首尔工作室labotory在韩国仁川设计了一个大型酒吧,该酒吧成为手工啤酒品牌caligari brewing的代言地。对于caligari brewing来说将酒吧餐厅引入韩国益善洞街道是一个巨大的挑战和冒险,其品牌形象和方向与传统的韩国风格街道形成鲜明对比。这家公司的名字和形象是为了向电影《卡里加里博士的小屋》致敬而创建的,漆黑与阳刚之气的氛围,就如身临影片当中。

seoul-based studio labotory has designed a large draft beer brewery in incheon, south korea as the face of ‘caligari brewing,’ a brand of handmade beer. the introduction of the restaurant and brewery into the street of ikseon-dong was a great challenge and adventure for caligari brewing, whose brand image and direction is in contrast to that of the traditional korean style street. the name and image of the bewing company was created in homage to the movie ‘the cabinet of dr. caligari,’ leading toward dark and masculine interiors with a feeling of cinematic closeness and intimacy.

餐饮空间,韩国,Labotory studio,现代风格,啤酒厂

餐饮空间,韩国,Labotory studio,现代风格,啤酒厂

labotory将caligari啤酒厂的选址定在一个传统的韩国建筑内,在这里白天适合享用午餐 ,而在夜晚却营造出一种“感性”的空间氛围。由于labotory的设计师担心空间会剥离亚洲元素,所以在设计中将韩国传统建筑与20世纪20年代德国电影艺术进行融合。现代装饰风格和柔和的霓虹灯照明与建筑本身的结构元素形成对比。进入这个空间后,顾客可以根据他们的喜好挑选房间,每个房间都提供独特的体验,暗示了电影中描述的密室。

labotory has sited caligari brewery within a traditional korean building to create a mood suitable for lunch during the daytime which transforms to create a ‘sensuous’ space for nighttime. as designers at labotory feared stripping the space of the asian elements, the resulting interior demonstrates an unusual blend of traditional korean architecture with a contemporary interpretation of 1920s german cinematography. contemporary finishing and soft neon lighting contrasts the original exposed structural elements. upon entering the space, customers will find different rooms to suit their preference, each offering a unique experience. this serves to suggest the identity of the brand, ‘the secret room,’ or cabinet, as depicted in the film.

餐饮空间,韩国,Labotory studio,现代风格,啤酒厂

餐饮空间,韩国,Labotory studio,现代风格,啤酒厂

餐饮空间,韩国,Labotory studio,现代风格,啤酒厂

餐饮空间,韩国,Labotory studio,现代风格,啤酒厂

餐饮空间,韩国,Labotory studio,现代风格,啤酒厂

餐饮空间,韩国,Labotory studio,现代风格,啤酒厂

项目名称:caligari brewing
摄影:yongjoon choi

