People often say “big hidden in the city”
In fact, it stems from the inner desire for simple daily life
A retrospective of oriental artistic conception

“万物皆有裂缝 那是光进来的地方”

“Everything has cracks. That’s where the light comes in”

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计

当我们第一次接触MAY MIX时就被他们一丝不苟的态度所触动,保证顾客在每次到来时的亲身与多重感官的体验是他们创立以来一直坚持的原则与标准。在服务过程中,他们将艺术融入到每一次的动作,从形式到体验所表达的语义都在向顾客们传达着一种趋向于生活的艺术,给顾客们带来一种全新的艺术体验方式。

When we first came into contact with MAY MIX, we were touched by their meticulous attitude, ensuring that customers have a personal and multi-sensory experience every time they arrive, which is the principle and standard they have adhered to since their establishment. In the service process, they integrate art into every action, from the form to the semantics expressed in the experience are conveying a kind of art tending to life to customers, bringing customers a new way of art experience .

该项目的设计旨在为顾客们带来一个有“态度”的空间,在当代的时尚的语义环境下重现一种朴实淡雅的氛围。设计师从材质的角度出发,感官与空间的巧妙组合,将MAY NIX对于美独有的态度注入到空间的每一寸肌理中。

The project is designed to bring customers a space with an “attitude” that recreates an unpretentious atmosphere in a contemporary, stylish semantic environment. From the point of view of materials, the designer combines the senses and space ingeniously, injecting MAY NIX’s unique attitude towards beauty into every inch of the texture of the space.

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计

Δ 轴测分析图



MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计


The design concept starts from the oriental artistic conception extracted from the tradition. Oak and micro-cement materials with medium saturation and contrast are used to dominate the space materials, paying tribute to the elements of “wood” and “earth” in traditional residences.

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计


The light and shadow interweave with the natural rhythm and the texture of the wall wrapped in natural lime paint, diffuse into the space and become three-dimensional, and the atmosphere becomes softer and softer, like an old friend, familiar with each other, casual and sincere.

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计


Do not pursue fashion, nor excessively pile up design vocabulary, or even pursue brightness and saturation. The atmosphere of the home is the gentleness and warmth formed by nature, quiet and quiet.




The space is cut and reorganized, showing a sense of uncertainty that is scattered but unified. The relationship between the multi-level blocks, the line of sight runs through, and the space is always rich and lively.

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计


We care about the reality of space, because it resonates with us, is familiar and reassuring; it is not single, it is three-dimensional and rich, it is the resonance of vision, touch, spirit, emotion and memory. The resonance makes us feel that we are in it, that everything exists and happens so naturally.


The moment when our emotions are wrapped in light is our separation from the outside world, and our spirit returns to peace. This is a simple and universal form, but it is an irreplaceable special existence.

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计


Different from the aesthetics emphasized in traditional design, the designer advocates “low-saturation color” in this project, presenting an asymmetric but inclusive beauty. Interspersed with geometric blocks and special shapes, combined with milk coffee color, the space is silky and smooth, creating a gentle sense of healing. The whole space is open and atmospheric, and unnecessary details and lines are removed. Through the ingenious division of space, the designer hopes to make the interior interesting and flexible.



MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计


The light to us is not only visual light and dark, physical cold and warm, it is sublime and sacred, but intimate. At different times of the day, we seem to be waiting for the moment of contact with the light, and we are fascinated by this elusive yet traceable change.

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计


For the color system on the top surface of the space wall, the designer generally adopts the earth color system. The neutral warm color is a timeless classic in the palette, which is warm and comfortable, elegant and high-end. Soft tones with low saturation, not unassuming, not kitsch, it is neither as lively and unrestrained as high-saturation color, nor as simple as black and white, it presents a warm, comfortable, calm and elegant space , you can relax your body and mind when you are in it.

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计



MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计


The frameless glass weakens the boundary and distance between indoor and outdoor nature. During the walk, the intimate connection with nature is released, which makes people instinctively slow down, breathe lightly and slowly, and the spirit returns to calm. The transformation of time and light and shadow is captured and recorded quietly, and the conversation and whisper are the flow and blend of time and emotion.

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计


The volumes in the space are clearly carved by straight lines, and these volumes blur the boundaries of the space. We selectively subtract the space division, and the undefined multi-dimensional spaces are connected by the building blocks, which weakens the division of space units with clear functions, flowing, transparent and calm.

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计


Not defining makes the space naturally derive the possibility beyond its own limitations, concise but richer. It comes from the perception and measurement of the occupants, as well as the emotional resonance caused by the harmony between space and thought.


The basic tonality is established by the delicate micro-cement floor, and the ambiguous association evoked by the warm-colored materials eliminates the boundaries of things, and the space emerges with a psychedelic temperament. The continuous wall, as a specific strategy for space transformation, increases the sense of clarity and lightness, like a huge curtain that is extending.

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计

MOOTHAN. DESIGN,运城MAY MIX·头皮SPA,头皮SPA店,商业空间,MAY MIX·头皮SPA,末染设计,末染设计作品,头皮SPA店设计

Δ平面布置图 Layout plan


Social media has expanded the communication properties of architecture with its easy dissemination, but the practice process is always accompanied by difficulties and challenges. When the brand introduced its concept, it said that “every plant can germinate in every seed of its own”. I hope our work can also bring the concept of sustainable use of environmental protection back to everyone’s daily life. .


Only five steps away from reality, we shuttle in the future and the past, the sensory space where surprise and imagination are constantly changing, and integrate different consumption formats into one, allowing the viewer to escape from the real whimsical space.

Lead Designer/Meng Fei
Lighting design/SANTAN
Location/Yuncheng, Shanxi Province
项目面积/m²ea /110m²
Project Type/Commercial space
Photography/Ricci spatial photography,Shuangbei

