比利时烹饪二人组Gert De Mangeleer和Joachim Boudens在2018年底关闭米其林三星级餐厅Hertog Jan之后,将他们更休闲的餐厅L.E.S.S带到了新的高度,室内空间由Another Office的Tommy Van den Brandt设计。

After closing their 3 Michelin-star restaurant Hertog Jan at the end of 2018, Belgian culinary duo Gert De Mangeleer and Joachim Boudens have taken their more casual eatery L.E.S.S to new heights, with a new location and interior by Tommy Van den Brandt of Another Office.


Standing for Love, Eat, Share, Smile, L.E.S.S is globally inspired with a menu meant to share. Dishes are bold and diverse, ranging from Peruvian ceviche to dim sum from Hong Kong, so the interiors serve as a mellow, gentle backdrop.

餐饮空间,国外餐厅设计,比利时,Another Office

餐饮空间,国外餐厅设计,比利时,Another Office

范·登·勃兰特(Van den Brandt)在空间采用粗野主义的设计方法,并以温暖的物质性为灵感。比利时设计师Christopher Gevers1959年设计的TBA椅子专门为L.E.S.S重新投入生产,皮革和不锈钢设计的桌子和酒吧座椅的组合直接可以看到开放式厨房。

Van den Brandt took a brutalist approach tempered by warm materiality. Belgian designer Christopher Gevers’ iconic 1959 TBA chair was brought back into production specifically for L.E.S.S, the leather and stainless steel design flanking tables and bar seats with a view directly to the open kitchen.

餐饮空间,国外餐厅设计,比利时,Another Office

餐饮空间,国外餐厅设计,比利时,Another Office

餐饮空间,国外餐厅设计,比利时,Another Office

餐饮空间,国外餐厅设计,比利时,Another Office


An atrium-style veranda seating area with a sloped skylight roof floods the interior with plenty of natural light, a welcome contrast to the austerity of the dark stained paddock timber that clads the exterior. Specially reinforced glass shields from cold weather.

餐饮空间,国外餐厅设计,比利时,Another Office

餐饮空间,国外餐厅设计,比利时,Another Office

餐饮空间,国外餐厅设计,比利时,Another Office

餐饮空间,国外餐厅设计,比利时,Another Office

餐饮空间,国外餐厅设计,比利时,Another Office

设计公司:Another Office
摄影:Senne Van der Ven

