The Levee坐落在以色列特拉维夫最古老的街区之一的Neve Tzedek一座历史悠久的别墅里,这是该镇最新的酒店,提供八套宽敞的公寓,空间低调豪华而具有现代感,让客人感到宾至如归。经过9年的精心修复,这座两层楼高的别墅采用了全新的屋顶覆盖式顶层公寓,其现代感与其百年建筑风格截然不同,创造出一种混搭的感觉,抓住了这座城市的时代精神。

Housed in a historic villa in Neve Tzedek, one of the oldest neighbourhoods in Tel Aviv, Israel, “The Levee” is the town’s latest hospitality arrival offering eight spacious apartments of understated luxury and contemporary sophistication where guests can feel at home. Gracefully revamped during nine years of meticulous restoration, the two-storey villa is crowned by a new rooftop-spanning penthouse whose contemporary sensibility, far from clashing with the century-old architecture, creates a hybrid sensibility that captures the city’s zeitgeist.

酒店由来自以色列比利时的室内设计师Yael Siso设计,The Levee的八套公寓遵循了建筑外部的折衷主义,并结合了工业氛围和基于中世纪的优雅和现代极简主义的精致美学。

Designed by Israeli-Belgian interior designer Yael Siso, The Levee’s eight apartments follow the exterior’s eclectic paradigm by combining an industrial vibe with a refined aesthetic based on mid-century elegance and modern minimalism.

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee


Originally named The Gurevitch House, the villa was built in 1913 and is now part of Tel Aviv’s UNESCO World Heritage site of 4,000 Bauhaus and Eclectic architecture-style buildings. When it came to designing the new penthouse, as well as an extension at the back of the building, instead of emulating the eclectic style of the existing building which can be summed up as an amalgamation of neoclassical influences and oriental details, the architects choose a contemporary aesthetic in the form of a cubic volume completely clad in metal grating.

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee


Ranging from 115 to 280 square metres, all eight apartments feel spacious and bright, blessed as they are with generous ceiling heights and plenty of daylight, courtesy of large windows and floor to ceiling glazing in the penthouse. Contrary to the historic look of the villa’s restored exterior, the refurbished loft-like interiors are underpinned by an industrial aesthetic featuring untreated cement walls, board-formed concrete ceilings and exposed air ducts.


If the rugged, rough-hewn surfaces embody Tel Aviv’s dynamic past, then the impeccable modern finishes and elegant contemporary furnishings speak of the city’s celebrated present. Beautiful timber floors, minimal glass partitions and exquisitely crafted built-in furniture imbue the spaces with a sense of nonchalant sophistication, which is further enhanced by an eclectic collection of modernist and contemporary pieces from iconic Italian brands.

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

酒店空间,国外酒店设计,特拉维夫,Yael Siso,The Levee

设计公司:Yael Siso
摄影:The Levee

