
A New Gathering Place for Trendy Catering in Collision of Ice & Fire

当千禧一代及Z世代人群逐渐成为中国市场的消费主力,潮流文化也成为年轻人展现自我价值的重要社交货币。很多品牌都试图把握年轻族群消费力的脉搏,在潮流场域中建立与他们的链接。YEAP LAB为FATPHO大發越南粉设计的上海丰盛里店,便是餐饮界潮牌的新玩法。以“冰与火”为概念灵感,打造白天夜晚双重模式下的潮流餐饮新聚场。

As millennials and Generation Z gradually become the main consumers in the Chinese market, pop culture has also become an important social currency for young people to show their self-worth. Many brands are trying to grasp the pulse of young people’s consumption power and build a connection with them in the trendy field. Shanghai Fengshengli store, designed by YEAP LAB for FAT PHO, is a new gameplay for the trendy brand in the catering industry. Inspired by the concept of “ice and fire”, it creates a new gathering place for trendy catering in the dual mode of day and night.

∇ 外立面

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


Fengshengli, located at the golden position of the Business District, Nanjing West Road, carries a hundred years of culture and old events. A group of 10 historical style buildings enclose a semi open block and small square style spatial layout, attracting trendy stores from all over the world to settle in. From morning to night, from catering to lifestyle, it exudes a unique modern style of Shanghai, attracting numerous young customers to check in, dine together, and socialize.

∇ 入口

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB

2022年源自澳洲的FATPHO大發越南粉入驻丰盛里。主理人LEON留学海外多年,开放的性格让他吸收了不少年轻潮流的新鲜文化,这与YEAP LAB想要传达的随性设计态度不谋而合。于是,一个嘻哈范十足的潮酷空间呈现在丰盛里的主体建筑中。

In 2022, FAT PHO originating from Australia settled in Fengshengli. The Owner-Principal, LEON, has studied abroad for many years, and his open personality enables him to absorb a lot of fresh culture of young trends, which coincides with the casual design attitude YEAP LAB wants to convey. So, a HipHop style, trendy and cool space is presented in the main building of Fengshengli.


Ablation of indoor and outdoor boundaries, reshaping diningand social interaction in the trendy block


The trendy rice noodles store is close to the subway exit, located along the street of the shopping mall, and has a small square with its atmosphere in front of the store. In the environment of high-density gathering of brand stores, the designer opens the street facade to connect the interior space with the commercial pedestrian street, creating a sense of no boundary between indoor and outdoor, maximizing the inclusion of natural lighting and street view, and weakening the single atmosphere of the commercial space.

∇ 外摆区

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


The cantilevered eaves invite the flow of people in an open manner. The two windows are folded and hung up, with a transparent design that runs through the interior and exterior scenery. The dining areas outside and indoor deliberately create a height difference between seats, forming a mutual interaction between sights. The flow of people stop here, and the atmosphere of connectivity guides diners to step in and explore.

∇ 外立面细节

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB

沿袭建筑外立面清水砖墙中的灰与红,预制的U型水泥砖块凸显出现代的肌理感,马赛克式的拼贴效果提升了细节质感。品牌的LOGO色珊瑚红也自然地融入场景,成为街头一抹耀眼的亮色,稳重与跳脱之间,历史与新生并存 。

Following the gray and red in the plain brick walls of the building’s facade, the prefabricated U-shaped cement bricks highlight the modern texture, and the Mosaic collage effect enhances the texture of details. The brand’s logo color, coral red, is also naturally integrated into the scene, becoming a dazzling bright color on the street. Between stability and detachment, history and rebirth coexist.


The elegant charm on the outside and the cool fashion on the inside create a visual display and interaction, as if connecting two completely different worlds. The strong street atmosphere creates a more active social gathering place, where you can enjoy a meal with colleagues after work or a few wild drinks with friends on a weekend night. This is the trendiest lifestyle for the new trendy people.


Blending colors and materials to create a day and night dual face of fire &ice

∇ 折叠窗联通室内室外

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


When the first ray of sunshine shines into the tiles and hung windows in the morning, the exquisite time of the day also starts, and the white-collar workers and young people around enjoy a chance encounter with slurping rice noodles. As night falls, with neon lights and music, a thirst for alcohol is brewing in the restless air, transforming this place into a base for cool nightlife.

餐、酒、烧烤的组合方式,构建了昼夜不间断的休闲场域。越南烧烤与自然酒的绝妙组合,开启潮流人士独一份的Chill Out模式。白天pho晚上酒,冰火两重天。

The combination of meal, wine and barbecue builds a leisure field for day and night, without interruption. The amazing combination of Vietnamese barbecue and natural wine opens up the unique chill out mode for trendsetters. Enjoying pho during the day, drinking at night, the experience is like a collision of ice and fire.

