Schemata Architects最近将东京一所房子的一楼改造成了一家传统的日式酒吧,顾客可以在这里购买和喝清酒。这栋房子位于距离樱田大道一个街区的后街,距离五反田站有5分钟的步行路程。房子里住着一个13口之家,包括一位曾祖母、两位祖父、他们的儿子和他们各自的家庭。

Schemata Architects has recently converted the ground floor of a house in Tokyo into a traditional Japanese-style pub where customers can buy and drink sake. The house, located on a backstreet a block away from Sakurada-dori and a 5-minute walking distance from Gotanda Station, hosts a family of thirteen consisting of a great-grandmother, two grandfathers, their sons, and their respective families.


The family owns the building at the corner of this street and Sakurada-dori, where they running a liquor store serving the community for a long time. Along with the change of the times, they changed their store style (converted it into a convenience store) and have maintained their liquor business up to today.They had been temporarily running a kakuuchi style store in this space for a while. But the family decided that they want to create a pleasant workplace where the entire family can work happily instead of continuing a conventional kakuuchi based on low prices.

建筑改造,日式小酒馆,东京,Schemata Architects

建筑改造,日式小酒馆,东京,Schemata Architects


Schemata found the atmosphere of the “storage-turned-izakaya” very refreshing and decided to brighten up and renew the space by clearing residues from the past and the somewhat gloomy air, while making the best of existing spatial characteristics. The studio has kept the existing steel racks, window frames in the existing storefront, floor, walls, and ceiling as much as possible and scattered new elements here and there that make people think, “It looks different! What’s happening here?”.


Customers can use beer bottle crates to sit on or stack a few of them to create a makeshift table at a convenient height according to their drinking styles.

建筑改造,日式小酒馆,东京,Schemata Architects

建筑改造,日式小酒馆,东京,Schemata Architects

建筑改造,日式小酒馆,东京,Schemata Architects

建筑改造,日式小酒馆,东京,Schemata Architects

建筑改造,日式小酒馆,东京,Schemata Architects

建筑改造,日式小酒馆,东京,Schemata Architects

建筑改造,日式小酒馆,东京,Schemata Architects

项目名称:Kuwabara shouten
设计公司:Schemata Architects
摄影:Kenta Hasegawa

