


The museum is located in Suzhou. We are entrusted by contemporary jade carving master Yang Xi to carry out the main building renovation and space design for his museum.

杨曦号南石,现为国家级非物质文化(苏州玉雕)代表性传承人、享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家 、研究员级高级工艺美术师、江苏省工艺美术大师、中国玉石雕刻大师、第一届苏州市工艺美术大师、苏州市民间工艺家 ,苏作玉雕工艺创新、探索代表人物。 作品《秋语江南》《莲相》已被大英博物馆永久收藏,《花样年华》被中国美术馆收藏 。作为当今苏作玉雕工艺创新、探索代表人物,其作品具有浓厚的时代气息和强烈的现代感,在继承传统工艺技法的同时,结合中国绘画技巧和现代设计理念,开创了玉雕“虚实结合”的新技法,丰富了玉雕的内在韵致,赋予了苏作玉雕崭新的生命。个性内敛低调、善思勤勉,与当今社会的浮躁涌动格格不入,安于游离喧嚣之外,安静地沉浸在他的琢玉世界里。但是在工艺创新思想上他却敏锐而灵动,刻意创新、永不停歇,用自己的艺术灵感和近乎完美的创作,正引领着苏州玉雕行业的步伐坚定前行,并终将在苏作玉雕这块艺术的土壤上画上属于他的极具时代特色、浓墨重彩的一笔。

Yang Xi is a representative inheritor of national intangible culture (Suzhou jade carving), an expert enjoying special government allowance of the State Council, a senior craftsman of researcher level, a master of Arts and crafts of Jiangsu Province, a master of jade carving of China, the first master of Arts and crafts of Suzhou City, a folk craftsman of Suzhou City, and a representative of Suzhou jade carving technology innovation and exploration. The works “autumn language south of the Jiangnan” and “Lotus phase” have been permanently collected by the British Museum, and the flower of love has been collected by the Chinese Art Museum. As a representative figure of the innovation and exploration of the jade carving technology in today’s Soviet works, his works have a strong sense of the times and a strong sense of modernity. While inheriting the traditional technology and techniques, combining with Chinese painting skills and modern design concepts, he created a new technology of “combination of virtual and real” in the jade carving, enriched the inner charm of the jade carving, and gave the new life to the jade carving in Soviet works. His personality is introverted, low-key and diligent, which is not in line with the impetuous surging of today’s society. He is comfortable outside the free noise and quietly immersed in his jade world. However, he is keen and nimble in the thought of technological innovation. He deliberately innovates and never stops. With his own artistic inspiration and nearly perfect creation, he is leading the pace of Suzhou jade carving industry firmly forward, and will eventually mark the soil of Suzhou jade carving art with his time characteristics and strong colors.

∇ 建筑外观 Architectural appearance



For the sake of preserving the structural integrity of the old buildings and solving the waterproof problem of the external walls of the original buildings, most of the external walls of the buildings are wrapped with white waterproof paint, which makes the buildings with different heights present an integrated visual experience. Mr. Tadao Ando once said, “Light gives beauty drama”. How to use limited windows to introduce more natural light into this main building, which sits east to west, and minimize the sense of occlusion in the original building space is the key point of the connection between the main building and the interior space.

∇ 入口Entrance



The shape of the entrance is carved into the building at a 30 ° angle to create a form of retreat. The gap between the texture of the wall many-hued and the outdoor environment creates a visual experience that is like mottled time for the viewer.


∇ 一层玉文化展示区 First floor jade culture exhibition area





The “line” formed by jade carvings runs through the whole space, spreading the neat lines at the door into the interior. The lines are vertical and horizontal, quiet and simple. The space color only retains wood color, white color and black color, which turns complexity into simplicity. The space has nothing to do with the hustle and bustle. Light and shadow fall on the section of the wall and flow slowly with time.


∇ 一层展示区细节 Details of exhibition area on the first floor


∇ 一层玉雕展示 First floor jade carving display


∇ 一层茶区Tea area on the first floor


∇ 中庭长廊Atrium corridor



If you are generous and have no corner, you will not be able to make a big product. The great sound is hard to hear. The great form has no shape. Designers understand the importance of nature in aesthetics, so try to fully relate space to nature. Both sides of the large floor glass will be outdoor and indoor fusion into a scene.

∇ 庭院 Courtyard



The ground is paved with bricks and stones, and the building line and courtyard line extend to the end of the courtyard. Running water and green scenery, water drop device and swimming fish in the pool, pleasant in motion and stillness, are not interesting.




∇ 玉石展厅Jade exhibition hall



Such as the lines outlined by the brush and the scattered geometry frame the stairs winding to the exhibition hall. Its form is the extension of the first floor exhibition hall. All shape elements are fixed and supported each other in the most simplified way, which looks like they are on the edge of imbalance and perfectly balanced. The contemporary block form echoes the works of Yang Xi with a strong sense of the times. It is not rigid, deliberate and unique.


∇ 展厅细节 Exhibition hall details



∇ 工地现场 construction site


∇ 室内平面 Interior plan






项目地址:中国 苏州
室内面积:3500 ㎡
设计总监:李丰宇 杨哲人
摄 影:王友林
摄 像:徐宇欣

Design scope: facade design, interior design, soft decoration display, lighting design
Project address: Suzhou, China
Indoor area | 3500 ㎡
Design time: March 28, 2018
Construction time: May 2018 – December 2019
Li Fengyu, Yang Zhe, design director
Photography by Wang Youlin and Xu Yuxin

