
∇ 大厅外 © 徐英达Outdoor Space © Yingda Xu


苏州湾体育公园休闲配套/Lim Cafe

在长三角一体化的大背景下, 苏州各区新城的生活也随产业布局被分割成不同的区域,而太湖新城作为最新的开发区域,多元文化与基础设施的升级必然是区域的发展趋势。苏州湾体育公园位于太湖新城的核心-东太湖生态旅游度假区内, 公园内有花海、步道、池塘、球场,树木繁茂, 是旅游度假、户外休闲、运动健身的好去处。体育公园位置优越,西临太湖, 北侧高架连接苏州市区及上海,南接浙江,不仅为周边居民提供舒适的交流场所,更吸引了诸多周边城市来客。 项目坐落于体育公园中, 临近公园网球场和篮球场,绿荫环绕,作为公园的休闲配套为周边服务。

In the context of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, the life of the new districts of Suzhou is differentiated by different industrial layout. Suzhou Bay Sports Park is located in the core area of the Taihu New City- East Taihu Eco-Tourism Resort. It is a good place for tourism, outdoor recreation, sports and fitness, a sea of flowers, trails, ponds, courts, and luxuriant trees. The sport park is well located, with Taihu Lake in the west, an elevated bridge connecting Suzhou city area and Shanghai to the north, and Zhejiang in the south. It provides a comfortable place for communication between the surrounding residents and attracts visitors from many surrounding cities. The project is located in the sports park, adjacent to the tennis court and basketball court, surrounded by greenery, serving as the park’s leisure facilities for the neighborhoods.

∇ 鸟瞰 © 徐英达Bird View © Yingda Xu


∇ 草地外景 © 徐英达 Grassland View © Yingda Xu



Thinking from the perspective of a new city, the necessary leisure facility in the park can create more possibilities and imagination. Served as this supporting architecture closely related to the public in the park, it still satisfies the basic functional requirements, and its future possibilities will also be improved from this level. This improvement expresses the tone, care, and development attitude and positioning of the city.


The designers aim to create a creative building on the edge of Taihu Lake, which can become a regional landmark of the park, designing simply and improving the public city space experience. Additionally, people can feel relaxed in the park, and the building can be blended into the environment as much as possible.

∇ 镜面立面 © 徐英达 Mirror Facade © Yingda Xu


∇ 湖边镜面反射夕阳 © 徐英达The mirror reflects the sunset © Yingda Xu


项目原是公园内的一处木质剪力墙结构的配套用房。 作为太湖新城的核心, 公园希望通过对原有建筑的改造,给予周边居民及外来游客服务的休闲聚集点。不论是在挥洒过汗水的运动后,还是在滨水漫步的午后,都可以在此休憩、用餐和聚会。形体的设计基于原有木制建筑的结构,错落穿插的体块生成了丰富的内部空间。白色的穿孔板与大面积的落地玻璃也被运用于设计中,形成了对内和对外两个不同的立面,一面朝向太湖,反射的效果令这个体量不大的建筑充分融入周围环境,让建筑映射人和城市的表情。一面朝向球场形成庭院,同时与公园以及场地建立紧密的关系。

The project was originally a supporting house with a wooden shear wall structure in the park. As the core area of Taihu New Town, the park hopes to provide a leisure meeting point for the surrounding residents and tourists by the renovation of the original building. People can rest and drink here, after exercising or an afternoon wandering along the waterfront. The design of the shape is based on the original wooden structure, and the interspersed blocks create rich internal space. White perforated panels and large-area glasses are also used in the design, forming two different facades, both internally and externally. One side faces Taihu Lake, and the reflection effect makes the small building fully integrated into the surrounding environment. The other side faces the court to form a courtyard and establishes a close relationship with the park and the site.

∇ 外立面日景© 徐英达Daytime Façade © Yingda Xu


∇ 外立面夜景© 徐英达 Nighttime Façade © Yingda Xu


∇ 花海角度 © 徐英达 Flower Sea View © Yingda Xu



The round-shaped courtyard patterns and the spherical metal sculpture serve for the simple main entrance, which fits the theme of the LIM coffee brand. Apart from enjoying the delicious food, people can take ins-style photos here. Large white perforated aluminum panels provide a bright and relaxed feeling, leading people into the café.

∇ 院子入口 © 徐英达 Entrance © Yingda Xu



On a sunny day, or when the sun is setting, the single-lens surface glasses make the building shine like a pearl on the grass by the lake, which reflects the sky, clouds, flowers, and pedestrians. At night, the house is lightened, which becomes a unique detached house bar by the lake.

