The client has rented two floors in a high-rise tower in the city centre of Chengdu, China and asked AND lab to design the lower floor, which shall house the administration level of about 80 staffs. This lower floor serves as a floor for the client to receive corporate guest, to interview new candidates and to train new staffs, while the upper floor is the operating floor of its call center business.


As AND lab approached the project, Clarence Chia figured that the Modern typology of office has not evolved much for the past decades. The management level’s office rooms are still forming a row along façade blocking the sunlight while other employees are sitting in the open office. The problem is not about the hierarchy but the rooms are laid in a row, in a way that they blocked all the sunlight, view and fresh air. He thinks that the hierarchy system in a corporate should not restrained some of workers’ rights to access natural resources, hence, the team went through a search for a non-authoritarian open plan while protecting the interests of all parties. AND lab approached this project like a micro-urban planning and micro-architecture.


办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

Paradigm Shift 范式转变

The designer first breaks the required functions into smaller sizes and also the bonds between rooms so that rooms are no longer laid in a row, then they borrow the idea of multi-centers in urban planning to re-group and re-distribute repetitive functions into centers then scatter them throughout the floor. For example, instead of conventional way of having single area for pantry, printing area and meeting rooms, many tiny pantries, printing and discussion corners are allocated, emphasizing on adjacency for different teams of staffs and failover availability and also encouraging staffs’ interaction.

设计师首先将所需的功能分解成更小的尺寸,也打破房间之间的“键”以便房间不再排成一排,然后借用城市规划里的多中心的思想,将重复性的功能重新分配组合成中心,然后将它们散落在整个楼层。 例如这里没有传统式单一区域给茶水间,打印区和会议室,而是有很多小的茶水间,打印区及讨论的角落,强调对于不同团队员工邻近性及故障替代的可用性并鼓励员工间的互动。

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

Micro-urban in the sky 空中城市

While avoiding the monotonous spatial quality within a high-rise and trying to bring in some urban spatial qualities, the team decided to group spaces organically to form lobes, which in turn organically re-define and reshape the circulation and the open space, around the core like cells. So that when one moves across spaces, he or she is either bathed under the sunlight or expecting sunlight at the ends. On top of that, no matter at which corner the person is, he or she is always connected with the city, seasons and time.


∇ 平面图

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

There are two entrances into space as required by client to split different groups of people, i.e. client, staffs, trainees and visitors to its subsidiaries.

At the second entrance for subsidiaries, AND lab designed a floating reception cantilevering for more than 4m.



∇ 子公司入口的前台

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

At the other ends of the lift lobby is the main entrance to the office. After the main entrance, there is a reception area, where an enclosed VIP room was placed, in one hand, to prevent direct view into the space, on the other hand, it also diverts the flow between guests for meeting and staffs.


∇ 主入口的贵宾会议室及等候区

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

The VIP meeting room is in a form of a trimmed cone, which gradually opens up towards the windows.


∇ 办公区通往入口

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

∇ 贵宾会议室

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

After the reception area, the HR division is allocated, accompanying with some interview rooms. The HR division will interview quite a number of interviewees daily, according to client.


∇ 人事部与面试室

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

∇ 人事部的面试室

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

After the HR division, it is the restricted office zone.


The building’s floors and its lift lobbies are split into high and low zone. As the project located in the low zone and occupies whole floor, there is wide corridor, where it is meant to be lift lobbies for high zone’s floors.


∇ 装修前公区走道

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

∇ 大茶水间入口外办公区

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

This wide corridor is turned into a central pantry, linking the north and south office area.


∇ 大茶水间

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

Outside the entrance of the central pantry, the team designed an open casual discussion area.


∇ 大茶水间入口外休息座位

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

Along the open office area, discussion area, printing area and small pantries are evenly distributed. In the open office area, double ceiling is created and soft diffused reflected cove light is used as main lighting.


∇ 讨论区及开敞办公区

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

∇ 大茶水间入口外的小会议室

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

On the other hand, on the west side and right after the reception area, the meeting rooms and training rooms are allocated.


∇ 主入口等候区

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

A large meeting room is placed like a box within the space, sitting back from the façade so as not to blocking the sunlight and view from coming into the interior. And it is divisible into two smaller meeting rooms by removable partitions.


∇ 大会议室

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

∇ 大会议室外休息区

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

The area outside the large meeting room can be used as a waiting area before the meeting or training starts.


∇ 大会议室外休息区

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

Behind the large meeting room, is a training room, which can also be divided into two smaller training rooms, so as to hold training class for different groups simultaneously.


∇ 大培训室外

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

Just like the meeting room, the training room is also setting back from the façade, creating a bright and well-ventilated access back to the restricted office zone.


∇ 大培训室外走道

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计

∇ 子公司办公区

办公室设计,地产公司办公室设计,现代风格办公室设计,办公室设计方案,办公室设计案例,办公室改造,办公室装修,万声西南城市总部,成都,AND lab 纳间建筑设计


设计公司:AND lab 纳间建筑设计咨询(北京)有限公司
建筑面积:1625.66 平米
设计团队:谢典杉Clarence Chia,赵径真,杨烁,潘祺辉,张诚,刘敬一
宣传员: Foong Chern Wong
项目中使用产品 品牌:Gabriel,杜邦;办公家具:Herman Miller

