
Qixiakeng Village, located in Xikou Town, Fenghua, is the entrance to the ancient Qixiakeng Road. The narrow alley, covered in dense forests and surrounded by mountains and long canyons, was originally named Peach Blossom Pit. Its name later changed into Qixiakeng (Resting Pit for glowing coulds) as in autumn, the mountains are all covered with red maple leaves, as if cast by the rosy sunset. The village is located in the valley with residential buildings along both sides of the stream. The stream under tiny pons, clear springs in running brooks, ancient trees and the arising mist consist the charm of the ancient Jiangnan village.

∇ 俯瞰餐厅与村落的关系 Overlooking the restaurant and the village ©尌林建筑



If you self-drive to Qixiakeng Village, you will get off the expressway, pass through mountain road, circle around the reservoir for ten minutes with no villages to be seen. If you are lucky, you will also enjoy the picturesque view of the sparkling lake and surrounding mountains in the distance.

∇ 透过桥洞看餐厅 Restaurant though the bridge ©吴昂



As a part of the supporting public area of the hotel complex, the restaurant is located by the stream right at the entrance to the village. It was rebuilt and reformed from a power station. The road into the village is not wide with only 3 meters length and a high rocky ridge on the one side. To keep the consistency, we made sure the outer boundary line of the building is within that of the old building. The restaurant faces the village road in the front, and the first floor is opened to the street through a whole large glass door, which gives way to the front of the old residential buildings. The glass surface creates a closer relationship between the first-floor space and the street for interaction and penetration. Meanwhile, passers-by will easily notice the water bar in the restaurant and be attracted.

∇ 溪边的餐厅 Restaurant by the lake ©吴昂




The restaurant is built on a trapezoidal plot beside the stream. Since there are not much space, we used the boundary of the building to the full. As a result, the building is in an irregular trapezoid, and only one corner is a right angle when viewed from the plane. The roof ridge is parallel to the boundary of the road, with the cornice of the roof horizontal on the one side and the other becoming “oblique bangs”. This kind of roof form can also be seen everywhere in the village because of the terrain. The crooked eaves form a vivid and interesting relationship with the stream and the surrounding buildings so that it seems the restaurant has been here from the beginning.

∇ 现场原始地形关系 The original terrain on site ©尌林建筑


∇ 建筑与村子的关系照片 Building and the village ©尌林建筑


∇ 沿着溪边布置的餐厅和老房子 Restaurants and old houses arranged along the stream ©吴昂



The original site of the power station is a two-story house with a solid volume relationship, which is quite different from the overall feature of the village. Therefore, we choose to demolish the upper part of the power station and changed the height by reducing the height of the first floor to make a sunken space. The half-open space on the rood made sure there is no close façade, while the two large-scale skylights are opened on the roof to make the space close to nature. Meanwhile, changes in structure is also used to make the roof lighter to follow the intuitive atmosphere brought by the village.

∇ 发电站原始样貌 Photo of the original power station ©尌林建筑


∇ 餐厅与旁边民居的关系 Restaurant and its relationship with the residents ©吴昂


∇ 建筑由重转轻的形式关系 Structural format from heavy to light ©吴昂


∇ 建筑立面细节关系 Details on the façade relationship ©吴昂


转换与连接Conversion and connection

记忆的嫁接Grafting of memory


The power station is a symbol of the time in the village. Nowadays, it has been abandoned for many years and lost its functional value. It is transformed into a small bar and connected with the restaurant, while the reserved generator is used as a symbol of condensed memory.

∇ 村里民居类型调研 Investigation on the types of village dwellings ©尌林建筑



The retention of memory is an eternal topic for the countryside for without memory, there would be no culture. In terms of maintaining the cultural heritage, restoring traditional buildings and retaining their shells may suffice, but the memory of life should be passed on in a more symbolic way. In the future, the countryside may enter the development period of prefabricated construction, energy conservation and environmental protection, community centralized planning, etc., but homogenization and productization need to be vigilant. We think a better way to promote countryside development and inherit the cultural memory is to design architectures according to the local conditions and pass on memories with differentiated lifestyles and maintain local characteristics.

