
The project site is located in the village of Weipo, a suburb of Luoyang, the ancient capital city of multiple dynasties in Chinese history. Surrounded by traditional courtyards and kiln houses preserved as housing museum, the area near old marketplace is expected to see revived community life, boosted by newly constructed boutique shops, cultural venues and recreational facilities.

∇ 好白商店在村落中的位置衔接了步行街和广场

overall view of White Is Good Shop in the village



Among incoming business owners, the most anticipated is “White Is Good Shop” by HOWHITE, renowned for its carefully selected household goods all packaged with minimal, white-colored eco-friendly materials. Ever since its first launch in Beijing’s historic Hutong area, the brand has gained growing popularity for its unique minimalistic aesthetics.

∇ 好白商店入口界面

Entrance of White Is Good Shop


∇ 好白商店面对商业街的界面

View of White Is Good Shop facing pedestrian


∇ 好白商店面对广场的界面

View of White Is Good Shop from plaza



Commissioned by HOWHITE, designRESERVE creates a popup shop in the heart of Weipo neighborhood. The fifty-square-meter new home for the brand faces the entry plaza of the village market. Inside, original concrete structure is exposed to show the rawness of the space, contrasting the brand’s signature clean and orderly fashion. Outside, the building is transformed with a new envelope into a public gathering spot highlighted by its brightness and openness.

∇ 以古村落为背景的好白商店

View of White Is Good Shop against back drop of the Weipo village


∇ 从入口廊桥看向好白商店

Looking toward the White Is Good Shop from the veranda bridge


∇ 从对面商铺看好白商店

Street view of White Is Good Shop


∇ 从商业背街看向好白商店

View towards White Is Good Shop from back street



With respect to the skyline of old village, White Is Good Shop is featured with pitched roof slightly lower than adjacent heritage buildings. Against the backdrop of traditional roof slopes covered by gray barrel tiles and brick decorations, the shop’s roof is distinctive with its abstract form of trapezoidal cone and pure sense of lightness. Meanwhile, the outline of the roof is carefully aligned with neighboring retail buildings to establish dialog between the historic and the contemporary. Made of twin-wall polycarbonate sheets and translucent fabric, the roof filters natural light into the store in the daytime, and glows like a lampshade at night.

∇ 好白商店转角立面的近景

Close-up view towards corner of White Is Good Shop


∇ 透过好白商店看广场

View through White Is Good Shop towards plaza


在“魏坡新序”,当代城市的躁动与古老村落的图腾杂糅并峙。好白商店以明朗方正,通透亲和的建筑形体,在社区中极具辨识性。尽管从上到下,从里到外都“一白如洗”,但绝非单调。“White is not one color”,余留地将不同材料为基底的白色表面组合在一起,形成相互之间的光线反射,创造出每时每刻变化的微妙情绪,渗透着品牌含蓄而丰盈的美学。

Glass curtain from floor to ceiling on three storefronts seamlessly bridge pedestrians and interior. Under the extended eave, wide bench-like platform creates an interface between public and private realms. Attracted by the simple yet powerful architectural form, the confluence of villagers, tourists and shoppers has made White Is Good Shop an instant landmark in the community. Although the space is dominated by whiteness from top to bottom, inside and out, it is not monotonous at all. In WGS, white is not one color. The design team synchronizes various types of ordinary materials to create multiple and subtle shades of a white palate, reflecting brand’s value towards responsible and restrained consumerism.

∇ 好白商店在魏坡新序街区中夜晚远景

Overall view of White Is Good Shop in the village at night


∇ 夜晚中的好白商店街景

Street view of White Is Good Shop at night


∇ 好白商店的入口平台夜景

View of the entrance platform at night


为适应场地的时效性,并考虑更长周期的扩展度,余留地为好白商店研发出一套展架系统。使用订制的30*30毫米铝型材构成骨架,磨砂有机玻璃构成隔板,可以便捷的安装拆卸。展架以400*400毫米的方形单元划分,以最单纯的秩序衬托各类货品的陈列。展架围合成一个2.85 * 2.85 * 2.85米的立方体盒子,呈45度角置于现场室内,形成可穿插的动线。盒子带有门和窗,如同一个嵌套在商店里的独立屋。当门窗都打开时,访客进出的身影与主人的甄选品味相应成景,正是好白理想之中,家的模样。

In order to maximize recyclability and sustainability of the shop, designRESERVE develops a frame system functioning both as structure and display for White Is Good Shop’s frequent popup events. With custom-made 30*30mm aluminum frame and standardized plexiglass partitions, the system can be easily shipped and installed for various occasions. The assembled structure forms a 2.85X2.85X2.85meter cube, and is placed at a 45-degree angle in the middle of the space to enhance circulation and viewpoints. Like a house within a house, the exhibition unit contains operable doors and windows, symbolizing the ideal home fulfilled with beautiful objects curated by HOWHITE.

∇ 货架概念生成动图


∇ 好白商店室内货架呈45度摆放

The display system lays at 45-degree inside the shop


∇ 定制展架的窗口加强了屋中屋的概念

Windows in display system reinforce the concept of house within house


∇ 定制展架系统的内部

Inside the mini house encircled by the display system


∇ 轴测图


∇ 总图


∇ 立面图



Project Title项目名称: White Is Good Shop in Weipo, Luoyang / 好白商店·洛阳魏坡新序
Client业主: HOWHITE CO. / 好白(北京)文化创意有限公司
Project Location项目地点: Weipo Xinxu, Mengjin District, Luoyang, Henan Province, China / 河南省洛阳市孟津区魏坡新序
Project Type项目类型: Commercial retail space / 商业零售空间
Gross Area建筑面积: 50 Sqm/50平方米
Completed Year完成时间: 2024/04
Project Architect项目建筑师: designRESERVE / 余留地
Chief Designer主创设计师: Fangzhou Lydia Song, Feng Yue / 宋方舟, 岳峰
Design Team设计团队: Shuai Li, Huaer Lin / 李帅、林画儿
Photographer摄影: Huaer Lin / 林画儿
Materials 材料: polycarbonate sheets、translucent fabric、microcement、 aluminum profile、frosted acrylics / 阳光板、广告布、微水泥、铝型材、磨砂亚克力

