stamp意为邮票、印记、印戳。stamp cafe ll店以主理人之愿用更随意的姿态入住社区,供来往者休憩与放松。本案将更多的空间给到面包区,后厨的操作区、烘培区与打包区一气呵成,让客人能同时享受到美味的咖啡与面包。

The stamp II store aims to become a relaxed and welcoming community space, where visitors can rest and unwind according to the owner’s wishes. The design focuses on providing more space for the bread area, seamlessly integrating the operational, baking, and packaging areas in the kitchen. This way, customers can enjoy delicious coffee and bread at the same time.

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木


Although the coffee area is not very large, it doesn’t feel cramped. The abundant natural light and the use of glass doors extend the indoor space naturally outdoors. The recessed entrance of the storefront also enhances interaction and spatial communication.

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木


Overall, the space is clean and tidy, while still retaining a sense of quality. This is achieved through the clever interplay and usage of different materials, such as lime stone, cave stone, and stone tiles.The lime stone wall, with its varying sizes and scattered layout, adds an element of design. Additionally, the wooden framework structure combined with PVC frosted panels behind the coffee bar creates a sleek appearance while adding depth to the overall space.

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木


We have continuously enriched the space by overlaying and interweaving different materials. It is worth mentioning that both the storefront display and the rear kitchen door feature vertical glass panels, and the storefront display incorporates vertical slices of glass to form a T-shaped structure, adding to its unique design.

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木

因stamp cafe ll店拥有更强的社区属性,我们设置了可拆卸灯带的枫木长桌,同时满足办公人群与以家庭为单位客人的需求。

Since the stamp II store has a strong community attribute, we have installed removable LED strips on maple wood long tables, catering to both office workers and families visiting as a group.

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木

来者即可在此小憩,亦可把此地当作“避难所”。随夏风慢下来,与咖啡相伴,览阅几章好文。stamp cafe II店是夏日沁爽的一抹绿,干净明朗;是回归纯粹的本真,治愈纷繁复杂。

Visitors can take a break here or think of it as their “refuge.” With the gentle breeze of summer and the companionship of coffee, they can enjoy reading a few good chapters. Stamp II store is a refreshing touch of green in the summer, clean and bright, a return to purity, and a remedy for the complexities of life.

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木

∇ 平面图

咖啡厅设计案例,咖啡厅设计方案,咖啡店设计,咖啡厅设计,小咖啡店设计,网红咖啡厅,创意咖啡店,成都,stamp cafe II,物禾木木