∇ 紧邻村道的餐厅酒吧,Bar restaurant by the street ©吴昂


∇ 架在溪流边的餐厅 Restaurant by the stream ©吴昂


∇ 改造后的发电站 Adapted power station ©吴昂



When researching on the old architectures in the village, we found them similar in the morphological logic and materials. The façade of the first floor, the wooden wall, doors and windows are filled in a wooden structure with upper and lower layers with a single-slope roof cornice in the middle. The first floor recedes to form a grey area. The second floor uses a flush structure, but the interface locates In the big cornice. Considering the damage of rain to wood materials. Most wooden structure in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces hide in the eaves to avoid being directly drenched by rain.

∇ 清晨的餐厅 Restaurant at dawn ©吴昂


结构的转换Changes in structure


We hope that the first floor of our restaurant is a large space without columns. In order to ensure the transparency and integrity, the columns are staggers so the two facades are kept complete. On the second floor, transparent wooden frame glass interface is used, which is separated from the system. The portal steel structure retreats and falls on the beam of the first floor. On the roof, the steel-wood structure is mixed and lapped to realize the fusion and conversion of steel and wood structure.

∇ 餐厅二层与半室外露台相连 Second floor of the restaurant connected to the terrace ©吴昂



The power station bar has very low ground level with a sunken space around the generator. Based on the height difference, the top floor of the bar has a half-open activity space connected with the second floor and can be used as an extension of the space for comprehensive use. The external staircase connects the bar and restaurant, weakening the boundary between function areas, which makes sure the two spaces are both linked and independent for flexible use and sharing.

∇ 从溪流对岸看餐厅酒吧 View of the restaurant bar from the opposite bank of the stream ©吴昂


∇ 休闲酒吧外挂楼梯 Impending stairs out of the bar ©吴昂


∇ 餐厅临街立面 Street facade of restaurant ©吴昂


∇ 餐厅空间与村落互相渗透 The restaurant space permeates with the village ©吴昂



We believe that a future countryside is more diversified and differentiated with more attention to experience. Therefore, we want more possibility for functions of each space so that with such flexibility people use the space more often. From the old house to the dining room to the semi-outdoor terrace, different space should give birth to changing physical experiences: people’s bodies change from being wrapped to being released, which also fits in the different use of the space. Architecture often triggers various physical and mental experiences, and the space reveals not only itself, but also affects people’s sensory and behavioral experience.

∇ 连接餐厅二层的半室外空间 Half-open space on the second floor to connect the restaurant ©吴昂


∇ 开了大天窗的屋顶半室外空间 Half-open roof with large skylight open ©吴昂


∇ 开放的半室外露台空间 Terrace of the half-open space ©吴昂


∇ 半室外露台休闲座椅看山林 View of the mountain and forests from the half0open terrace ©吴昂


结构的转换 Changes in structure


We hope that the first floor of our restaurant is a large space without columns. In order to ensure the transparency and integrity, the columns are staggers so the two facades are kept complete. On the second floor, transparent wooden frame glass interface is used, which is separated from the system. The portal steel structure retreats and falls on the beam of the first floor. On the roof, the steel-wood structure is mixed and lapped to realize the fusion and conversion of steel and wood structure.

∇ 一层水吧餐饮无柱大空间 The column-less space in the restaurant water bar on the first floor ©吴昂


∇ 餐厅一层水吧台 Water bar on the first floor of the restaurant ©吴昂


∇ 餐厅一层空间 Restaurant first-floor ©吴昂


∇ 阳光下的餐厅空间 restaurant in the sun ©吴昂



The restaurant features a small area but relatively complicated relationship between the structure and construction. The bar keeps the thick concrete base of the power station and is built up with a concrete frame system, which, as goes closer to the roof, changes into slender steel. A large steel column is split into two small square steel columns as support to conceal itself. From concrete to steel and then to wood structures, the building has realized the structural transformation from heavy to light. Rural construction makes us more daring to try various possibilities, and also makes the activities closer to reality, which is more in line with the current rural development.

