
First Asia Pacific adidas flagship in Myeongdong, Seoul

作为韩国最具本地特点的商业区之一,明洞以巨大的人流量及丰富的商业活动闻名,是韩国旅行必去地点之一。adidas在更新“Home of Sport”品牌门店概念后,首家亚洲旗舰店便选址于此。

Featuring the “Home of Sport” concept, adidas has opened its firstAsia Pacificflagship store in the unique and bustling shopping district Myeongdong, a must-visit spot in South Korea.

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作为唯一参与设计亚洲旗舰级别门店的中国设计事务所,万社设计与adidas通力合作,提炼韩国在地元素与adidas品牌个性巧妙融合,创造与当下本地客群产生更多连结与共鸣的“home of sport”。

Various Associates, the only Chinese design firm that participated in the flagship design, partnered with adidas to extract local Korean elements and blend them with adidas brand personality, creating a “home of sport” with closer connections and deeper resonance with local customers.

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The store integrates into the bustling streets of Myeongdong, where diverse types of business and public activities takes place.

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在食物的热气环绕及小商品摊之中的这家adidas,以亲切却不乏个性的姿态延续并传递品牌 “Home of Sport”的友好及包容。

Surrounded by the cooking aroma among small stalls, this flagship creatively conveys the core value of friendliness and inclusiveness from the overarching concept of “Home of Sport”.

∇ 友好、和谐的品牌精神

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Blending in & bringing the spot to life

跨国合作又逢特殊时期,在有限的时间里,万社团队面临了诸多挑战:如何在转译品牌门店“Home of Sport”理念的同时,结合韩国本土文化要素?怎样满足超大货量及丰富组合的展示需求?理解遵循品牌自身的天花及庞大的货架系统逻辑,同时做控制好局部细节的设计及升级等等。这其中首要解决的就是品牌理念的空间化、在地化诠释。

Cooperating with different parties across countries virtually among the pandemic has presented several major challenges for Various Associates under a limited time frame: How to interpret the concept of “Home of Sport” and combine it with the local culture? How to meet the display needs of massive product volume and varied VM(Visual Merchandising) tool combinations? And how to design based on the rules of the existing ceiling track system and VM display system, and deliver managed design upgrade of details. Among them, a primary goal is to creatively translate the brand concept into spatial expression with local characteristics.

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∇ 新的外立面

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The new facade design language extends the block outline of traditional Korean architecture while seamlessly blending in with the facade of the original building. The concise and clean layers with dynamic lighting effects emerge from the lively streets as a pure and dazzling scenery of Myeongdong.

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门店立面以抽象体块结合条形金属表皮,演绎了adidas自身经典的logo 元素 。这一元素也化为空间的母题之一,从立面延续至室内。

Parallel linear metal strips conceptually derived from the iconic adidas logo as a key motif is not only highlighted on the facade, which extends all the way in, visible in many places among the shop interiors.

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∇ 延续进来的条形语言

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The axial symmetrical entrance and the airy feeling of the “atrium” draw inspiration from the layered entry experience of the traditional courtyard. Over to the left-hand side stands the custom footwear wall for the Sportswear series. It again adopts the strip element extracted from the logo, delivering an upgrade from the existing universal footwear wall modules along with an innovative use of material.

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∇ 金属圆管堆砌而成的玄关台

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The matte vertical metal display shelves are arranged in the same rotation angle, reflecting the signboards on their backside for the display window. Viewed from different angles, the reflected blurred color blocks enrich the clean display shelves and connect to the outdoors in a subtle way.

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∇ 不同角度旋转的鞋墙

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Inherit the classics & ignite inspiration


Based on the powerful and versatile ceiling track system of adidas, the design team added alterations in both details and materials.


The triangular supporting truss work added to the ceiling track was inspired by stadiums, adding a sense of airiness to the original ceiling design. The varied ceiling treatments effectively create a sense of boundary from above, dividing the open product display combinations on the ground floor almost instinctively.

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∇ 相同的灯具表现于不同的天花结构上

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G层的陈列将在韩国市场最受欢迎的系列置于前场,包含跑步,健身,休闲运动等基础系列,可以让客人快速的根据自身的运动习惯来进行选品。同时,与品牌零售运营团队参与共同创作的City Shop及Seoul Lab区域,也是城市旗舰店的专属特色服务,在这里就可以买到专属于首尔的城市限定款,还可以diy属于自己的定制款衣服。

On the ground floor, the most popular series of products in Korea are displayed close to entry, including sportswear and running, making it convenient for customers to select products according to their habits and needs. Meanwhile, the City Shop and Seoul Lab, which were co-created with the adidas retail link team, offer services exclusive in the city flagship. Customers can find special limited editions of Seoul and DIY customized products.

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G层试衣间与Stella McCartney联名系列区相邻,为挑选运动内衣的顾客提供了较好的私密性。内部蓝色与红色的搭配呈现出记忆中体育馆内部的试衣间的感觉。公共饮水器的置入也贯彻了品牌对于环保可持续的人文关怀。

The fitting room on the ground floor is adjacent to the adidas by Stella McCartney collection, providing better privacy for customers shopping for sports underwear. The color combination of blue and red of the interior recalls the fitting rooms in a stadium. The water fountain incorporated here is a gesture of sustainability and user-friendly design.

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∇ 带有记忆符号的试衣间

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Digital interactive screens found on many vertical surfaces encourage customer interaction and provide product guidance. In addition, a large built-in interactive digital floor is tucked under the central staircase. When someone steps on the digital floor, the displayed pattern will change accordingly. While appearing as an abstract picture at close range, it is actually a video when viewed from the upper floor.