∇ 入口细节

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB

∇ 从室内看向入口

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


The brick walls may be gently caressed when someone passes by, while the custom light fixtures give a sense of ritual at the entrance. Walking inside, what comes into sight is the visual contrast, the collision of ice and fire throughout inside and outside. Our design, using different materials and colors, adjusts the perception of the dining experience. Red, silver, and gray complement each other, creating a stark contrast between the warmth of coral, the coldness of metal and the haziness of glass bricks, and also forming a spatial hierarchy and temperament of light and heavy, calm and passionate.

∇ 悬挂的“冰块”成为视觉中心

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


“Ice cubes” hung on the ceiling are the focus of sight. The luminous cubes in the middle are made of double-layer acrylic, with a transparent outer layer wrapped the highly transparent inner layer. The milky white halo penetrates layer by layer, reducing the sense of weight brought by the cubes. The surfaces of “ice cubes” made of mirror stainless steel on the outer ring are coated with a nano-film to prevent the appearance of fingerprints.

∇ 冰块天花与玻璃砖吧台相呼应

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


The stainless-steel module of the suspended ceiling is embedded in the ring light belt, and the modular design is convenient for later maintenance and disassembly. Each module needs to be molded and sampled, which takes a long time but the results are remarkable. The top of the entire space changes light and shadow according to the time, reflecting different highlights all the time.


Polish the light colorsand details to render atrendy space with modern temperament

∇ 室内回形布局

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


The dynamic line of interior rectangular-ambulatory-plane ensures the efficient circulation of the space. The surrounding booth areas are combined with the scattered seating areas, the gray and red tabletops matched with the orange acrylic folding chairs. Light and heavy, thick and light, are arranged in harmony with each other, and exude random freedom outward.

∇ 双吧台设置

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB

∇ 吧台整合收银区、饮料吧等功能

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


The double stove bar counter in the center integrates the cashier area, self-service beverage bar and tea drinking table, creating a fiery atmosphere in space. A DJ station set up here creates an atmosphere during festival holidays, and also has the functions of exhibits display and waiting, gathering people inward.

∇ 漂浮感吧台

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB

∇ 吧台变身DJ台

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


The cantilevered stainless steel bar counter extends the horizontal vision of the space, while the acrylic logo lights and glass bricks, with refreshing texture, make a lightsome floating feeling. The support structure combined with square and circular shapes shines with a halo, echoing the form of the ceiling.

∇ 从室内看向外摆区

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB

∇ 水泥砖墙搭配东南亚风草帽

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


The wall continues the hand-spliced cement brick walls at the entrance, and the straw hats of Southeast Asian style exude a strong natural atmosphere, enriching the fun of the facade.

∇ 弧形墙面包围的卡座区

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


The curved wall extends down from the zenith, with a large area of red enveloping an independent atmosphere, which runs through the temperament of the entire space, creating an overlap of block surfaces.

∇ 卡座区

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


The skyline lights scatter charming colors of light, and the slogan floats in the red background in the form of glowing words. Spot lights serve as the main lighting, and also increase the local atmosphere lighting, rendering a trendy night life.

∇ 展现冰与火主题的色彩对比

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


In the background color of lane buildings and skyscrapers juxtaposed, the fashion and cool of the ride noodles store and the elegance of the bricks and tiles combine the new and the old, colliding with the contradictory and fresh beauty.

∇ 从后场区看向室内

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


During the day, enjoy slurping rice noodles under the sun; At night, feel the pleasure of drinking. Since its opening, FAT PHO has become a trendsetter in the catering industry, with a chic and high-spirited tone, contributing a dual face of day and night to the trendy block of Jing’an district, a century old landmark.


Beyond meeting the needs of dining and leisure in full time, it attracts numerous trendsetters and late sleepers. With neon lights, music and alcohol, it stages a modern and chic nightlife of Shanghai style.

∇ 平面图

餐厅设计,快餐店设计,商场餐厅设计,餐厅设计案例,餐厅设计方案,餐厅装修,休闲餐厅设计,FAT PHO大發越南粉上海丰盛里店,上海,YEAP LAB


业主:FAT PHO大發越南粉

Project Client: FAT PHO
Project Location: Shanghai Fengshenli
Project Area: 160 square meters
Design Team: Chen Siyan, Cheng Xing, Zhou hang
Design & Completion Period: 2021.04-2021.09
Design Scope: Interior, Demonstration, Decoration Design
Construction Team: Shanghai Dongyuan Construction & Decoration Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Customized Material Supplier: Waili Environmental Protection Technology of Shenzhen Co., Ltd
Photography Credit: Zhu Runzi AP:SpyZd

