

Beijing-Xiong’an intercity railway is located in Beijing and Hebei Province, connecting Beijing to xiong’an new area. There are six stations along the way, including Beijing west station, Beijing Daxing station, Daxing airport station, Gu’an east station, Bazhou north station and xiong’an station. After leaving Beijing, there are three stations along the way, of which Gu’an east station and Bazhou north station are all built by CCDI.


On December 27, 2020, the Beijing-xiong’an intercity railway will be put into operation, and xiong’an station will be put into use simultaneously. The fastest from Beijing West Railway Station to Xiong’an New District is 50 minutes, and the fastest from Daxing Airport to Xiong’an New District is 19 minutes.

∇ 京雄城际铁路全线©《人民铁道》报业有限公司新媒体中心 the Beijing-xiong’an intercity railway




Gu’an east railway station is located in the middle of Gu’an County, Langfang City, Hebei Province, about 12 kilometers away from Gu’an County. And it is the first station of Jingxiong intercity railway after leaving Beijing, also known as “the first station of Jingnan”.

∇ 车站全貌 Overall view of the station


∇ 车站全貌/正立面 Overall view of the station



The flowing Yongding River tells the history of Gu’an city. This city, known as “the hometown of hot springs” and “the hometown of flowers and trees”, has achieved a tacit understanding with architectural design and historical culture, injecting new vitality into Gu’an. Gu’an east station with mobile roof is a dynamic masterpiece of art, and it is also the first welcoming ceremony for tourists to arrive in Gu’an.

∇ 车站大厅入口 Entrance of station hall



The most eye-catching feature of the project is that relying on the regional advantages of “hot spring town” in Gu’an, the wave form of Flowing Clouds and water has been enriched and deepened in the modeling scale and form of the whole building, and has also become an excellent feedback for the integration of architectural interior design. The architectural design casts an underutilized old city into a brand-new urban portal and redefines the status and significance of Gu’an.

∇ 天花概念提取/涟漪波纹 Inspiration of smallpox


车站大厅是整个工程的重中之重,室内外一体化设计是项目出发原则。室内设计以明亮温暖之色的结合为基调,室内空间天花设计语言提取了当地 “温泉之乡” 泉水元素以及当地传统手工艺柳编工艺元素进行二次结合创造。同时,顶面造型利用建筑顶面原始结构的起伏状态组成波浪造型,构成整个设计视觉的焦点 。

The inspiration of the ceiling comes from the station hall, which is the top priority of the whole project. The interior design takes bright and warm colors as the keynote. The ceiling design extracts the spring elements of the local “hot spring town” and the local traditional handicraft willow weaving process elements for secondary combination creation. At the same time, the top modeling uses the undulating state of the original structure of the building top to form wave modeling, which constitutes the focus of the whole design vision.

∇ 车站大厅入口 Entrance of station hall



The wavy structure breaks the rigid modeling of the traditional flat sequence and forms a new sense of sequence, which makes the top of the waiting hall more light visually. Each of the three groups of vault is composed of staggered and orderly aluminum square tubes, forming a flowing visual effect. Lighting devices are placed on the middle ribs of each vault to cover the whole space.

∇ 一层候车区 Waiting hall on the first floor




∇ 一层安检区 Security area on the first floor



The customer service center provides all necessary facilities for commuters. The design elements of the customer service center are plane curve elements. The design language of the exit hall and corridor is relatively unified with the customer service center, which ensures the high consistency of the overall design style and emphasizes the sense of flow in the architectural language.

∇ 一层售票区 Ticket area on the first floor


∇ 月台 railway platform



The new Gu’an east railway station has a variety of modern labels, such as aesthetics, connectivity and sustainability, which combine internationalization with traditional culture. The impressive wavy roof gives the building a strong sense of integration of interior and exterior, and also establishes an internal connection with the urban environment. We firmly believe that the city of Gu’an will also stride forward to a better tomorrow because of the smooth opening of the the Beijing xiong’an railway line.



Bazhou north station is located in the northwest of Bazhou City, Hebei Province, about 14 kilometers away from Bazhou station. The nature of the station is the middle station of Jingxiong line, and the next station is xiong’an station.

