ALOHA Coffee,一个位于上海旧法租界陕西南路的特色咖啡店,坐落于一栋具有历史意义的居民建筑底层。ALOHA品牌闻名于其对咖啡文化的钻研和对传统制作方法的尊重。由知一设计研究室设计,该项目的核心是从周围老旧街道的红砖肌理中汲取灵感,讲述咖啡店与所在地区的历史和文化故事。

Nestled in the historic French Concession of Shanghai on Shaanxi South Road, ALOHA Coffee is a distinctive café located at the ground floor of a heritage residential building. Renowned for its dedication to the art and traditional practices of coffee making, the ALOHA brand embodies a deep respect for coffee culture. Designed by Atelier IN, this project draws its primary inspiration from the textural red bricks of the old streets, aiming to narrate the stories of the coffee shop and its local community.

∇ Aloha Cafe正立面,Aloha Cafe Facade ©Vikin



In this project, bricks serve beyond their structural utility, becoming the pivotal element of spatial design. Over the past centuries, with the advent of steel structures and reinforced concrete, red bricks gradually shifted towards a role of infill and ornamentation. This design, however, seeks to reinstate the original honesty of red bricks, using them to form an autonomous entity within the space – self-supporting, creating unique textures, fulfilling functions, and offering a sense of shelter.

∇ Aloha Cafe立面街区轴侧图,Aloha Cafe Facade Street Block Diagram ©Atelier IN


空间与结构Spatial and Structural Integration


The shop’s layout revolves around a bearing column originating from the old residential building, a feature that significantly influences the internal spatial arrangement. The original design, segmented due to the presence of this column, led to a division between the service area and the seating zone. During the renovation, the design team decided to reconfigure this area, releasing a more coherent and distinct customer seating space.

∇ Aloha Cafe空间调整,Aloha Cafe Space Design ©Atelier IN


∇ Aloha Cafe平面图,Aloha Cafe Plan ©Atelier IN


∇ Aloha Cafe吧台区,Aloha Cafe Bar Counter Area ©Oliver


∇ Aloha Cafe内部红砖,Aloha Cafe Interior Red Brick ©Oliver


∇ Aloha Cafe外部红砖,Aloha Cafe Exterior Red Brick ©Oliver


交互与体验 Interaction and Experience


The innovative layout allows for the dynamic use of red bricks, creating a series of evolving scenes within the café. The undulating, interlocking, and rotating bricks offer a visual richness, enabling customers to interact with the space in various ways – from casually placing a cup on a brick ledge to sitting at a brick island, immersed in the aroma of coffee beans, or enjoying the morning sunlight streaming through the windows.

∇ 概念图解-物,Digram- The Objects ©Atelier IN


∇ Aloha Cafe入口休息区,Aloha Cafe Entrance Seat ©Oliver


∇ Aloha Cafe内部红砖,Aloha Cafe Interior Red Brick ©Vikin


∇ Aloha Cafe内部红砖,Aloha Cafe Interior Red Brick ©Oliver


社区连接 Community Connection

ALOHA Coffee不仅是一家咖啡店,更是社区的一部分。顾客们在此与店主交流,享受轻松的时光,体现了社区咖啡店的真正意义。这种设计不仅赋予了空间功能性,也营造了一种独特的社区归属感。

总体而言,ALOHA Coffee咖啡店的设计展示了对历史与现代的深入理解与尊重,通过细腻的空间布局和材料运用,创造了一个既充满故事性又充满生活气息的场所。

ALOHA Coffee transcends the typical café, evolving into a part of the community fabric. The casual interactions between patrons and the café owner, set in a relaxed atmosphere, exemplify the essence of a community coffee shop. This design not only imparts functionality to the space but also fosters a unique sense of belonging within the community.

In essence, the design of ALOHA Coffee showcases a profound understanding and respect for the interplay between history and modernity, crafting a space rich in narrative and vivacity through thoughtful spatial planning and material application.

∇ Aloha Cafe 内部看向窗口,Aloha Cafe Interior Facing the Window ©Oliver


∇ Aloha Cafe正立面,Aloha Cafe Facade ©Oliver



项目名称: Aloha 咖啡
建筑事务所: 知一设计研究室
客户:Aloha 咖啡
项目竣工: 2023年12月
建筑面积: 20㎡
主创建筑师团队: 毕舟希/雁森/李金龙/徐大伟

Project Name: Aloha Cafe
Address: No. 510, South Shanxi Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China
Architecture Firm: Atelier IN
Client: Atelier IN
Completion: December 2023
Building Area: 20㎡
Architect: Zhouxi Bi/Sen Yan/Jinlong Li/Dawei Xu
Construction Team: Shanghai Taoming Decoration Design Co., Ltd.
Photographer: Oliver,Vikin

