君子食堂(Junzi Kitchen)是美国新一波中餐烹饪的前沿阵地。Junzi Kitchen是由耶鲁大学的一对学生于2015年创办的,它开设的新店,旨在拥抱纽约格林尼治村(Greenwich Village)空前活跃的街头生活。格林尼治村曾被视为城市住宅的典范。餐厅占据了一个转角空间,巨大的窗户延伸到临街的墙壁上,两边折叠着开放式面板店面,成为了外面熙熙攘攘的街道生活的延伸。

Junzi Kitchen is at the forefront of a new wave of Chinese cuisine in the US. Launched in 2015 by a couple of Yale students, Junzi Kitchen has opened a new venue designed to embrace the all-time dynamic street life of New York‘s Greenwich Village, which was once regarded as a paradigm of urban dwelling. Occupying a corner space with large windows stretching across the street-facing walls and an open panelized storefront folded on both sides, the dining room becomes an extension of the bustling street life outside.

餐厅充满了自然光线,在中央设有两个公共桌子,而桦木长椅采用浅灰色皮革衬里后墙,并在整个房间的薄荷绿色底座上配有白色大理石桌子。后面的吧台采用薄荷绿色铺设,上面挂着照明金属网,反映了街区的街道氛围。 地板主要是倾倒的混凝土,模糊了街道和餐厅之间的边界,并以银镶嵌的灰白色水磨石瓷砖矩形为重点。

Flooded with natural light, the front dining room houses two communal tables at center, while birch banquette seating upholstered with light gray leather lines the back wall, accompanied by white marble tables atop mint green bases throughout the room. A bar counter at the back is tiled in mint green, with illuminated metal mesh hanging above, reflecting the street vibes of the neighborhood. The floor is primarily poured concrete that blurs the boundary between the street and the restaurant, accented by a silver-inlaid grey-and-white terrazzo tile rectangle, where the communal tables sit.




Beyond the bar is a tiled counter where food is ordered and prepared. A corridor to the left connects several niches on the white-painted brick wall for display. A light pink neon sign illuminates where guests lining up to order, adding a contrasting tint to the color palette. The corridor ends at the back room—a smaller, quieter dining area with art displayed on the walls.




In an effort to reframe the perception of Chinese culture in the US, the design team refrained from using traditional, clichéd patterns or symbols, instead chose to play with simple form and contrasting color palettes. “The color inspiration came through a childhood memory of the early spring season in Northern China, when this type of food is made by families following the lunar calendar tradition. Mint-green color against snow white, along with warm texture of natural birch, the combination perfectly captures the look, the fresh smell and the spirit of germination and growth, which is the key to the ambience of the space,” Xuhui said.




项目名称:君子食堂Junzi Kitchen
摄影:Andres Orozco

