
Innovation Bay&Timetable creates a “1+N” diversified space and aesthetic carrier of design concept.


While the new-generations are seeking for alternative social lifestyles, the new type of urban space is timely responding to their needs. The design concept of this project focuses on the conceptual development of “places”, explores new forms of urban spatial development by adding unique humanistic spirits among urban attributes, as well as special expression elements and artistic forms in the context of this era. “People-oriented experience”will be aims to create “INNOVATION BAY&TIMETABLE” with diversified co-existing formats.



The building is located in Innovation Bay Park, Nansha, Guangzhou, with an area of 3,441 m2. In the interior of the arc building, space layouts such as specialty cafe, creative light meal restaurant, themed library, cultural and creative arts, and co-working space for a “1+N” diversified space are integrated.




On the basis of lifestyle renewal and experiential social interaction, with open public areas, mobile work social activities, the high-frequency scenes required in daily life are superimposed in the form of business formats to start a narrative dialogue between people and space.


The space is divided into three floors. The first floor is mainly planned for commercial space, including cafe and restaurant, conference room and themed library. The second and third floors are used for co-working space and enterprise exhibition halls.





The “shape”, “color” and “material” of the interior plane are fully used for complementing and changing each other. The generalization of lines themselves is used in the expression of layering by outlining rich spatial relationships between lines and “faces” of different shapes and then handling the relationship between harmony and opposition with colors.


The concise and lightweight material language expresses the purity and simplicity of the design, becoming an expressive element of space continuity. With materials, textures and colors complementing each other here, people shuttle through scenes at different levels, connecting different thematic functions and extended line of action including leisure, social activities, office, and reading in various areas.




The lobby reception desk and coffee bar are made of pure marble, subtly harmonizing with warm light and tile colors. The white ceiling is naturally incorporated into the space blocks themselves, and the upper and lower blocks stretch the dimensional layering of the space.




For the transition from the lobby to the bar, pure-color arc-shaped furniture, lamps and soft fabrics are specially chosen to make the space tone less hard, along with the warm picture frames on the wall and the curve form of plants, forming a sensory vision of every step forward proving to be a different scenery.


餐厅Dining room


The large area of wood veneer and stainless steel material form a kitchen area for cooking, and the independent and open dining area is designed with no excessively strong expression, but with a moderate negative space to heighten the rich texture of the environment. There is clear and free line of action in the layout, where people can enjoy superior dining experience and conduct daily social activities.





Large-scale floor-to-ceiling windows bring abundant natural light, sunlight, and green view into the interior, creating brightness of the space on the instant and presenting a texture of co-existence.



You will suddenly have a wider view when stepping out into the outdoor space where the ceiling and the building columns are wrapped in vines, coordinating with the lush park and a leisure area with wicker chairs and leisure chairs. While enjoying the beautiful scenery along the Jiaomen River without being directly exposed to the sun, you may feel the wonderful chemical reaction between the flavor and the nature.



旋转楼梯Spiral stairs


The spiral stairs create a new architectural component for the three-storey three-dimensional space, running through the vertical areas of the upper and lower spaces. Based on the physical principles of the Fibonacci sequence, the large-flowered white marbles are paved as the center of colors of stairs and the iron hand-forging technique makes the façade railing more delicate, building a free and flexible spatial cohesiveness.



主题图书馆Themed Library


The longitudinal distribution and the line-of-sight design make the limited space seem to be wider and break free from the established business layout, with a volume of smooth dark wood veneer to create a rich communication space – library. Square and curved surfaces with smooth and soft space light create a comfortable space for reading and communication in the interior of square and curved spaces.





The sequence of co-working spaces on the second and third floors highlights the functional diversity. The traditional office cubicles are replaced by borderless layout design for efficient communication, as well as a layout of shared office functional areas, which not only divides simple space patterns, but also makes appropriate use of space resources with different functions.




In terms of the design and planning of flexible office functions, intelligent conference rooms, multi-functional roadshow halls, live broadcast rooms, and enterprise exhibition halls can highlight the functional complementarity of the space and create the integration among people and between people and the environment to provide a convenient and fast office life for the settled enterprises, thus fully expressing all kinds of space effects.



定制化家居布置Customized home decoration


Curve aesthetics of plants is displayed and arranged in the space, with customized furniture reflecting the tension of space details while sorting out the spatial order. The customized furniture for the overall space is designed and created by the team, with shapes reflecting the continuation of the simplicity and modernity of the space and echoing the harmony of the facade of the building, and with heavy colors in the whole color atmosphere to remove the blankness of a large area of pure color.





Pure materials, exquisite craftsmanship, and harmonious ratio between soft decoration and hard decoration make the life perception and commercial atmosphere of Innovation bay &Timetable perfectly combined. This is both an attempt to integrate commercial and office spaces and an exploration of boundaries by the design team. The reconstruction of the business format is given new urban functions by adding new spatial aesthetics, interpreting inspired life from different dimensions, and proposing a new attitude towards urban complex business.



Project name: Nansha Innovation Bay &Timetable
Project address: Building 4, Innovation Bay Park, No. 128, Jiaoxi Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou
Building area: About 3,441 m2
Completion date: July 2021