∇ 车站全貌 Overall view of the station


∇ 车站全貌/正立面 Overall view of the station


霸州北站作为冀中机枢、京南门户,落成的新车站将“龙形”与汉字的“门”字巧妙结合,应用到建筑的双层轮廓上。蜿蜒曲折、遒劲有力的造型,通过强烈的虚实对比,凸显了 “龙门”的形象,完美地回应了当地的文脉语境。

Bazhou North Station serves as the hub of Jizhong and the gateway to the south of Beijing. The newly completed station combines the “dragon shape” with the Chinese character “door” and applies it to the double-layer outline of the building. The strong and powerful shape highlights the image of “Dragon Gate” and perfectly responds to the local context.

∇ 建筑概念提取 Inspiration of building



The glass curtain wall of the building conforms to the oblique line of the facade and is divided into a fishing net shape. The triangular glass windows gleamed like dragon scales in the sun. The indoor space is spacious and bright, and the simple and generous design makes the building not only meet the needs of the operation station, but also improve the comfort of commuters.

∇ 车站大厅入口 Entrance of station hall



For tourists, the station is the first and final impression of the city. The design of the waiting hall fully reflects the integrity and regionality of the building. The architectural style is based on traditional Chinese cultural elements, and the overall tone uses a warmer wood color.

∇ 一层候车区 Waiting hall on the first floor




The top surface of the hall is designed with “dragon-shaped” elements in line with the ups and downs of the architectural language. The alternate arrangement of wood color aluminum Fangtong and white Longji is simple and full of power, which reflects the integrity and frankness of Bazhou people.

∇ 候车大厅顶面序列排布 waiting hall



∇ 一层安检区 Security area on the first floor



The space design of the ticket office and service desk is function oriented to create a comfortable, bright and generous ticket selling space.

∇ 一层售票区 Ticket area on the first floor



The station adopts new materials and new technologies to embody the concepts of sustainable development such as ecology, green, and environmental protection, and perfectly combines architectural space with regional culture to create a modern transportation building with high quality and long-term vitality.

∇ 一层出站通道 Exit channel



As the two intermediate stations on the Jingxiong Line, Gu’an East Station and Bazhou North Station are the first small rail transit station design completed by CCDI Beijing Interior Design Center. The overall design follows the architectural vocabulary of the integration of interior and exterior, combining various Local cultural conditions of the station, and individualized treatment of the station. Gu’an East Station is a curvilinear and relaxing design vocabulary, while Bazhou North Station is a linear, solemn and quiet design vocabulary. Under the design of regional cultural elements, the characteristic image of one station and one scene is achieved, which improves the recognition of the route and provides a high-quality space carrier for people to travel.


As the design agency of this station, CCDI is willing to help the country develop a better future for rail transit with the spirit of perfection. At present, the large-scale station building project of Xiamen North Railway Station is also undergoing continuous design and promotion. Let us look forward to 2021 together.


项目名称:京雄城际铁路 / 固安东站、霸州北站室内设计
建筑设计团队:CCDI悉地国际 轨道交通产品直属建筑团队
室内设计团队:CCDI悉地国际 卝智室内设计
项目设计 & 竣工时间:2020.4-2020.12
室内主创及设计团队 室内主创:李秩宇设计团队:侯守国、刘晓钧、张洲文

Project name:Interior Design of Gu’an East Station, Bazhou North Station
Architectural design unit:CCDI Rail transit construction team
Interior design unit:CCDI Beijing Interior Design Center
Contact e-mail:GWdesign@yeah.net
Design year & Completion Year:2020.4-2020.12
Interior design team:Leader designer: Li ZhiyuTeam: Hou Shouguo, Liu Xiaojun, Zhang Zhouwen
Project location:Gu’an County and Bazhou City, Langfang City, Hebei Province
Design area Design area of Gu’an East Station: construction area of 4,98.55㎡, interior design area of 2809.8㎡Design area of Bazhou North Station: construction area of 9996.8㎡, interior design area of 6189.8㎡
Photo credits:Lu Fei, Ren Enbin
Owner unit:Beijing-Shenyang Railway Passenger Dedicated Line Beijing-Hebei Co., Ltd.
Materials used in the project:Granite, aluminum plate, aluminum square pass

