

STAR ART HOME是一家专注于打造亲子餐厅+艺展+玩乐多功能为一体的孩童空间。我们在设计理念梳理中,融合业主需求以及孩童玩乐的天性,决定以一次“太空冒险之旅的故事”为主线,解放孩子爱玩、会玩的天性,赋予他们无限想象空间,同时关注用餐环境对儿童身心健康成长的影响力。

STAR ART HOME is a children’s space of multiple functions dedicated to creating a family-friendly restaurant & art exhibition & fun. In the designing idea, real estate owners’ requirement and children’s instinct for play were combined and a storyline ofouter space adventurewas determined. Such idea aims at releasing the nature of kids and endowing them infinite space for imagination. The impact of dining environment on the physical and psychological health of children was also paid attention.

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME



Arc – flexible, ethereal and diverse


Architect Gaudi once said that the line belongs to humans and the curve belongs to God. We subtly blend the arc elements into the design, striving for the fluidity and separation of space, building a natural warmth and natural beauty for the children’s living space.


Leave blank – cultivating personality


In order to highlight the subjectivity of children, we choose a simple method. The main theme of grey matched with woody color and bright French Window, enlarging the activity space for children.


Light and Shadow – Inspiring Curiosity


The change of light and shadow maybe very common to adults. In a small dark space, everything is so fascinating that attracts children’s attention and guides them to explore.


Sculpture – Perceiving and Creating Beauty


The plentiful spatial form of lighthouse, semi-circular cave and bridge make the room more like a sculpture space. The simple materials which were delicately constructed by the designer’s team present to children a creative space with visually impact and tell the story of beauty to them.

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

出发点/Starting point


Building a galaxy/adventure land for children



  1. Creating a beacon – dark space

Walking upstair from the GL to the 13m2circular space at 2F, 43 holes were dig from which the world can be observed from different angles.



  1. Creating a semicircular device- small space & yellow flexible package

Private and quiet space for picture book reading.



  1. Creating a bridge – connecting cosplay and play area

A small theater space of 53m2was enclosured under the bridge is formed and surrounding by the reading space and dark space jointly.

/The enclose space of a small theater of 53m2under the bridge is formed and surrounded by the reading space and dark space jointly.



  1. Creating galaxy sphere – locate the UFO coordinate

Painting the cement floor, a flying saucer with lamp on top is coordinated.

/Using the cement floor paint material, there is also a flying saucer coordinate with a flying saucer lamp on top.

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

即将开启冒险之旅/Preparing for an adventure


The dreamful and amazing space which centering on the family, linking the children and aiming at funny education could promote further interaction and communication between parents and children.

我们以故事作为连接家长与孩子之间的线索,给孩子一个冒险之旅。一次POPO ART 的星球冒险,通过创建有关联的元素:星球、银河、黑暗空间、太空牧田等,串起关于探险、关于勇敢、关于快乐、关于成长的故事。

We use stories of adventure as the bond between parents and children. A planet adventure in POPO ART stringing the stories about adventure, bravery, happiness and growth by creating inter-related elements: planet, galaxy, dark space, space pasture etc.

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

∇ 模型展示

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

∇ 模型展示

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

∇ 区域分析

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

∇ 轴测图

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

∇ 轴测图

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

空间布局/Spatial layout


Children are naturally curious about the unknown world.


The entire space is not only aiming at dividing the children’s play areas, but also separating the art exhibition areas, cooking classroom and outdoor animal fields. In this space, fun is not the only goal, the parent-child interaction, baby’s ability on handcraft and the cultivation of perception and creation of beauty will also matter. Let the adults enter into the kingdom of fairy tale of children and communicate with them intimately.



The color of the whole space will not gaudy although it is a family-friendly restaurant. Bright French Windows, main tone of gray & white matching with woody color, all shows a high-quality texture of simplicity and fresh.

玩乐区Play area


Space of 700 square meters directly integrate the play into the restaurant.


For children, there exist their favorite play facilities including sea ball pool, slides, building blocks, trampolines, suspension bridges and dark space. Playing here is like searching through zealous routes and seems to unlock each area. For parents, relax is watching the dynamics of babies in the restaurant through 360 degrees wide view at any time.

艺展区Art Exhibition Area


It is very important for children to have the ability to perceive and create beauty from an early age.


But more important than this is the cultivation of children’s aesthetic ability. We need to know that the ability to appreciate beauty is more important than the ability to create beauty. How could a person who does not appreciate beauty can create beautiful things?


So how to cultivate the aesthetic ability? The easiest and most effective way is to take your child to the art exhibition.

中央小厨房Central kitchenette


Let your baby know the food culture and related knowledge the cooking process in different area of the world, developing the creativity of children and cultivating children’s patience, concentration, observation, thinking, handling ability, creativity and imagination. Encouraging children to try new things.


Parents accompanying with the children to class together, through witch parents can observe the children more and guide the children that helps to establish a good parent-child relationship.

/Parents accompany the children to class together, so that parents can observe the children more and guide the children, which helps establish a good parent-child relationship.

户外牧田Outdoor pasture




Children have endless curiosity and desire to explore to everything, which is incomparable to people of any age.

There are a variety of plants grows in the pasture, children can get to know crops instantly, the way from witch the food we eat every day comes, all witch is a lesson for popularization of science. In such an organic life experience, kids feel the tiny part of the nature.

At the same time, when you are in the central kitchen, you can take the children to the farm to pick vegetables. In the child’s mind, nature is no longer a hollow and abstract concept, but clearer from step to step.

∇ 一层平面图

餐厅设计,亲子餐厅,itDstudio,重庆亲子餐厅设计,STAR ART HOME

项目名称:STAR ART HOME艺术空间
设计团队:itDstudio 杨睿 苏志展 龚玮坭 邓林
合作施工:周凯 众帮改造

Project Name: STAR ART HOME Family ART space
Designer: The BanJian Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. Chongqing
Contact E-mail:
Year of Project Design & Completion: 2018
The Main Creative: Luo Peiqi
Designer Team: itDstudio Yang Rui, Su Zhizhan, Gong Weini, Deng Lin
Project Address: Chongqing Longhu Jingyu Plaza
Area: 740m2
Photo copyrighter: Liu Yujie
Partner: zhou kai

