

All our knowledge begins with sensibility, then into the understanding, and ends with reason.

Nothing is better than reason. ——Immanuel Kant康德





A mountain is a mountain;

A mountain is not only a mountain;

A mountain is just a mountain.


People starts with feelings to learn and gain knowledge, then to obtain the way of understanding the world, and then to know the world by rational thinking so as to acquire different perceptions.




Art is a tool to interpret rational consciousness into emotions in people’s life.——Leo Tolstoy列夫·托尔斯泰

在地文底&品牌基因Cultural Background&Brand Gene


The project is located in Shijiazhuang, a city that is well known as “First City” with profound historical and cultural heritage.


天字系高端品牌“天汇”(City Gather),关注“健康人居”与“艺术品位”,以汇并集,将自然艺术、城市精神、城居健康,和谐融于空间。品牌以其追求获得高知阶层人士的认同,既有理性的认知,又有精神层面的积极探索,在感知去体悟。

As a product of high-end brand “Tianhui” (City Gather), it focuses on “healthy living” and “art appreciation”, which is to integrate nature, art, city spirit, and healthy living environment into harmonious space. The connotation of the brand is well-recognized by the high-level intellectual group, for a rational impression and an inspiration for spiritual perception through experience.



For this project, it sets the interior as the extension of architecture as the keystone. With strong cultural atmosphere, it takes the architectural rationality as the guide, and interprets the concept of “beauty” by architectural techniques and artistic ways into the manor, a house of notable families.


Below the Clouds, Beyond theManor

于自然天穹玉叶之下,置身建筑可充分感受空间情绪、感知建筑理性、体知内在致美。玉叶之下,宅门之上,是一场感性 – 知性 – 理性的空间之旅,既是顺序又是循环,不断螺旋式上升中抵达极致高知体悟致美。

Once inside the house, visitors can fully sense the space emotions, experience the architectural rationality, and perceive the inner beauty. Below the clouds, beyond the manor house, it offers a perceptual, intellectual and rational space journey, with sequence but also constantly spiraling up to the ultimate beauty.



「逐影光阴,名门重迹 」

TimeChasing, HistoryTrace


Through the winding landscape road of the garden to the vestibule, visitors can immediately sense the towering height of 12 meters, and solemn atmosphere by the sedate marble for a manor courtyard of notable families.




In front of the towering marble feature wall, it sets the reception desk with a steady gesture to make entry become formal. It is elaborately proportioned by different materials to the walls and the floor for a sense of grandeur, and the customized artistic lamp on the ceiling generates rich and multi-level light-and-shadow experience.


强烈空间仪式感体验,感知名门望族厚重痕迹,悟以沉淀文底是基础。 光且留影,逐影中见光阴,岁月沉淀宅门之厚。

It is impressed with strong sense of formal entry, heavy traces of notable families, and the connotation of cultural inheritance.Light makes shadows, allowing people to chase time through shadows, also the thick inheritance of manor houses for notable families.



Heart Migrating, Home Settlement


It continues the architectural logic to the internal ceiling texture for unity. The design tends to weaken the closed sense caused by the walls but to strengthen the aesthetics of the blocks. The transparent glass and artistic chandelier, both of which widen the space and generates an atmosphere of grandeur. However, just like the migration of fish, visitors hope to return to nature for settlement as homes.






Memories Recalling, LifeAmbition


The atrium is the most outstanding area, as well as the most challenging design part. The intention is to make light as the medium, be the natural light, the artificial light, or the flowing light of time. It produces strong visual impact for the three-floor towering height, and a strong sense of spatial rhythm through the overlapping texture of the facades.


立于首层,眼随光逐影向上溯游,12米层高, 9米开间,倍感空间高阔。尽量仅以简洁造型做处理,留于空间于空,以更灵活容纳各种场景需求:置入雕塑装置或艺术画即为展览场,布以简易桌椅即可活动交流。

Standing on the ground floor, in a place of 12 meters in height and 9 meters in width, visitors have their eyes following the light up to the top and sense its towering. Here, it only applies simple approaches but aims to leave the space in void as much as possible, so as to satisfy various scenes and needs: for examples, it can place with sculptures or art paintings to be an exhibition gallery, or sets simple tables and chairs to be a activity venue.





It specially sets a connecting corridor in the air to break the emptiness caused by the void. It is sculpted as a piece of art, and the shape of open-and-close is an implication of acceptance. It is a practice of minimalism of using the transparent celling well to introduce light as the leading actor on this four-dimensional stage.



Going up to the sky under the dome, visitors get the ambition of clouds through light as well as ambition of life through time.



Experiencing Nature, Heart Realm


After mountain-like experience, visitors naturally stop in the lounge area, just as water streaming to the source point.





