BEHF建筑事务所在DAS TRIEST完成了带有航海主题的酒吧设计。维也纳的精品设计酒店DAS TRIEST是国际艺术家和名人的热门住宿选择,该酒店已经扩大了自己的服务范围,收购了Margaretenstrasse附近的一处房产,该房产现在已经过翻修。BEHF建筑事务所被委托为其设计酒吧和餐厅区域。

BEHF Architects completes atmospheric bar with a nautical theme at DAS TRIEST. Vienna’s boutique design hotel DAS TRIEST, a popular accommodation choice among international artists and celebrities, has expended its offerings with the acquisition of the neighbouring property on the Margaretenstrasse which has now been renovated. BEHF Architects has been commissioned for the interior design of the bar and restaurant area.

客人可通过立方铜盖门进入PORTO Bar的主空间。房间的墙壁覆盖着高品质连续孔石,一直延伸至天花板。细长的镜子反射出Trieste的历史照片,成了这一独特氛围的点睛之笔。为了实现室内空间声学的目标,天花板是穿孔的,安装有镜面效果的黑色薄板,并由纵梁分割。

Guests coming from Rilkeplatz, enter the main room of PORTO Bar through a cubic copper-covered door. The walls of the room are clad in simple and quiet, yet high-quality continuous travertine stone which extends up to the ceiling. Slender bands of mirror that reflect historic photos of the harbor of Trieste add the finishing touch to the unique ambience. In order to implement the objectives of the interior spatial acoustics, the ceiling is perforated, fitted with black sheets with mirror effect and divided by longitudinal beams.

餐饮空间,国外餐饮设计,维也纳,BEHF Architects,PORTO,酒吧

餐饮空间,国外餐饮设计,维也纳,BEHF Architects,PORTO,酒吧


A focal point of the space is a bar counter featuring a simple travertine stone base with copper finish. Here, the traces of use, to develop a unique patina over time. The older this bar gets, the more natural and alluring it becomes.

餐饮空间,国外餐饮设计,维也纳,BEHF Architects,PORTO,酒吧

餐饮空间,国外餐饮设计,维也纳,BEHF Architects,PORTO,酒吧

餐饮空间,国外餐饮设计,维也纳,BEHF Architects,PORTO,酒吧


Terrazzo flooring in grey-black runs throughout the entire space.

餐饮空间,国外餐饮设计,维也纳,BEHF Architects,PORTO,酒吧

餐饮空间,国外餐饮设计,维也纳,BEHF Architects,PORTO,酒吧

餐饮空间,国外餐饮设计,维也纳,BEHF Architects,PORTO,酒吧

餐饮空间,国外餐饮设计,维也纳,BEHF Architects,PORTO,酒吧
项目名称:PORTO Bar
设计公司:BEHF Architects
摄影:Rupert Steiner

