如果很难准确定位Enso Ango的位置,那是因为这家酒店实际上由五个基地组成,分布在京都中心迷人的小街小巷中,鼓励客人四处走走,探索这座城市。

If it’s difficult to pinpoint the location of Enso Ango, it’s because the hotel is actually made up of five bases dispersed across charming side streets of central Kyoto, to encourage guests to walk around and discover the city.

“ENSO”指的是禅宗的理念,即“万事万物都在一个大圆里相连”。Enso Ango背后的Ango酒店公司解释说,分散式酒店的概念旨在让游客走出京都的线性体验,进入城市的有机、自由流动的路线。

“ENSO” refers to the Zen concept that “everything is connected in a great circle.” Ango Hotels, the firm behind Enso Ango, explained that the dispersed hotel concept aims to take the traveler out of a linear experience of Kyoto and into an organic, free-flowing route of the city.

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design


“Kyoto has a thriving culture and a strong community; rather than focusing solely on tourists attractions from the past, our dispersed hotel concept allows travelers to discover and feel the living culture of the city,” they added.

为了鼓励基地之间的流动,每栋建筑都设有公共空间,如休息室,榻榻米沙龙,客用厨房,酒吧,餐厅和健身房。 此外,客人可以自由办理入住手续并使用所有五处公寓的公共区域,并通过街道和街区创建自己独特的路线。

To encourage a flow between the bases, each building has communal spaces such as lounges, a Tatami salon, guest kitchens, bars, restaurants and a gym. Additionally, guests are free to check in and use the communal areas in all five properties and create their own unique routes through the streets and neighborhoods.

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

设计酒店,国外酒店空间,日式酒店设计,京都,Enso Ango酒店,Uchida Design

项目名称:Enso Ango酒店
设计公司:Uchida Design
陶瓷艺术家:Masanobu Ando
视觉艺术家:Katsuhiko Hibino
家具和艺术设计师:Atelier Oi
建筑师:Naoki Terada
摄影:Satoshi Asakawa & Tomooki Kengaku.