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入口正对面居中而设的楼梯能快速将客流拉往二层之余,也自然地为G层圈定出环形动线,带来层次更加丰富的顾客旅程。设计团队选择了开放阶梯的设计手法,消解了楼梯的厚重感,通透的设计透射出背后若影若现的画面,使其成为了G 层的核心视觉区域。

The central staircase upon entrance can quickly take the customer flow to the second floor, while defining a loop circulation for the ground floor, creating a more interesting shopping experience. The see-through steps eliminates the blockiness of the central staircase, allowing faintly visible scenes behind to show, making it the visual focal point on this level.

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∇ 楼梯中空区域为核心展示空间

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The contour of the atrium echoes the inclined shape of the facade to create a conversation between the interiors and the exterior. The luminous line-work is an abstract reinterpretation of the common basketball court lines. The abstract image combined with a clean material choice creates a bright and upward dynamic feeling for the atrium area.

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在中庭区域顺着视线往上走,即能看到显眼的adidas Originals 标志以蓝色金属质感的切割体块呈现,指引着属于此系列的位置。

Following the line of sight upward the atrium area, the eye-catching adidas Originals logo appears as a combination of blue metallic cut blocks, pointing out where the collection area lies.

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A Home of Sport, A Collision with traditional LOCAL elements


The colorful banners hanging in the atrium area aim to recall the feeling of sports arena, a homage to adidas’ dedication to providing professional sportswear and care for all kinds of sports.

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二层的blue space作为Originals系列的核心展示区域,既陈列了此系列的经典产品,也包含可灵活更替的pop-up特色产品展示区域。大面的经典色强化了空间的层次感,图形的立体表现也是空间中重要的元素及设计手法。设计团队从当地文化元素出发,基于传统纹样的图案以各种形式点缀于场地内。如带有东方意蕴的镂空屏风、富有光影意趣的纹样艺术玻璃展台等。

As the key display area of the adidas Originals, the blue space on the second floor not only displays the classic products but also contains a flexible pop-up area for special occasions. The large area of classic blue strengthens the spatial layers, and the three-dimensional graphics are another important element. As a way to honor local cultural elements, various traditional patterns embellish the space, such as perforated screens with custom traditional patterns, laminated glass tabletop casting playful shadows, and so on.

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∇ 带有东方意蕴的各种元素

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The three-dimensional patterns are applied on the perforated screen to imbue a local charm, which also enables better visual accessibility of products as well as a subtle division of boundaries for each area. On the other side, the shadows of surrounding display panels are cast onto the products under focus lighting, forming a joyful fusion.

∇ 花纹透过光的照射下的投影

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The patterns on the center bench are derived from traditional Korean patterns, which are recreated by artists and presented with a metallic texture, achieving an intersection of tradition and modernity. The little billboards on the column are inspired by vintage theater signs, and the letters on which can be flexibly replaced according to different themes, paying tribute to the street spirit of adidas Originals.

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∇ 可灵活变动的标识指引

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates


The display area of adidas Originals, an extremely classic and representative collection, features professional display of a large amount of shoes. Metal grids are adopted to introduce natural light effectively in without letting in too much interference from the outdoor signboards, which is also convenient for the flexible placement of shoe racks.

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates

∇ 长达十三米的鞋墙旁是沙发等候区

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates

作为亚洲旗舰店,这里也是韩国唯一一家可以买到adidas全系列的商店,包括Originals,Y-3,Sport Performance 等。除此之外,你也可以在此楼层找到户外,足球,篮球及儿童等系列的专属区域。

As the flagship in Asia, this is the only store in Korea that offers the full range of adidas products, including Originals, Y-3, Sport Performance, etc. In addition, it features exclusive display areas for outdoor, football, basketball and kids series products.

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates


The flipping advertising board behind the service desk regularly flips to change images, adding fun features to the queuing process.

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates


作为世界知名的运动品牌巨头,adidas亚洲旗舰店传达了“Home of Sport”源于体育、根植文化、包容多元的价值理念。设计上对品牌文化和在地文化的尊重及关注,张弛有度的的延续adidas品牌的DNA,既满足了品牌方、运营方等多方的实际需求,同时也完成了项目的标杆作用。

As a world-renowned top sports brand, the adidas flagship in Seoul conveys the concept of “Home of Sport”, which is originated from sports, rooted in culture, and values inclusivity and diversity. The design respects and highlights adidas brand culture as well as the local culture, inherits the brand DNA, meets the practical needs of the brand, operators, and other parties involved, and establishes a benchmark in retail space design.

商店设计,零售店设计,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,鞋店设计,鞋店零售店设计,旗舰店设计,Home of Sport,Home of Sport-adidas首家亚洲旗舰店,韩国首尔市明洞,万社设计Various Associates

在严峻环境影响下如期诞生的这个项目,以一个崭新活力的面貌站立在明洞街头,成功高效的完成了品牌线下购物复苏的使命,一如adidas的品牌宣言:IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING 。

Under the severe impact of the pandemic, the project was completed as scheduled. It stands on the streets of Myeongdong with a brand new energetic image, successfully and efficiently fulfilling the mission of revitalizing the brand’s physical store, just as how the slogan of adidas puts it: IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING.


客户 :adidas
Client: adidas
Location: Myeongdong, Seoul, South Korea
面积 :2,400 ㎡
Area: 2,400 ㎡
Status : Completed in Jan. 2023
Design Firm: Various Associates
主持设计师 :杨东子、林倩怡
Project principal: Dongzi Yang, QLin
设计团队 :潘百真、方滢、林良吉、邱丽颖、曹玥雯
Design team: Baizhen Pan, Roxy Fang , Liangji Lin, Milly Qiu, Yuewen Cao
Photograph: SFAP

