Cercal住宅是位于葡萄牙Cercal do Alentejo的极简主义住宅,由Atelier Data设计。建筑师主要关心的是建筑与周围景观的关系。房子坐落在一个斜坡上,附近有一条河。因此,设计师在自然光、视觉环境、建筑的可行性方面和对住宅的朝向非常敏感。他们想要保持一个传统的结构原型,作为新空间诠释的基础。

Cercal House is a minimalist residence located in Cercal do Alentejo, Portugal, designed by Atelier Data. The architects’ main concern was the building’s relationship with the surrounding landscape. The home is situated on a sloped terrain with a nearby river.As such, the designers were sensitive to the home’s orientation in regards to natural light, visual environment, and feasibility of construction. They wanted to maintain a traditional structural archetype that would serve as a foundation for new spatial interpretations.

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

天井的引入不仅提供了更多的自然光,而且本质上是可使用的外部空间光的两倍。社交区域集中在住宅内部,并通过一系列滑动门窗无缝连接室内外。在Cercal House中,时间和空间不是独立的维度,而是相互依存的。有与自然周期相对应的时间,有居住在这个地方的人的时间,也有被它塑造和影响的空间。

Patios were introduced to not only provide more natural light, but essentially double the usable exterior space. The social areas are centralized within the home, and seamlessly connect the interior with the outside through a series of sliding partitions.In Cercal House time and space are not separate dimensions but rather interdependent. There is the time that corresponds to the cycles of nature, the time of who inhabits the place and there is the space that is shaped and influenced by it.

房子位于Alentejo地区也是一个挑战。正如Miguel Torga所说,Alentejo代表了“我们能渴望的最大和最小的东西:无限梦想的荒野和贫瘠土地的现实。因此,Cercal住宅是一个探索一个新的时间和空间的可能性方案,这个空间也被住宅的新颖性标记和改变,希望最终在人类和景观之间建立一个新的承诺。

Alentejo – the place where the house is located – is also a challenge. As Miguel Torga says, Alentejo represents “the maximum and the minimum we can aspire to: the wilderness of an infinite dream and the reality of an exhausted soil.”The Cercal House is thus a proposal that explores the possibilities of a new time and space in a place also marked and altered by the novelty of the house, wishing ultimately to build a renewed commitment between man and landscape.

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格


Located on a terrain whose halfpipe morphology is motivated by a water line that crosses it, the house is implanted in one of the slopes that the river divides, next to the remains of an old construction.The search for the right position and solar orientation, in parallel with a volumetry that searches for a skillful dialogue with the slope and also the pursuit of the best visual horizon, synthesize the main intervention strategy guidelines.In addition, the project sought to meet other principles of which we highlight:Appeal to the traditional house archetype as a structure tha carries a solid memory and as a support for new formal manipulations and spatial interpretations;Introduction of patios as light-enhancing element and reflection in the interior, doubling the exterior spaces with a more intimate vocation; Functional program distribution considers the social area as the centre of the house, around wich is organized the remaining program of more restricted acess.

通过延伸屋顶和突出一个社交区域的平台加强了室内外关系 ,顶部是一个水平面——一个建立平台边界的水池。通过门廊引入过渡空间,在室内外空间之间进行协调。这个空间通过引入滑动门来加强,扩展了限制房屋的边界和地平线;使用当地的建筑系统和传统材料,重新以现代的逻辑解释。墙壁和地板普遍使用白色,与“Alentejo蓝”形成对比,“Alentejo蓝”作为住宅的入口门用于空间过渡和提亮光线。

Intensification of the relationship between interior and exterior by extending the roof and projecting a platform that comes from the social area and is topped by a water plan – a tank that builds the platform boundary; Mediation between interior and exterior space through the introduction of a transition space – the porch. This space is reinforced by the introduction of sliding panels that expando r confine the house boundaries and the horizon; The use of local constructive systems and traditional materials reinterpreted in the logic of a contemporary
Prevailing use of white color in walls and floors in contrast to the “Alentejo blue” used in transitory and light elements as the access door to the house.

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

∇ 区位图
住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

∇ 分析图
住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

∇ 平面图
住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

∇ 剖透视图
住宅空间,Cercal House,住宅设计,葡萄牙,极简主义,现代风格

项目名称:Cercal House
建筑设计:Atelier Data
设计团队:Filipe Rodrigues, Inês Vicente, Marta Frazão, Filipa Neiva, Joana Matos, Ricardo Carvalho
摄影:Richard John Seymour