建筑一层包含了灵活有趣的开放空间,规模不同的包间,以及配套的厨卫后勤空间, 二层作为灵活布局,可举办不同的包场聚会活动。大厅内,结合原有木梁设计的白色波浪形状的吊顶,俏皮地倒挂在天花板上,映衬着窗外的天空和云朵,俨然生成了一幅画中画。灯光从挂片中打下,简洁高雅,营造出艺术的氛围。舒适的家具和地毯,提升了空间的品质,随意又不失精致感。自然摆放的二三盆绿植,有趣地点缀了这片纯白的空间。

The ground floor contains flexible and exciting open space, private rooms of different scales, and supporting kitchen and logistics space. The second floor is used as a flexible space for various activities. In the lobby, the white wavy ceilings designed with original wooden beams are playfully hung upside down from the ceiling, reflecting the sky and clouds outside the window, creating a picture-in-picture. The light is laid out from the hanging film, concisely and elegantly, creating an artistic atmosphere. Comfortable furniture and carpets enhance the quality of the space without losing a sense of elegance. Green plants are placed naturally and interestingly, decorating the pure white space.

∇ 一楼室内 © 杨楠First floor © Nan Yang



“Architecture is frozen music, and music is fluid architecture.” a white-sculpture-feeling piano stands elegantly beside the spiral staircase in the sunken space. The music flowing out from the piano keys is filled with pure space, which attracts you to stop here. In addition, the private rooms of suitable size also provide guests with private area, with excellent quality. The concise line lights on the second floor outline the fully preserved sloping roof shape. The large glass area displays the beautiful scenery outside the window, enhancing the quality of the space.

∇ 二楼室内 © lim cafe Second floor © lim cafe



The outdoor courtyard area is integrated into the natural green scene, shaped like the magical brushstrokes falling on the scrolls of the natural park, dizzy and connected. The circular outer pendulum and the bar respond to the site, presenting a picture of natural art, attracting people to stop. In the evening, pearl-like lighting decorates the darkness and brightens the courtyard. Enjoying the night view, people meet here and talk freely.

∇ 花海角度 © 徐英达 Flower Sea View © Yingda Xu


在这个飞速发展的时代,建筑设计总让我们急于进入高大上的豪宅里,逃离外面的喧嚣, 一关门就进入自己的小世界。公园作为一种媒介,能否把人从自己的空间里吸引出来,到城市里汇合,交流,互动呢?虽然基于原有结构的设计无法达到一个公园配套最佳的示范效果,但我们也不为此而感到遗憾,这也是对项目开发成本和时间考验的妥协。LIM咖啡希望凭借优雅大气的外观设计和有趣的内部空间布局为大众创造一个公园汇合点,增强人与人之间的互动,聆听彼此,创造更多的可能性。傍着碧波荡漾的太湖之水,依着郁郁葱葱的绿树青植,隐于生态体育公园的一隅。约上几个友人,在此休闲郊游,看花、漫步、望湖、锻炼,真不失为人间乐事。

In this era of rapid development, architectural design always pushes people into luxury buildings, escaping from the outside and enter into our small world as soon as possible. So, is it necessary to create a medium that can attract people to leave their own space and meet, communicate, and interact in the city? Although the design based on the original structure cannot achieve the best demonstration effect of a park, we do not regret trying, which is also a compromise to the project development costs and time. As a supporting building for the city park, LIM Café hopes to create a park meeting point for the public with its elegant elevation design and attractive internal space, enhancing the interaction between people, creating more possibilities. Aside from the rippling water of Taihu Lake and lush green forests, LIM Café is located on one corner of Suzhou Wujiang Ecology Sports Park. It is a pleasure to meet with friends here and enjoy the flowers, wondering, watching the lake and exercising.













∇ 一层平面图 © 平介设计Ground Floor Plan © parallect design


∇ 二层平面图 © 平介设计 First Floor Plan © parallect design


∇ 轴侧图 © 平介设计 Axonometric © parallect design


∇ 模型照片 © 平介设计 Model Photo © parallect design



∇ 剖透视 section



摄影版权:徐英达,Lim cafe,杨楠
客户:Lim cafe,苏州吴江城投集团

Project Name: Suzhou Bay Sports Park supporting building- LIM Café
Design: Parallect Design (Suzhou)
Website: https://www.parallect-design.com/
Contact e-mail: info@parallect-design.com
Design year & Completion Year: 2020,2021.
Design Team:Yitong. Wang, Nan. yang, Guijiadong. Lin, Xiangdong Xiao, Zhuen. Wang
Structure Design: Shanghai Hengtai Architecture Design Co.LTD
Soft Furnishing Design: FINE MORE DESIGN CO. LTD
Project Location: Suzhou Bay Sports Park, Wujiang District, Suzhou City
Area (square meters): 600m2
Photo credits: Yingda. Xu; LIM Café; Nan. Yang
Clients: LIM Café; Suzhou BuiltopGroup Co.LTD

