风雅 尺度 审慎连接

从心选择 过有意识的生活

Elegance moderation prudent connections

Choose mindfully, living a life with consciousness


从现在起,我开始谨慎地选择我的生活,我不再轻易让自己迷失在各种诱惑里。我心中已经听到来自远方的呼唤,我再也不需要回过头去,关心身后的种种是非与议论。我已无暇顾及过去,我要向前走。——捷克作家 米兰·昆德拉 《不能承受的生命之轻》

From now on, I begin to carefully choose my life, no longer allowing myself to get lost in various temptations easily. I have heard the call from afar in my heart, and I no longer need to look back, concerned about the various right and wrongs and gossip behind me. I have no time to dwell on the past; I must move forward.— Czech writer Milan Kundera, “The Unbearable Lightness of Being


DEMANDS I 理想生活诉求

国汇山是鼎峰地产在惠州精心打造的首个大型高端“城市豪宅系列”标志性项目,由香港贝尔高林(Belt Collins)设计规划,第一太平戴维斯(Savills)担当物业顾问,在惠州中心区打造一座80万平方米的豪宅旗舰,地处惠州市惠城区江北CBD核心区域。

Guohuishan is the first large-scale high-end “urban luxury residence series” flagship project meticulously crafted by Dingfeng Real Estate in Huizhou. Designed and planned by Hong Kong’s Belt Collins and served by Savills as the property consultant, this luxury residence flagship, with 800,000 square meters, is located in the heart of the Jiangbei CBD core area in Huicheng District, Huizhou City.


The owners are a couple of entrepreneurs from Hong Kong. The husband, with a background in design-related fields. He is an experienced and tasteful man and has a passion for cooking in his spare time. The wife, engaged in corporate management, is competent and confident, affable and charming. She has a penchant for collecting fine wine, watching movies and socializing. Both husband and wife pay great attention to design details, particularly valuing the sense of ceremony and quality in life, with an aesthetic preference for Italian minimalism.


The Guohuishan private residence will serve as the couple’s first home in Huizhou, aiming to meet their high-quality lifestyle and diverse social needs. Upon the recommendation of their peers in Huizhou, they decided to entrust LICO with providing original custom design and full-process management for their high-quality private residence, demonstrating their high level of trust. They expect LICO to reshape their daily lives and customize an ideal lifestyle with a sense of high quality and ceremony.




Following the completion of the comprehensive design of the “Ideal Urban Garden Residence,” this project represents a further exploration and contemplation of high-quality private living spaces tailored for discerning homeowners. Grounded in LICO’s “50% DESIGN” philosophy and the creative axis of “redefining everyday life through functional aesthetics,” the design revolves around the homeowner’s living proposition of “choice and connection.” The ideal living proposition of “prudent connections and live a life with consciousness” is proposed, with the aim of crafting an elegant, moderate refined dwelling that judiciously connects life, others, the body, and the soul for the homeowner.



The designer has delineated the overall space into dynamic and static zones. The dynamic area comprises a dual-lift entrance with a cloakroom, a combined East-West island-style kitchen and dining area, a leisure and entertainment area naturally partitioned by a two-sided wall cabinet, and a pair of versatile, openable terraces. Primarily, this zone fulfills daily living and social needs. The static zone, on the other hand, consists of a cloakroom for the male and female homeowners’ apparel storage, a river-view master bedroom, a well-appointed master bathroom, and an undisturbed office area. These four zones coalesce to form a suite that caters to the emotional living requirements of rest, interaction, and work management for the homeowners.




In terms of functional planning, the original layout’s weaknesses, such as inadequate privacy and excessive corridors, have been optimized. This optimization enables increased air circulation, rational enhancement of natural lighting and utilization of the landscape, and a significantly heightened sense of ceremony and quality in the spatial experience through the triple-axis entrance. Aesthetically, the design layers warm tones and natural textures, juxtaposing clean lines and understated opulence to construct the space, resulting in an elegant and moderate lifestyle characterized by prudence and discerning connections.





  • 普通用户用户购买价格:10L币
  • 会员用户购买价格:免费
  • 永久会员用户购买价格:免费推荐

