Conveys the Power and Poetry of Water

荷兰艺术家和设计师Daan Roosegaarde创建了WATERLICHT,以提高人们对水位上升的认识,以及继续创新和适应不断变化的环境的必要性。WATERLICHT使用LED和镜头的组合,其在观众的头部上方形成不断变化的蓝色光层。自2016年成立以来,作为阿姆斯特丹荷兰区水务局的特定场地艺术品,沉浸式装置已在伦敦,多伦多,巴黎,鹿特丹,迪拜以及纽约市的联合国总部展示。

Dutch artist and designer Daan Roosegaarde created WATERLICHT to raise awareness about rising water levels and the need to continue to innovate and adapt to our changing environment. The ethereal projection uses a combination of LED and lenses, which forms a constantly shifting layer of billowing blue light above the heads of viewers. Since its inception in 2016 as a site-specific artwork for Amsterdam’s Dutch District Water Board, the immersive installation has been shown across the world in London, Toronto, Paris, Rotterdam, Dubai, and at the United Nations headquarters in New York City.


在艺术家网站的一份声明中,WATERLICHT被描述为“关于水的力量和诗歌的梦想景观…… WATERLICHT创造了一种集体经验来分享水创新的重要性。”

In a statement on the artist’s website, WATERLICHT is described as a “dream landscape about the power and poetry of water… WATERLICHT creates a collective experience to share the importance of water innovation.”


Roosegaarde的工作重点是人与自然环境之间的复杂关系,包括烟雾,空间浪费和彩虹。他最近在2019 年被任命为墨西哥蒙特雷蒙特雷大学的客座教授。您可以在他的网站上发现更多Roosegaarde的项目,并在下面的视频中观看艺术家在WATERLICHT多伦多安装现场的采访。

Roosegaarde’s body of work focuses on the complex relationship between people and our natural surroundings, including smog, space waste, and rainbows. He was recently named a visiting professor at Monterrey University in Monterrey, Mexico for 2019. You can discover more of Roosegaarde’s projects on his website, and watch an interview with the artist at the site of WATERLICHT’s Toronto installation in the video below.





all images © Daan Roosegaarde

