Clementina联合办公空间位于巴塞罗那历史悠久的Gràcia社区,其设计体现了建筑师Izaskun Chinchilla及其团队充满活力的美学。

Located in Barcelona’s historic Gràcia neighbourhood, the Clementina co-working space exemplifies the vibrant aesthetic of architect Izaskun Chinchilla and her Madrid firm.


The new Clementina co-working space in Barcelona is a riot of colour, pattern and texture, inside and out. While it feels exuberantly contemporary it is also a product of its place. The 384-square-metre building, part of the design-conscious Utopicus co-working chain, is situated in the Gràcia neighbourhood. Until the 18th century and before its annexation by Barcelona, this area was an independent rural town populated with Catalonian-style masía homes, convents and manors. Although industrial buildings slowly crept into the rural fabric, the district has retained its flavour. As the firm states: “There exist buildings unknown to the vast majority filled with undeniable beauty and uniqueness.”

办公空间,联合办公,建筑改造,Izaskun Chinchilla,国外办公室设计

其中一栋建筑实际上深受绝大多数人的喜爱,距离Utopicus Clementina仅150米,是AntoniGaudí受联合国教科文组织保护的Casa Vicens。该建筑于1884年竣工,是陶瓷艺术的杰作。这也许是Clementina的主要灵感来源。

One of those buildings, actually quite well loved by the vast majority and located only 150 metres from Utopicus Clementina, is Antoni Gaudí’s UNESCO-protected Casa Vicens. Completed in 1884, the house is a masterwork of ceramic artistry. And this is perhaps the main inspiration for Clementina.


For Clementina, the firm took ceramics as its point of departure and put it to joyful use on the facade and in the interior. The team collected used ceramics that would be easy to maintain and yet boasted high artisanal quality; they then glazed them in patterns that bore resemblance to tile work typical of the area.

办公空间,联合办公,建筑改造,Izaskun Chinchilla,国外办公室设计


Inside the space, the walls and floors are given over to expressive floral and geometric motifs – patterns that bloom and erode in a deconstructed assemblage – and the furniture incorporates a whimsical aesthetic.

办公空间,联合办公,建筑改造,Izaskun Chinchilla,国外办公室设计

办公空间,联合办公,建筑改造,Izaskun Chinchilla,国外办公室设计

办公空间,联合办公,建筑改造,Izaskun Chinchilla,国外办公室设计

项目名称:Clementina co-working space
设计公司:Izaskun Chinchilla