It strongly attracts visual attention in that place through the transparent acrylic and the laser three-dimensional art installation. It highlights the architectural advantages of height by using full floor-to-ceiling transparent glass, and artificial lighting as ripples echoes to the ceiling texture. As water streaming to the sea, here the indoor and outdoor meet as one.




It introduces the outdoor through the transparent glass into the indoor, with the natural light to make the space especially amiable.





Ground with composed sense, walls with warm tone, chairs and tables with cozy design, and decorative art pieces, all of which generate a friendly communication atmosphere.




As the cascades of “mountains” and the ripple of light, it provides experience between the concrete and the virtual. With smooth transition for different scenes, visitors can perceive the space as a whole but also can appreciate the details. Through the natural-like landscape, visitors are impressive with not only the cascades of mountains, but also acknowledge the interaction through the ripples of water and light.




Tranquility Appreciating, Enthusiasm Poise


For VIP area, it is set with “private” as the key point, tending to create a tranquility appreciation place. To stand out the architectural advantages, it uses the ceiling and the wall to enclose privacy. It produces strong contrast effect by the light color on the curved ceiling and the dark color of the thick wall, which can lessen the narrow and enclosed feeling but add a quiet atmosphere instead.



Here, it no longer portrays the space with the heigh and width, but in the horizontal order instead. It makes art and culture as the guide to interpret the concept of healthy: by using antique-processing metal and furnace in the kitchen to express both happy and enthusiasm as space emotions.


Here, walls and furniture in dark tone meet the accessory and art adornment in bold colors, but surprisingly make the space both quiet and warm.



With the natural light in the distance, it not only makes the space cheerful, but also reflects the noble appearance of the space as a manor.


|跋 Postscript


Art and life are the two sides of a crystal ball.Art that has nothing to do with life is not art.

Life that has nothing to do with art is life in vain.

—— Guo Moruo郭沫若




Here, it tries to reveal the architectural connotation by logic, and to integrate life by art, and to perceive the hidden beauty through space. It sets children’s area before the entry, which is not only a consideration of children accompany, but also a reminder that no matter how many times of sense – understanding – reason experience, it is the first innocence that makes culture and art.


项目名称 | 河北保利石家庄天汇售楼部项目
项目地点 | 石家庄
项目甲方 | 保利发展河北公司
甲方团队 | 王南濮、李娟、精装组
项目面积 | 1250㎡
竣工时间 | 2022年08月
设计机构 | JLa设计集团
设计总监 | 刘家耀
主创设计 | 梁信科
设计团队 | 蒙键、陈嘉慧
技术团队 | 赵文智、张炳恒、游雅倩
软装设计 | 布鲁盟设计
主选石材 | PU石、GRG、肌理漆、金属漆、木饰面、古铜不锈钢、皮革、热弯岩板

The project Name | Poly CITY GATHER
The project Location | shijiazhuang
Client| poly development company in hebei province
Client Team | Wang Nanpu, LiJuan
Area | 1250 ㎡
Completion date | 08, 2022
Design director | Melody Lau
The senior design | Sean Leung
The design team | Meng Jian,Chan Jia Hui
The technical team |Steve Zhao, Steve Zhang, Diva Yau
Soft outfit design | Bluemoon
Material | PU stone, GRG, texture paint, metallic paint, wood veneer, bronze, stainless steel, leather, hot bending plate


JAMES LIANG & ASSOCIATES LIMITED设计集团,由香港著名设计师梁曦文先生创立于1989年,国内运营总部位于广州,在成都、武汉、澳门多个城市设有分公司。秉持全球化创意设计定位,JLa设计集团由建筑顾问、室内设计、软装设计、品牌设计四大板块构成,致力于服务地产、办公、酒店、商业、康养、文化展陈等领域的头部客户,为之提供平衡创意、商业与落地的系统化解决方案。

JAMES LIANG & ASSOCIATES LIMITED was founded in 1989 by Liang Xiwen, a famous designer in Hong Kong. Its domestic operation headquarters is located in Guangzhou, and it has branches in Chengdu, Wuhan and Macao. With the orientation of global creative design, JAMES LIANG & ASSOCIATES LIMITED is composed of four parts: architectural consultant, interior design, soft decoration design and brand design. JAMES LIANG & ASSOCIATES LIMITED is committed to serving the leading customers in the fields of real estate, office, hotel, business, health care, cultural exhibition and so on, providing systematic solutions that balance creativity, business and landing.
Thirty years development for many years, JAMES LIANG & ASSOCIATES LIMITED has always been to ” creative growth, beyond boundaries” as the core blessing, with rational thinking as the base, practice sustainable business philosophy, to gradually cultivate creation, execution, and fall to the ground, coordination and operation in the integration of the whole plate development ability, the establishment of a mature operating system with stable business market, The design results have spread throughout the major cities in China and the Asia-Pacific region.

