” 是对绵阳这座城市美景的真实写照,这里是因水而生的涪城,它有源于丝帛的美名。

As the poet Wang Shizhen said in his poem “Crossing the Fujiang River” ,Mianyang is a city born of water, which is derived from the reputation of Silk.


Mianyang Convention and Exhibition Center is the only professional exhibition venue in Mianyang City invested and constructed by Kefa Group in accordance with the planning requirements of the municipal party committee and municipal government. The first and second phases of the Mianyang Convention and Exhibition Center completed in the previous period ensured the success of the previous high-tech expo.

∇ 项目实景 Project photos




Mianyang International Conference Center and Hotel, as the core of the third phase of the Mianyang Convention and Exhibition Center, is an exhibition complex project integrating conferences, exhibitions, banquets, hotels and other functions.


∇ 项目夜景 Project photos


01场 域 故 事 Field story

项目主体建筑形体如同一扇展开的风帆,最大限度增加景观朝向。建筑形象以“河畔明灯、 扬帆远航”为设计立意,寄托了对绵阳这座城市的美好愿景,也塑造出简洁大气的建筑形态。

The main building of the project is like an unfolded sail, maximizing the orientation of the landscape. The architectural image is designed with “bright lights on the riverside and sailing far away”, which entrusts a beautiful vision for the city of Mianyang, and also creates a simple and atmospheric architectural form.

∇ 建筑灵感来源 Source of architectural inspiration




The building is divided into two parts: the west podium and the east tower. The west podium is the conference center and the east tower is the hotel.

∇ 建筑结构分析图 Analysis chart of building structure



The interior design concept is based on the theme of “searching for ancient feelings”, taking the regional characteristics and Bashu culture as the design inspiration, integrating classic natural elements, historical and humanistic elements into the design, creating a local experience and the individuality of Mianyang Theme cultural center.


The interior design pays attention to “themed space”, hoping to provide people with an unforgettable impression tour through the rich space themes, and build a unique city card of Mianyang.

02conference Center


The west side conference center includes a multi-functional conference hall, a multi-functional banquet hall and 11 business meeting rooms. The interior design of each meeting room is based on the local style of Mianyang. And the conference hall and banquet hall of more than 1,600 square meters can accommodate about 800-1000 people.


∇ 1F会展中庭:空间设计灵感源于海天长丝艺术品,以丝绸般质感打造高端大气的会展迎宾空间。

1F Convention and Exhibition Atrium: The space design is inspired by Haitian filament art, and uses silk-like texture to create an atmospheric exhibition welcome space.


∇ 1F会议前厅:序列排布的暖黄灯带配合鎏金立面,赋予空间丰富的层次美感。

1F Conference Foyer: The warm yellow light strips arranged in sequence and the gilt facade give the space a rich layered beauty.


∇ 1F贵宾前厅:凤飞九千仞,五章备彩珍。——古风五十九首(李白)

1F VIP lobby: Feng fei jiu qian ren,Wu zhang bei cai zhen ——59 Ancient songs (Li Bai) (Li Bai)


∇ 1F大会堂:以“四水归堂”为设计理念,打造庄重、肃穆的千人大型会议空间,可以一分为三使用,接待中小型会议及宴会。

1F City Hall: with the design concept of “si shui gui tang”, it creates a solemn conference space for 1000 people, which can be divided into three parts to receive small and medium-sized meetings and banquets.


∇ 3F宴会前厅:寒月摇清波,流光入窗户。——望月有怀(李白)

3F antepartum: the cold moon shakes the waves and streamers into the windows. ——Looking at the moon with a heart (Li Bai)


∇ 3F宴会厅:朝饮苍梧泉,夕栖碧海烟。宁知鸾凤意,远托椅桐前。——赠饶阳张司户燧(李白)

3F banquet hall: chao yin cang wu quan,xi qi bi hai yan;ning zhi luan feng yi,yuan tuo yi tongqian. ——To Zhang Si Hu Sui of Raoyang (Li Bai)



The 11 business conference halls are named by the county-level cities under Mianyang. Their interior design does not adopt a unified planning design method, but starts from various regional and local elements to create a meeting space full of regional characteristics for each conference hall.


∇ 1F贵宾休息:设计围绕越王楼提取建筑元素形态,打造具有仪式感的贵宾接待空间。

1F VIP Lounge: The interior design extracts architectural elements around the Yuewang Building to create a VIP reception space with a sense of ceremony.


∇ 1F公共卫生间:设计延续了会议空间的鎏金配色,与会议区整体典雅庄重的风格统一。

1F public restroom: The design continues the gilt color matching of the meeting space, which is consistent with the overall elegant and solemn style of the meeting area.





The hotel is divided into a north tower and a south tower in terms of architectural form. The overall building adopts modern and simple design language to shape a magnificent architectural form. At the same time, the regular layout is unified with the architectural form inside and outside.

∇ 酒店建筑形态 Hotel architectural form


∇ 酒店入口 hotel entrance



The first to fourth floors are restaurants and chess and card rooms with different styles. The 5-14 floors of the South Tower and the 5-11 floors of the North Tower are the hotel guest rooms, and the internal facilities are set up according to the five-star hotel.



In the middle of the north and south towers is the hotel entrance lobby. The 47-meter-high empty space has become an aesthetic space with a unique temperament under the construction of the designer, which is also the soul of this design.

∇ 大堂入口分析图 Analysis diagram of lobby entrance


∇ 大堂入口剖面图 Section view of lobby entrance



The facade of the lobby uses glass curtain walls to introduce natural light. Large areas of glass materials are transparent and bright under the reflection of sunlight. It looks like a majestic waterfall on the top of the mountain. The water pours down on the top, forming a visual shock experience, leaving visitors with the impression of ” lushan Waterfall”.