∇ 二楼结构与立面分离的餐厅室内空间 Indoor restaurant with structure separated from the façade ©吴昂


∇ 餐厅二层立面开窗 Open windows on the second floor of the restaurant ©吴昂


∇ 餐厅局部 Details of restaurant first floor ©吴昂


∇ 轻巧的钢结构转换,与格栅形式语言一致 light conversion of the steel who speaks the same pattern language with the grille ©吴昂


看与被看Seeing and being seen


However small the building is, it’s very important that it interacts with the surroundings. Surroundings create their own atmosphere for different buildings, while buildings that neglect the surroundings could only be called products to meet certain needs rather than vivid architectures. It’s enjoyable to make architectures in rich surroundings with roads, tree, streams, bridges, old houses, bamboo forests, mountains, etc., which are or considers into the designed to give life to the architecture.

∇ 相互连接的三栋建筑 Three buildings interconncected ©吴昂


∇ 餐厅和老房子对话 Restaurant talks to the old building ©吴昂



“People on the bridge are watching the scenery, and people watching the scenery are watching you upstairs.” It is such interdependence and interrelationship that make life poetic. Looking back at the restaurant on the old bridge, the restaurant becomes the landscape. Meanwhile, you can have a panoramic view of the old camphor tree and the old bridge and stream inside the restaurant. There is a sense of distance between people, and it is also interesting to add this ambiguous relationship to the expression of space by seeing and being seen.

∇ 透过古桥洞看到餐厅酒吧 View of the bar restaurant from the old bridge ©吴昂


∇ 酒吧窗口看古桥 Old bridge from the window of the bar ©吴昂


∇ 酒吧窗口看石墙和老房子 The stone wall and old buildings from the window of the bar ©吴昂


∇ 酒吧一层保留的发电机 The engine kept on the first floor ©吴昂


∇ 下沉式的酒吧一层空间 The first floor of the sunken bar ©吴昂


造房子Build the house


The owner of this project is a native of Fujian , As a Fujianese, he naturally yearns for the taste of life, as well as their unhurried and orderly habits, which make them pay great attention to food by having soup every meal. Every time we go to the scene, he serves with his new dishes. Workers are from Fujian too, whose leader is from the same province and travel between Xiamen and Ningbo. They are quite careful, especially, they are experienced in wood work. The carpentry works in the interior of the building are all made on site, but are almost as perfect as factory construction, with the final result and details all satisfying. They made many samples for the paint, for we didn’t want the color to be too light and yellow or too stuffy. After the first time painting, we covered with another layer to achieve the current effect. Finally, the color and atmosphere presented in the space are still relatively comfortable.

∇ 施工现场沟通 Communication on the construction site ©尌林建筑


∇ 手工模型 Manual model ©尌林建筑


∇ 地下室平面图 Basement plan ©尌林建筑


∇ 一层平面图 First floor plan ©尌林建筑


∇ 二层平面图 Second floor plan ©尌林建筑


∇ 屋顶平面图 Roof plan ©尌林建筑


∇ 北立面图 North elevation ©尌林建筑


∇ 东立面图 East elevation ©尌林建筑


∇ 南立面图 South elevation ©尌林建筑


∇ 剖面图 Section view ©尌林建筑


∇ 墙身图 Wall ©尌林建筑




Project Name: Riverside Restaurant adapted from the power station, Qixiakeng Village, Fenghua
Location: Qixiakeng Village, Fenghua District, Ningbo
Project Clients: Ningbo Qiyun Tourism Culture Development Co., Ltd.
Design Consultant: Xiamen Paradise Island Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.
Chief designer: TANG Bojun
Designer: Shulin Architecture Firm
Lead Architect: CHEN Lin, LIU Dongying
Interior Architect: ZHANG Aiyun
Structural Design: Chen Liwen
Structure: Concrete frame, steel, wood
Design Scope: Planning, Architecture, Interior, Landscape, Integration
Materials: Pinus sylvestris, rubble wall, rammed earth surface, micro cement, small green tile, terrazzo, exposed aggregate concrete
Construction: Ningbo Jiahua Architecture Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.
Design period: May 2020 – August 2020
Construction period: October 2020. – December 2021
Construction Area: 423.7 square meters
Photography: WU Ang

