Claus Porto的第一家国际商店开在曼哈顿nolita附近,Claus Porto(桃乐丝)是有着131年历史的葡萄牙卫浴及香氛用品品牌。

located in the nolita neighborhood of manhattan, this is the first international store for Claus Porto, the famed 131-year-old portuguese beauty and fragrance house.

该店由Tacklebox Architecture设计,旨在向葡萄牙建筑和工艺致敬。 一座42英尺长的独立式拱门被插入这个1800年代早期建筑的现有底层店面。该店距离纽约市的Bowery仅一个街区,游客可以通过此入口沉浸在Claus Porto独特气味的世界中,探索这个葡萄牙品牌背后131年的历史。

conceived by Tacklebox Architecture under the direction of Jeremy Barbour, the design pays homage to portuguese architecture and craftsmanship. a forty-two foot long freestanding archway has been inserted into the existing ground-floor storefront of an early 1800’s building, one block off of NYC’s Bowery, creating a portal through which the visitors may immerse themselves in the world of Claus Porto’s unique scents and discover the 131-years of savoir-faire behind this Portuguese brand.

商业空间,葡萄牙Claus Porto,香氛用品店面设计,旗舰店设计,桃乐丝

商业空间,葡萄牙Claus Porto,香氛用品店面设计,旗舰店设计,桃乐丝

该拱门巧妙地借鉴了波尔图的Sao Bento火车站,该火车站于1887年首次被提议修建,就在Claus Porto成立的同一年,它被用作通往这一文化遗产的入口。这座中央铁路枢纽以复杂的azulejo瓷砖作品而闻名,描绘了葡萄牙历史上的历史事件,是人们抵达波尔图的一个热情门户。

the arch is a subtle reference to Porto’s São Bento train station, that was first proposed in 1887 – the same year that Claus Porto was founded – and serves as a portal into that cultural heritage.famed for the intricate azulejo tile work that depicts historical events in Portuguese history, this central rail hub – with arched doorways onto the street – has served as a welcoming gateway for those arriving into Porto.

1500多面钻石瓷砖由葡萄牙软木磨成,参考了里斯本历史悠久的Casa dos Bicos的瓷砖立面,并定义了拱形的内部结构,其形式参考了Sao Bento火车站的拱形入口和排列在到达大厅的装饰瓷砖azulejo。就像激发他们灵感的azulejo瓷砖一样, Claus Porto精美产品的装饰包装(其中许多可以追溯到该品牌创立之初)都保存在软木壁龛中,体现了一种永恒的工艺和独创性精神,这种精神定义了该品牌131年的历史。

milled from portuguese cork, 1,500 faceted diamond tiles reference the tiled façade of the historic Casa dos Bicos in Lisbon and define a vaulted interior whose form references the arched portals of São Bento train station and the decorative azulejo tile that line its arrival hall. like the azulejo tile that inspired them, the decorative wrappings of Claus Porto’s fine products, many of which date back to the beginnings of the brand, are held within carved cork niches and speak to a timeless spirit of craft and ingenuity that have defined the brand’s 131 year history.

商业空间,葡萄牙Claus Porto,香氛用品店面设计,旗舰店设计,桃乐丝

商业空间,葡萄牙Claus Porto,香氛用品店面设计,旗舰店设计,桃乐丝

当顾客走进这家商店时,会收到一份装裱好的证书,证明Claus Porto在1904年圣路易斯世界博览会(Universal Exhibition)上获得了一枚金牌。这些古董有助于讲述该品牌的故事,包括克劳斯波尔图作为香水品牌的传统元素,某些产品和图案的演变,以及该品牌标志性的Musgo Real男士系列。

when entering the store, customers are greeted by a framed diploma certifying that Claus Porto was awarded a gold medal at the 1904 Universal Exhibition in Saint Louis – the first of a series of hand-picked objects that make the shop’s historic gallery.these antiques help tell the story of the brand and include elements related to Claus Porto’s tradition as a fragrance house, the evolution of certain products and patterns and the brand’s iconic Musgo Real men’s collection.

商业空间,葡萄牙Claus Porto,香氛用品店面设计,旗舰店设计,桃乐丝


a monolithic washbasin sits at the heart of the space in reference to the baptismal font and as a celebration of the ritual of daily cleansing. the basin was carved from the same single block of Estremoz marble that gave life to its sister basin in porto’s flagship store.

商业空间,葡萄牙Claus Porto,香氛用品店面设计,旗舰店设计,桃乐丝

商业空间,葡萄牙Claus Porto,香氛用品店面设计,旗舰店设计,桃乐丝

商业空间,葡萄牙Claus Porto,香氛用品店面设计,旗舰店设计,桃乐丝

商业空间,葡萄牙Claus Porto,香氛用品店面设计,旗舰店设计,桃乐丝

项目名称:Claus Porto
设计公司:Tacklebox Architecture
摄影: Eric Petschek