∇ 1F酒店大堂:飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。——望庐山瀑布(李白)

1F hotel lobby: flying down 3000 feet, it is suspected that the Milky way is falling into the sky. ——Wanglushan Waterfall (Li Bai)




Above the atrium, there is an aerial corridor that traverses the north and south towers every three floors. While enhancing the flow of people, it also realizes the perfect combination of modern architectural aesthetic structure and function.

∇ 3F空中廊桥 3F Sky Bridge




The shape of the reception desk is like a boat, echoing the design concept of “sailing far away”. The arc-shaped dynamic array of golden bronze bricks of champagne gathers visual attention, which not only shows the local architectural culture of Mianyang, but also shows the elegant quality and style of five-star hotels.

∇ 1F大堂接待台:造型与“扬帆远航”理念相呼应

1F reception desk in the lobby: the shape echoes with the concept of “sailing far away”


∇ 1F大堂电梯厅:绿竹入幽径,青萝拂行衣。——下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒(李白)

1F lobby elevator hall: lv zhu ru you jing,qing luo fu xing yi ——Down Zhongnan mountain, over Husi mountain, people stay for wine (Li Bai)


∇ 1F大堂吧:欢言得所憩,美酒聊共挥。——下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒(李白)

1F lobby bar:huan yan de suo qi,mei jiu liao gong hui ——Down Zhongnan mountain, over Husi mountain, people stay for wine (Li Bai)



The dining area has a breakfast restaurant, a Chinese restaurant and an all-day dining restaurant to meet the dining needs of different groups of people. The ceiling at the top of the space echoes the “lighting lamp” in the concept, with gentle light swaying and embellishing like stars, creating a comfortable dining atmosphere.

∇ 1F早餐厅:飞梯绿云中,极目散我忧。暮雨向三峡,春江饶双流。——登锦城散花楼(李白)

1F breakfast restaurant: fei ti lv yun zhong,ji mu san wo you;mu yu xiang san xia,chun jiang rao shuang liu——Climb Jincheng Sanhua building (Li Bai)


∇ 2F全日餐厅:唯愿当歌对酒时,月光长照金樽里。——把酒问月(李白)

2F all-day dining restaurant: wei yuan dang ge dui jiu shi,yue guang chang zhao jin zun li -ba jiu wen yue (Li Bai)


∇ 3F中餐厅:风吹柳花满店香,吴姬压酒唤客尝。金陵子弟来相送,欲行不行各尽觞。——金陵酒肆留别(李白)

3F Chinese Restaurant: feng chui liu hua man dian xiang,wu ji ya jiu huan ke chang;jin ling zi di lai xiang song,yu xing bu xing ge jin shang. —-Farewell to Jinling Winery (Li Bai)



The hotel has a total of 246 special guest rooms, including deluxe double rooms, ordinary suites, double rooms and standard rooms. The interior design uses silk materials into the space decoration, so that guests can directly and truly feel the hotel quality from the physical sense.

∇ 客房走廊 Room corridor



∇ 大床房 king-size bed room



∇ 普通套房 ordinary suite



∇ 豪华套房 Luxury Suite




意境空间、诗意表达,绵阳国际会议中心及高端酒店项目结合城市本土特色元素,融入巴蜀地域文化新丝路,用诗歌演绎室内设计,高度满足了其作为会展类综合项目的复合功能和多元需求,致力打造以会议中心为平台、以酒店经营为主导的“一流品质、一流建设、一流质量” 的城市特色名片,将绵阳会展中心推动成为绵阳城市新区商业、文旅的繁盛之地。

The Mianyang International Conference Center and Hotel project combines the local characteristic elements of Mianyang City and uses poetry to interpret the interior design, which highly meets its complex functions and diverse needs as a comprehensive exhibition project. It is committed to creating a city characteristic business card of “first-class quality, first-class construction and first-class quality”, and promoting Mianyang Convention and Exhibition Center to become a prosperous place for commerce, culture and tourism in Mianyang new urban area.


建筑设计团队:CCDI悉地国际 汇力设计中心
室内设计团队:CCDI悉地国际 卝智室内设计
项目设计 & 竣工时间:2019.4-2020.8
室内主创及设计团队 室内主创:李秩宇设计团队:李振兴、马一鸣、杨彦铃、李海涛、张莹、王欢、王骁夏、王英
建筑主创及设计团队 建筑主创:初腾飞设计团队:刘小彪、张瑞红、刘建忠、安宇、刘子熠、于春晖、莫斌、茹琦璐、李翰岚、罗玮、潘霖、刘佳

Project name:Interior Design of Mianyang International Conference Center and Hotel
Architectural design unit:CCDI Huili Design Center
Interior design unit:CCDI Beijing Interior Design Center
Contact e-mail:GWdesign@yeah.net
Design year & Completion Year:2019.4-2020.8
Interior design team Leader designer:Li ZhiyuTeam: Li Zhenxing, Ma Yiming, Yang Yanling, Li Haitao, Zhang Ying, Wang Huan, Wang Xiaoxia, Wang Ying
Architectural design team:Leader designer: Chu TengfeiTeam: Liu Xiaobiao, Zhang Ruihong, Liu Jianzhong, An Yu, Liu Ziyi, Yu Chunhui, Mo Bin, Ru Qilu, Li Hanlan, Luo Wei, Pan Lin, Liu Jia
Project location:Sichuan Province/Mianyang City/Fucheng District
Gross Built Area (square meters):60486㎡
Interior design area:38400㎡
Number of hotel rooms:246
Photo credits:Lu Fei, Ren Enbin
Materials used in the project:Marble, carpet, stainless steel, silk cloth, transparent soft film, luminous cement

