西班牙公司fran silvestre arquitectos将这个小房子植根于周围的景观中。coimbra steinman住宅位于葡萄牙里斯本的高尔夫球场树木繁茂的区域,分为两个体量,反映了该住宅的不同用途。

elongated volumes rooted in the surrounding landscape form this minimal house by spanish firm fran silvestre arquitectos. located in the wooded area of a golf course in lisbon, portugal, the ‘coimbra-steinman house’ splits into two volumes that mirror the different purposes of the residence.


emerging from the sloping hills and overlooking green terrain, the single-family residence is built on a longitudinal surface with a triangular geometry. a linear architecture houses an open living area, accommodating shared spaces which include two offices, a kitchen area and a living room. meanwhile, a second volume unfolds from the point of contact, housing the homes private functions.

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本


the former is awash in natural light permitted via panoramic windows that open out to additional outdoor spaces. extending beyond the enclosed structure there is also a covered terrace, patio and a swimming pool. a basement floor situated where the two volumes meet which hosts other facilities including a garage, storage and laundry rooms, a spare bedroom and bathroom.


the second volume houses four ensuite bedrooms that look out towards a wooded area which affords their inhabitants a decent level of privacy. there is also a master bedroom located at the tip of the structure which benefits from an unobstructed vista afforded by floor to ceiling windows.

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本


the interior is kept bright and minimal throughout the home with monochrome furnishings accenting white marble and high-end finishes.

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

∇ 模型 model

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

∇ 首层平面图 ground floor plan

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

∇ 屋顶平面图 roof plan

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

∇ 地下层平面图 basement floor plan

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

∇ 东北立面图 northeast elevation

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

∇ 东南立面图 southeast elevation

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

∇ 西北立面图 northwest elevation

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

∇ 西南立面图 southwest elevation

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

∇ 纵剖面图 longitudinal section

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

∇ 横剖面 cross section

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

住宅空间,独栋住宅,私人住宅,fran silvestre arquitectos,里斯本

项目名称:coimbra-steinman house
建筑师:fran silvestre arquitectos
合伙人:paulo santa cruz
室内设计:alfaro hofmann

